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Appalachian Pagan Alliance's May 2005 newsletter

Editress Ginger Strivelli

Beth and Ginger have finally come down from their 
trip to Egypt and stopped spamming the APA’s 
yahoogroup with photos of their trip, daily, at least.

As usual we held our APA May Day celebration
At lake Julian, danced the maypole, did our blessings
Of the seeds ritual and had a great time visiting with 
Friends we too often only see in cyber space.

 The Merry Month of May
By Lady Brighid, Beltane 2005

Here is the merry month of May
Winter's dark and chill, at last away
The fresh young Maiden and Her King
Will bless all growth, bless everything.
As the lovely Maiden, crowned in flowers
meets Her King in sweet green bowers
Our feet rest bare upon warm Earth
to feel the fruitful Spring give birth.
Now in the merry month of May
Light has returned, Dark chased away
The time for growth and warmth is here
we thank the Gods, our hearts sincere.
The world now blooms as does the Bride
Her fertile King she'll dance beside
around this pole of magick, dance
til all of nature shares our trance.
So begins the merry month of May
we welcome sunny, fruitful days
our seeds be blessed, our efforts touched
By our Lady and Lord who give us much.
Celebrate this merry month of May
take up a crown of flowers gay
barefoot 'round this Maypole we dance and reel
to mark this turning of the Wheel.

Date: May 19th, 2005 
From: North Carolina-Pagan Unity Campaign (NC-PUC) 
Subject: PUC's Summer Solstice "I Am..."Campaign 

On June 21, 2005 PUC will launch our 5th annual "I Am" campaign. 
We invite everyone to stand up to be counted in the I Am campaign to 
help promote religious diversity and tolerance here in Lady Liberty's 
great land. 
It is as easy as ABC. 
We ask that all Pagans send post cards sent to their elected 
officials stating "I am a Pagan ______." (i.e. "I am a Pagan mother," 
"I am a Pagan Nurse," "I am a Pagan Soldier," or "I am a Pagan 
teacher," etc.) 

Together we all can make a difference and remind our elected! 
Officials that we support religious diversity and expect them to do 
the same, because our votes count the same. 

Please add "Pagan Unity Campaign" after your signature, and we 
encourage you to put your full name and address in the return address 
field but, if you prefer not to, just make sure you put your zip 
code. It is very important that your elected officials know that you 
are from their district. Too many of them think Pagans are just a few 
strange outsiders living 'somewhere else.' They need to be educated 
that Pagans are indeed the people in your neighborhood, the people 
that you meet each day. Our leaders need to see our great numbers, so 
the more cards we can send to Washington, 
DC this Summer Solstice, the better. 
Let's give them plenty of post cards to count and count and count! 

So Vote it be! 

The Addresses you’ll need for your North Carolina Senators 
and Representative as well as the President of the USA 
are included below for your convenience.

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500 

Senator Richard Burr

Senator Elizabeth Dole

Congressman Charles Taylor
231 Cannon House Office Building 
Washington, DC 20515-3311 

Congressman  G. K. Butterfield 
413 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Congressman Howard Coble
2468 Rayburn House Office Building 
Washington, DC 20515-3306 

Congressman Bob Etheridge 
1533 Longworth House Office Building 
Washington, D.C. 20515 

Congresswoman Virginia Foxx
503 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Congressman Robin Hayes
130 Cannon House Office Bldg
Washington, D.C. 20515

Congressman Walter Jones
422 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC 20515

Congressman Patrick McHenry
224 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Congressman Mike McIntyre
2437 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Congressman Brad Miller
1722 Longworth Building
Washington, DC 20515

Congresswoman Sue Myrick
230 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Congressman David Price
2162 Rayburn House Office Building 
Washington, DC 20515 

Congressman Mel Watt
2236 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC  20515

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