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From: Diotima Mantineia
Date: Tue Apr 3, 2001 3:59pm
Subject: Announcing CERES!

We are excited to announce the formation of the Coalition of Earth Religions for Education and Support--CERES. Named for the Greek Goddess of Grain and Mother of the Eleusian Mysteries, CERES has been created to encourage networking among the WNC Pagan community, to coordinate social services for Pagans in need and to provide a way for those interested in earth-based religions to find our community.

We plan to implement these goals by sponsoring fund-raising events, including coffeehouses, concerts and psychic fairs, that will serve as networking events for the community while raising money for CERES' food pantry, clothes closet and emergency fund.

CERES is a 501(c)(3) faith-based organization, and so should be eligible for government funding should the current initiative of the Bush administration become law. Our non-profit status is effective immediately, as CERES is a branch association member of Free Spirit Alliance, a 15-year-old non-profit charitable organization based in Maryland. More information about Free Spirit Alliance can be found at

CERES organizing trustees are familiar names in the WNC Pagan community:
Terri Baird of Notre Dame de l'Herbe Mouillee,
H. Byron Ballard of the MotherSongs Project,
Wendy Kayla Bucke of Notre Dame,
Cheri Henderson of the Willful Harpies and
Diotima Mantineia of Free Spirit Alliance and The Witches' Voice.

Our dream is to see the community come together to help each other and to help educate the wider community about our religions. We invite you to join us for an informational get-acquainted meeting on Wednesday, April 25th at 7 pm at the French Broad Co-op's Movement and Education Center (upstairs at the Co-op). Come have a cup of tea and help us plan the future of CERES!

Blessed be!

For more information contact Diotima Mantineia at or 828-230-8554.

Diotima Mantineia
The Witches' Voice

For more information on this goddess, visit The Encyclopedia Mythica. Literature on this goddess includes The Roman Goddess Ceres By Barbette Stanley Spaeth available at The University of Texas Press.

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