fiction in miscellaneous fandoms

The A-Team

| Prolog | Soft Words In The Night |

Battlestar Gallactica

| Ambushed By A Pair of Green Eyes |


| Silk, Silk, Silk |


| Drop The Soap |


| Vision In Green |

From Eroica With Love

| The Next Time They Met |

The Green Hornet

| Insomnia |

Hardy Boys

| In All Ways |

Houston Knights

| First Weekend Off |

Inspector Morse

| Carpe Diem |

Justice League Cartoon

| Six Seconds |

Law & Order

| After Mayhem |

Once A Thief

| Work With Me |

Pirates Of The Caribbean

| His Place |

Twin Peaks

| Twin Peaks a la Steroids |


| All Work and No Play |

West Wing

| Spring Break | Commerce Report |

Star Wars

| Consort Of A Jedi | Leia's Vigil |

Without A Trace

| A Really Rotten Day |

The X-Files

| After Ground Zero |
