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Teen Love

Now: 2005
One of my Speaches
Facts about SEX
A Song by Jaci Velasquez
More Info on SEX
The First Nine Months
My Sunshine (picture)
Thank You!
Daily Devotional
NEW (November 4, 2000)

If you have any question about sex or birth control or whatever, email me and ask. I might not have the answers but I will find them for you. Also if you are going through some tough times, need advise or a friend to listen, email me.

One of the Facts about SEX::Sperm are not only released at orgasm. Men produce an average of 50 million sperm a day. Sperm can be found in lubricating fluids during arousal. If any contact is made in the vaginal area, it is very possible that she could become pregnant. BY the time the condom is used it may already be too late.

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