Washer Woman

Down in the valley where nobody goes
There's a wishy washy washer woman
Washin' her clothes
She goes ooh ahooh ahooh ahooh ah
That's how the wishy washy washer woman washes her clothes

Down in the valley where nobody goes
There's a wishy washy washer woman
Dryin' her clothes
She goes sh hash hash hash ha
That's how the wishy washy washer woman dries her clothes

Down in the valley where nobody goes
There's a wishy washy washer woman
Foldin' her clothes
She goes (clap) (clap)(clap) (clap)(clap) (clap)(clap) (clap)
That's how the wishy washy washer woman folds her clothes

Down in the valley where nobody goes
There's a wishy washy washer woman
Eatin' Oreos
She goes dunk gulpdunk gulpdunk gulpdunk gulp
That's how the wishy washy washer woman eats Oreos

Down in the valley where nobody goes
There's a wishy washy washer woman
Pickin' her nose
She goes pick flickpick flickpick flickpick flick
That's how the wishy washy washer woman picks her nose
