Taming the Tongue Bible Study

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This study is on taming the tongue. Its about a 6 week course and I will post each lesson on Saturday evenings or Sunday afternoons. I hope you enjoy this lesson.

Read James 3:1-12

1. What words did James use to describe the tongue in this passage?

2. Read verses 3-6
a) With what three illustrations does James use to compare the tongue?
b) Why is an untamed tongue like a forest fire?
c) According to this passage, where does the tongue find its origin?
d) Have you ever felt that your life had been set “on fire” because of your untamed tongue? Please pray about sharing this experience, in general, with the group.

3. Read verses 7-12
a) What discouraging phrase is found in this passage? What do you think James meant by this phrase?.
b) What two aspects of communication do we practice with our tongues?
c) Explain the illustrations used by James in verses 11 and 12.

Read Ephesians 4:29-31.
1. What do you think qualifies as unwholesome talk?

2. According to 4:30, what is the result of letting unwholesome talk come out of your mouth? How does knowing this make you feel?

3. List the ways that the ungodly characteristics from verse 31 spur the tongue on to unwholesomeness.

Read Matthew 12:34b-36; Romans 12:2; and Ephesians 4:22-24.

1. What two body parts are involved in the taming of our tongues, and under what conditions does God’s word say this taming will happen?


This is completely voluntary and will not necessarily be covered in class. It is, however, a great exercise in learning and understanding how seriously God takes the topic of taming the tongue. Don’t try to accomplish this this week, but work on it over the next…month. You’ll be both challenged and inspired by what the Holy Spirit reveals to you as you submit to His prompting.

Skim the book of Proverbs. Find and (if you don’t object to writing in your bibles) highlight or mark ALL the verses that you find pertaining to the tongue whether they are positive or negative.