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Version Larry - Punkadelic

OK, I’m listening to the CD right now. Cool rude guitar riffs and gritty rock/punk grooves. Those vocals are def like a cool 80-esque punk style. Cool. Satyr - Slugworth


Guitar riffs for the masses - Rev Ken


WHUS and I thank you for the CD! It rocks! I played it for Mike and he and I both agree it sounds *%&^ing mint! Nice and heavy! - Negative Ed (9th Wave and WHUS)


Hey Man!! Are You Alright??? We all know that the new VL CD "Less Than Zero" is great after a mountain bike ride... But did you know that it's also good after a Shakespeare play?? That's right... I recently (tonight) discovered that after seeing a rendition of Shakespeare's "As you like it" here in Philadelphia, and a couple of beers, that VL was THE apropos music listening adventure. - Paul of Philly


Better than a night of bad TV - Anthea


The band sounded good, I caught a buzz - Joe


I must say that these characters do write some ambitious tunes. By that I mean, they have a basic sound comparable to eightie's New Wave, even a little bit of Elvis Costello and Sonic Youth. Now sit back as they'll throw in a funky ass breakdown, or bluesy jam. All the while maintaining a good song structure. Too many bands seem to collapse under the weight of this kind of writing. Not Version Larry (or the upgrade, Version Larry 2.0) - Grimm - Amnesty Underground

Version Larry is a proud member of CONNcept - A coalition of original Connecticut Musicians

Remember: Without original music there wouldn't be any...Ludent (GNO)