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This occurred on Jan 16th, 2002 (Leyan, month of Lormesta …something or other…) as told by Rainne.

[Hearthstone, Front Porch] Airy and open, the porch is enclosed by smooth, freshly painted white modwir up to a height of about four feet. As you ponder the sky-blue color of the ceiling and a lacework of deep green ivy that crisscrosses the open space between posts, the hubbub of the world beyond quickly fades away. Rocking chairs of various sizes are an inviting sight, and an elegant marble arch provides a tantalizing view of the splendors inside the old manor. You also see the Aedrik disk, a wooden sign, the porch steps, an elegant green marble arch and a doorman. Also here: Bezel who is seated, Aedrik, Anma who is seated, Lanceus who is seated, Spiked, Lord Geiddian who is seated, Lithor, Leafstrike who is seated, Sage Mignon who is seated Obvious paths: none.

You recite: "Alrighty, one or two of you already may have heard my story called the Pink Kobold"

Mignon raises an eyebrow.

Spiked cowers.

Lanceus chuckles.

Bezel looks over at you and shakes her head.

Bezel turns an inquisitive ear towards you.

You recite: "This feature stars Spiked as himself... and Aedrik as the pink kobold!"

Leafstrike leans forward and rests his chin in his hand, a thoughtful expression on his face.

You applaud.

Mignon lets out a cheer!

Spiked bows.

Aedrik mutters under his breath.

Bezel applauds Spiked.

You thump Aedrik!

Aedrik winces.

Anma grins.

Bezel applauds Aedrik.

Bezel applauds you.

(Rainne pushes on Spiked to make him sit down)

(Rainne whispers to Spiked, get a lockpick out.)

Bezel glances at Spiked.

Spiked sits down.

Spiked removes a steel lockpick from in his spidersilk cloak.

Bezel snickers.

You wink at Spiked.

Spiked raises his steel lockpick skyward!

You recite: "One day, Spiked was sitting in the park, picking boxes for many people..."

Geiddian clasps his hand over his mouth.

(Spiked settles into the difficult task of picking the lock on an iron bound coffer.)

Bezel glances at Spiked.

Geiddian exclaims, "I'm being good!"

Geiddian nods.

You recite: "One person forgot his tip, so he asked Spiked if he could follow him to his barn to pay."

Bezel mutters something about the-competition..

Mignon grins at Geiddian.

Spiked scratches his head.

You try to pull Spiked to his feet, but he is too heavy.

You pull Spiked to his feet.

You pant.

Bezel gives Spiked a little prod between the shoulder blades.

Geiddian says, "use smaller puppets"

(Rainne pushes Spiked across the room over to Aedrik.)

Geiddian nods to you.

Geiddian says, "oops"

Geiddian clasps his hand over his mouth.

Mignon says, "But he's so lifelike."

Mignon winks at Geiddian.

(Spiked swaggers towards Aedrik.)

Aedrik idly picks at a claidhmore.

Bezel grins at Mignon.

Anma chuckles.

You recite: "So Spiked folowed the man over to his barn, where they proceeded to shovel a hug pile of hay"

(Rainne bends Spiked over, making him mimic shoveling)

Aedrik blinks.

(Spiked finds a pitchfork in his hands all of a sudden, and shovels with full gusto.)

You beam at Spiked.

Mignon grins.

Anma giggles.

Bezel snickers.

You recite: "When they reach the bottom, they find a trapdoor."

Bezel beams!

(Spiked tilts his head at the trap door.)

Spiked asks, "Wot's this?"

You recite: "The gentlemen opens the trapdoor, and they head down the stairs to a hallway with a pink light at the end"

Geiddian ponders.

Geiddian says, "this is going to end badly"

Bezel glances at Aedrik.

Geiddian says, "poor Spiked"

(Spiked mimes marching down the stairs, towards the pink light.)

Spiked nods to Geiddian.

You recite: "At the end of the hallway, Spiked sees a cage with a pink kobold locked inside"

(Aedrik radiates pink light. yay me)

Spiked blinks.

Geiddian laughs!

Mignon grins at Aedrik.

Anma chuckles.

Spiked rubs his eyes.

(Spiked peers curiously at the odd cage.)

(Aedrik bats his cute lil pink kobold eyelashes)

Mignon snickers.

Bezel snickers.

Leafstrike chuckles.

Spiked asks, "Wot 'ave we 'ere. reckon I've never seen a pink kobold before?"

Spiked scratches his head.

Aedrik blinks.

Aedrik stares at Spiked.

(Spiked reaches out a hand towards the pink kobold, but hesistates just short of touching the beastie.)

(Rainne grabs Spiked's hands away yelling, Nonono, dont touch, whatever you do, dont touch it!)

Aedrik begins to twitch.

You grin at Aedrik.

Anma giggles.

Aedrik blinks.

You recite: "So the farmer leads Spiked away from the kobold and out the farm"

Geiddian snickers.

(Rainne pulls Spiked away from Aedrik.)

Aedrik waves a hand at Spiked, dismissing him indifferently.

You recite: "Well, of course you know dark elves... they never listen"

(Spiked glances back over his shoulder at the little pink kobold fading into the distance behind him.)

You wave your hand in a dismissive gesture.

Geiddian laughs!

Anma laughs!

Mignon grins.

You recite: "So Spiked decided to sneak back over to see the kobold alone"

Spiked exclaims, "Wot's this? I'm alone? Right! Time to see my wee beastie friend again!"

Spiked struts about.

Anma chuckles.

You recite: "So after much shoveling, he approaches the kobold's cage and picks open the lock."

(Aedrik bats his cute lil pink kobold eyelashes yet again.)

Aedrik flirts with Spiked.

You glance at Aedrik.

Anma grins.

Spiked shuffles his feet.

Mignon gulps.

Aedrik paces back and forth.

(Spiked makes his way back to the cage, watching the pink kobold with interest.)

Spiked rubs his chin thoughtfully.

(Aedrik edges close to Spiked.)

Spiked says, "You look like a right nice little pet."

Spiked nods to Aedrik.

Aedrik nods.

Aedrik blinks.

You try hard not to grin.

(Spiked reaches out to bet the kobold.)

Spiked coughs.

Aedrik nods.

Aedrik nods.

(Spiked reaches out to pet the kobold.)

You recite: "So Spiked reaches out... and TOUCHES the kobold!"

Anma gasps.

Aedrik lets out a curious sounding grunt.

Leafstrike's jaw drops.

Aedrik snarls menacingly!

Aedrik growls ferociously!

Spiked just touched Aedrik.

Mignon blinks.

Aedrik throws his head back and howls!

Aedrik hurls himself at Spiked and connects with a weak grip. MS: +53 - MD: +9 + MAvA: 0 + d100: +50 == +94 Failed! Aedrik fails to bring Spiked down, but manages to scramble back to his feet.

Leafstrike exclaims, "rip his arm off!"

Spiked gibbers incoherently.

Leafstrike gasps.

Bezel blinks.

Leafstrike clasps his hand over his mouth.

Anma begins chuckling at Leafstrike.

Lithor exclaims, "Bite his fingers off!"

Spiked asks, "Wot's that?"

You recite: "All of a sudden Aed... er the kobold turns real mean, eyes burn red, fangs drool, claws go sharp"

Spiked gulps.

Mignon shivers.

Spiked falls over.

Aedrik drools.

Anma cowers.

Aedrik drools.

Geiddian says, "much more dangerousn than Aedrik then"

Geiddian nods.

Aedrik growls ferociously!

Geiddian says, "oops"

Geiddian clasps his hand over his mouth.

Mignon grins at Geiddian.

(Spiked tries to scramble away from the kobold on his rear end.)

You recite: "Spiked quickly bolts out of the barn to safety..."

Aedrik nods to Geiddian.

Spiked sits up.

Spiked stands up.

(Rainne pulls Spiked across the porch.)

Aedrik breathes hard through his teeth.

(Spiked darts up the barn stairs with some grace and daring.)

Mignon grins.

Aedrik blinks.

Aedrik asks, "can I kill em now Rainne?"

You recite: "The next morning, Spiked wake up underneath the bridge near mine road"

Aedrik nods to you.

You try to roll Spiked over, but he isn't lying down.

You try to roll Spiked over, but he isn't lying down.

Spiked rubs his aching head)

You mutter lie.

Spiked exclaims, "Ow me' ead!"

Spiked gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

You mutter liedown.

Spiked lies down.

You try hard not to grin.

Anma giggles.

Mignon says, "Can't get good puppets these days."

Mignon winks at you.

Geiddian grins.

Anma smiles.

Aedrik grins.

(Spiked snores.)

You recite: "He turns his head to see the evil pink kobold hovering next to him"

(Aedrik hovers over Spiked.)

Mignon blinks.

Aedrik drools.

Spiked blinks at Aedrik.

Geiddian grins.

Anma shifts her weight, trembling slightly.

Aedrik growls ferociously!

Aedrik snarls menacingly!

Geiddian says, "Very light kobold, stiff wind"

Geiddian nods.

Mignon snickers.

Leafstrike says, "or lotta beans"

Leafstrike nods to Geiddian.

Aedrik winces.

Geiddian grins at Leafstrike.

You recite:"The kobold eyes burn the feiry reddest, snarling maniacly"

Aedrik throws his head back and howls!

You stare at nothing in particular.

Aedrik breathes hard through his teeth.

Spiked cowers.

Aedrik growls ferociously!

You say, "The kobold edges closer to Spiked..."

Mignon gulps.

Spiked gulps.

You recite: "And closer..."

(Aedrik edges closer.)

(Aedrik edges closer.)

Aedrik snarls menacingly!

Spiked flirts with Aedrik.

Aedrik winks at Spiked.

Aedrik says, "oh..."

Aedrik growls ferociously!

Mignon snickers.

Aedrik snarls menacingly!

Anma giggles.

Mignon clasps her hand over her mouth.

You recite:"The kobold reaches to Spiked with his clawed hand and..."

Aedrik snarls menacingly!

You nod to Aedrik.

Geiddian grins.

Aedrik just touched Spiked.

Aedrik exclaims, "Tag! yer it!"

Aedrik throws his head back and howls!

Mignon laughs!

You bow.

Geiddian chuckles.

Mignon applauds.

Anma rubs her eyes.

Mignon applauds.

You applaud Spiked.

Mignon applauds.

Geiddian applauds.

You applaud Aedrik.

Anma applauds.

Aedrik pulls Spiked to his feet.

Mignon exclaims, "That was wonderful!!"

Bezel lets out a cheer!

Spiked hugs you.

Spiked just hugged Aedrik.

Mignon chuckles.

Spiked laughs!

You say, "Thank you both"

Aedrik says, "wooooo woooooo"

You beam at Spiked.

You give Spiked a smooch.

Mignon exclaims, "Thank you all three!"

You give Aedrik a smooch.

You see some fitted sable body leathers, Expertly tanned leathers, dyed a rich sable hue paralleling the sky at midnight, has been fashioned into an elegant suit of body armor. The customized fit allows for freedom of movement, while a spidery pattern of silvery vaalin along the front, back and upper limbs adds a decorative flair. Embossed upon one shoulder is a small bright pink kobold, brushed with a sparkle of pink topaz dust. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.