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You offer your gilded vultite longsword to Rullyn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You lean softly against Rullyn.

Rullyn says, "oh neat, a new weapon"

Rullyn put a flame red gilded vultite longsword in his sylvan battle cloak.

Rullyn sits down.

You hear the voice of Rullyn say, "later everyone"

You exclaim, "Rullyn!"

You hear the voice of Rullyn say, "what"

You exclaim, "My weapon!"

You say, "make it glow and give it back"

You hear the voice of Rullyn exclaim, "you gave it to me!"

You hear the voice of Rullyn say, "oh you want it blessed"

You stamp your feet.

You nod.

A wave of power flows out of nowhere towards a flame red gilded vultite longsword. A brilliant white light wraps around the longsword for a moment and then quickly seeps into its surface leaving a soft white afterglow.

Rullyn offers you a flame red gilded vultite longsword. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

Rullyn says, "blessed"

You hug Rullyn, who wraps you in a warm embrace.

The constable yells, "Hey Firenzes, was he trying to teef your sword?"

You Ponder.

You glance at Rullyn.

You exclaim, "yes!"

You exclaim, "Arrest him!"

You hear the voice of Takesian exclaim, "Hey Townspeople, come beat Rullyn again!"

You snicker.

The constable yells, "Arrest him!! Ok, let me get the boys."

You hear someone cackle.

You waggle your fingers mystically at Rullyn!

You exclaim, "hehe!"

Rullyn yells, "is that something dwarves have in their mouths?"

Rullyn yells, "well if you want to arrest me, can I go on a killing spree first?"

Nishima glances at Rullyn.

Nishima gestures at Rullyn. CS: +207 - TD: +118 + CvA: -6 + d100: +37 - -5 == +125 Warding failed! A calm washes over Rullyn.

You look at Rullyn and shake your head.

Nishima says, "no."

Takesian glances at Rullyn.

Takesian yells, "Constable!"

The posse runs in and yells, "Hey, she got her sword back! Arrest her for lying!"

You exclaim, "nooooo!"

Nishima gawks at you.

Suddenly the town constable, supported by a sizeable posse, comes riding up! The constable says, "So dere ya are Firenzes! We've a warrant for yar arrest. Now come 'long quietly or we'll hang ya right where ya stand." With that, the deputies wrestle you to the ground, chain you and lift you onto a horse. The constable and the posse ride you back to the Constabulary. Arriving at the jail, he strips you of your possessions, opens a strong ironbound door and throws you bodily to the darkness within the door. "There thou wilt remain until the judge has words with thee!" he chortles gleefully.

With a dull thud and rattle of keys in a lock, the door closes and locks, leaving you trapped within.

[Wehnimer's, Jail Cell] Dirty walls surround you, and a metal-banded door blocks your only exit. From somewhere in the darkness you can hear the sound of a creature moving about. Obvious exits: none

You exclaim, "oh man!"

Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.

The feeling fades as quickly as it came.

You thrash around on the floor.

Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.

The feeling fades as quickly as it came.

A large guard opens the door and shouts, "Firenzes, you've been pardoned! Get your stuff and get out of here!"

You follow the guard through the door and shudder as you hear the door lock again behind you.

[Wehnimer's, Constabulary] The front room of the local constabulary contains the desk of the town constable, and a display case. The oaken floor is scuffed by countless feet dragged across it, obviously most reluctantly. Behind the desk is a weapon rack. A strong, ironbound door with a narrow, barred grate leads east. You also see the town constable (sitting), an important notice, the Constable's desk with the Firenzes box on it and a yellowed sign. Obvious exits: out

The town constable grumbles, and shuffles some papers on his desk.

You mumble something under your breath.

You move to kick the town constable.

The town constable turns quickly with fire in his eyes screaming, "I'll teach ya!"

A deputy wanders in, opens the display case and tacks up a new Firenzes wanted poster and then wanders out again.

With astonishing speed he slaps manacles about your wrists and drags you off to jail.

Arriving at the jail, he strips you of your possessions, opens a strong ironbound door and throws you bodily to the darkness within the door. "There thou wilt remain until the judge has words with thee!" he chortles gleefully.

With a dull thud and rattle of keys in a lock, the door closes and locks, leaving you trapped within.

[Wehnimer's, Jail Cell] Dirty walls surround you, and a metal-banded door blocks your only exit. From somewhere in the darkness you can hear the sound of a creature moving about. Obvious exits: none

You exclaim, "I knew I should not have that!"

You mumble something under your breath.

You exclaim, "let me out!"

You mumble something under your breath.

You tap your foot impatiently.

You tap your foot impatiently.

You say, "Gonna complain to the mayor about you.."

[Wehnimer's, Jail Cell] Dirty walls surround you, and a metal-banded door blocks your only exit. From somewhere in the darkness you can hear the sound of a creature moving about. Also here: Nishima (prone) Obvious exits: none

Nishima wails!

You give Nishima a quick little smooch.

Nishima exclaims, "He kicked me!"

Nishima wails!

The constable yells, "High Crimes against the state! Charge er!:

Nishima exclaims, "You kicked first!"

You exclaim, "I Kicked him!"

Nishima exclaims, "Ya!"

You exclaim, "Shush ole Man!"

Nishima exclaims, "Then he kicked me!"

Nishima stands up.

You laugh out loud!

A large guard opens the door and shouts, "Nishima, you've been pardoned! Get your stuff and get out of here!"

Nishima follows the guard through the door, which quickly slams shut and locks again.

You exclaim, "why her first!"

A large guard opens the door and shouts, "Firenzes, you've been pardoned! Get your stuff and get out of here!"

You follow the guard through the door and shudder as you hear the door lock again behind you.

[Town Square, Small Park] A small, shady park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bustling sounds of the square filtering through the passage to the north to animate the area despite its appearance of peace and serenity. You also see a rather large sign, the fiery red Cine disk, the Madden disk, the Skeyelar disk, a copper lockpick and a large trash can. Also here: Nishima, Cine (sitting), Lord Madden (sitting), Lady Skeyelar (sitting) Obvious paths: north, south, west

Nishima mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

You mumble something under your breath.

You exclaim, "I really think we got to vote in a new constable!"

You mumble something under your breath.

The constable wanders by and puts up a sign.

Nishima gawks at A rather large sign displaying a picture of local known criminals Firenzes and

Nishima. Armed and dangerous.

Nishima stamps her feet.

[Town Square, Small Park] A small, shady park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bustling sounds of the square filtering through the passage to the north to animate the area despite its appearance of peace and serenity. You also see the Nishima disk, the fiery red Firenzes disk, a rather large sign displaying a picture of local known criminals Firenzes and Nishima. Armed and dangerous, the fiery red Cine disk, the Madden disk, the Skeyelar disk, a copper lockpick and a large trash can. Also here: Nishima, Cine (sitting), Lord Madden (sitting), Lady Skeyelar (sitting) Obvious paths: north, south, west

Nishima exclaims, "evil!"

You gawk at the sign.

You do your best impression of a grizzly, scaring people for miles!

Nishima just tried to kick the sign!

Nishima whimpers.

Drencrom leans against a rather large sign displaying a picture of local known criminals Firenzes and Nishima.

Nishima growls ferociously!

The painter alters the sign a bit.

Drencrom taps a rather large sign displaying a picture of local known criminals Firenzes and Nishima.

The painter alters the sign a bit.

Nishima exclaims, "hey!"

[Town Square, Small Park] A small, shady park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bustling sounds of the square filtering through the passage to the north to animate the area despite its appearance of peace and serenity. You also see the Nishima disk, the fiery red Firenzes disk, a rather large sign displaying a picture of local known criminals Firenzes and Nishima wearing fake mustaches and horns, the fiery red Cine disk, the Madden disk, the Skeyelar disk, a copper lockpick and a large trash can. Also here: Caithris (sitting), Lerrys, Nishima, Cine (sitting), Lord Madden (sitting), Lady Skeyelar (sitting)

Obvious paths: north, south, west

Nishima stands in front of a rather large sign displaying a picture of local known criminals

Firenzes and Nishima wearing fake mustaches and horns.

You exclaim, "hey!"

Nishima lunges forth and ambushes an unsuspecting large sign mercilessly but to little effect.

You exclaim, "Kill the painter!"

Nishima barks wildly at a rather large sign displaying a picture of local known criminals Firenzes and Nishima wearing fake mustaches and horns!

Nishima launched a flare at a rather large sign displaying a picture of local known criminals

Firenzes and Nishima wearing fake mustaches and horns!

The large sign grows warm to the touch then quickly cools off.

You stub your toe trying to kick the sign!

Madden points at a rather large sign displaying a picture of local known criminals Firenzes and

Nishima wearing fake mustaches and horns.

Nishima wails!

You mumble something under your breath.

Polarmoon looks at a rather large sign displaying a picture of local known criminals Firenzes and

Nishima wearing fake mustaches and horns and cheers!

Nishima glares.

You hear your own faint thoughts echoing in your head: "' is there a way to hurt to The constable?"

You mumble something under your breath.

You hear the faint thoughts of Krystic echo in your mind: "yes"

Lerrys says, "must be very bad criminals to have merited such a sign"

You waggle your fingers mystically at Lerrys!

Lerrys's face turns slightly pale.

You snicker.

Lerrys asks, "is there a reward for your capture?"

Madden stands up.

Lerrys peers quizzically at you.

Nishima mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

Nishima stamps her feet.

You exclaim, "NO!"

You glare at Lerrys.

Aronsen just arrived, dragging the body of Takesian behind him.

You hear the ghostly voice of Takesian say, "Nice poster..."

You flail your arms about.

The ghostly laughter of Takesian echoes through the room, sending a shiver down your spine.

You blush a florid shade of crimson.

Lerrys says, "beware all, crimnals in our midst"

Nishima glances at Lerrys.

Nishima hunches up her shoulders and snarls menacingly at Lerrys!

Nishima stamps her feet.

Nishima just tried to kick the sign!

You mumble something under your breath.

Nishima exclaims, "no!"

The town tax collector wanders past and removes the sign, then taxes Firenzes for sign removal.

You have been awarded -31 silvers.

Takesian starts chuckling at you!

Your jaw drops.

You exclaim, "wait!"

Takesian says, "First you got arrested"

You exclaim, "why am I charged! Charge yer Constable there!"

Takesian says, "Then taxed"

Takesian shudders.

You mumble something under your breath.

You say, "that silver was going to buy me a coffee"

You mumble something under your breath.

The tax collector taxes Arsonsen for missing the blatently obvious tax.

You chuckle at Aronsen.

Aronsen mutters under his breath.

Aronsen rummages around in his pockets.

You laugh out loud!

Aronsen says, "dern taxes be gettin ridiculas"

Aronsen grunts in obvious annoyance.

Polarmoon says, "when you're in charge, you can make your own taxes...until with it"

You exclaim, "they should tax only the rich folk!"

Aronsen nods to Polarmoon.

You waggle your fingers mystically at Polarmoon!

Aronsen says, "I deffinately not rich, them other dwarves ran off with all me silvers"

You say, "Pain is rich. She should pay all our taxes"

Aronsen nods to you.