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[Nexus, Portal] Water seeps from the limestone walls, feeding the moss and lichen growing along the slick surfaces. A light draft drifts down the passage, bringing a faint musty odor and slight chill to the air. Stalactites form an uneven ceiling, releasing occasional drops of water onto the already slick floor. In the exact center of the room stands a large glowing portal. You also see the Jaysunn disk. Also here: Perrcie, Jaysunn, Juliane, Lady Caillet Obvious exits: south

Juliane says, "Maybe that's just a brawling place"

You wave.

Jaysunn waves to you.

Caillet gives you a quick little smooch.

Juliane hugs you.

You say, "ello all"

You give Caillet a friendly hug.

You hug Juliane.

Jaysunn says, "Hiya Phadeous"

Perrcie waggles his fingers mystically at you! Ooh! Scary!

Juliane grins.

You say, "well heres a crowd i havent seen in a while"

Juliane chuckles.

You say, "hi there... im Phadeous"

Caillet leans on Perrcie.

Jaysunn grins at you.

Juliane says, "I've been hiding under a rock"

Juliane nods.

Perrcie leans on Caillet, giving her a companionable grin.

Jaysunn says, "Me rock"

Caillet softly says, "I turned the rock over"

Jaysunn winks.

Caillet winks at Perrcie.

Juliane grins at Jaysunn.

Perrcie grins at Caillet.

Jaysunn gives Juliane a lingering kiss.

Juliane gives Jaysunn a lingering kiss.

You smile.

Juliane asks, "By the way, are you ever going to get around to askin me to marry you?"

Juliane stares at Jaysunn.

You chuckle.

Jaysunn raises an eyebrow.

Perrcie asks, "so what should the next adventure be?"

Caillet bites her lip.

Jaysunn coughs.

Caillet leans on Perrcie.

Caillet rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Juliane says, "Tis been nearly a year, I mean come on. Either ye know it by now or ye don't."

Juliane folds her arms over her chest, glancing at Jaysunn.

Jaysunn exclaims, " aye!"

Caillet softly says, "Well, since I dragged you to Solhaven, and got you arrested"

Caillet softly says, "I think it should be your choice"

Caillet folds her arms over her chest.

Caillet nods to Perrcie.

You say, "the next adventure will be watchin Jaysunn's head explode"

Jaysunn says, "Ye knows I love ye, lass"

Jaysunn gazes fondly at Juliane.

You grin.

Juliane says, "Mmmhmmm."

Caillet grins at you.

Jaysunn pulls Juliane closer to himself.

You lean on Caillet, giving her a companionable grin.

Caillet softly says, "I think we're about to see something here."

Perrcie nods to Caillet.

(Juliane glances at the bare spot on her left hand.)

Juliane glances at Jaysunn.

Caillet turns an inquisitive ear towards Jaysunn.

Jaysunn gibbers incoherently.

Juliane says, "Okay, I'll make you a deal."

Juliane nods to Jaysunn.

Jaysunn raises an eyebrow in Juliane's direction. You chuckle.

You furrow up your face and wince.

Caillet turns an inquisitive ear towards Juliane.

You rub Jaysunn gently.

Jaysunn moves to stand behind you.

You nod to Jaysunn.

Juliane says, "If you do not ask me to marry you in some fabulous, extremely romantic fashion by the time of our one year anniversary, then you will lose me. Forever."

Jaysunn shivers.

Juliane folds her arms over her chest.

Perrcie moves to stand in front of Jaysunn.

Jaysunn gawks at Juliane.

Caillet moves to stand behind Perrcie.

(Jaysunn is struck completely speechless.)

Caillet softly says, "You know"

Juliane says, "So you have two months to plan and prepare."

Caillet glances at Jaysunn.

Juliane nods to Jaysunn.

Jaysunn swoons.

Caillet softly says, "Most men would be grateful for knowing precisely where they stand"

Jaysunn fans himself.

Caillet nods to Jaysunn.

You nod to Caillet.

Caillet folds her arms over her chest.

Caillet winks at Juliane.

Jaysunn mutters need-air.

Caillet grins wickedly.

Juliane nods to Caillet.

Perrcie removes a silver-edged deep red bankbook from in his climbing pack.

Jaysunn fans himself.

Juliane grins slowly.

Perrcie opens the cover on his deep red bankbook.

Jaysunn moves to a kneeling position.

Perrcie studies his deep red bankbook for a moment.

Jaysunn stands up.

Juliane stares at Jaysunn.

(Caillet peeks over Perrcie's shoulder, spying his bankbook)

Jaysunn sways back and forth.

Caillet gestures at Jaysunn. Jaysunn begins to breathe more deeply.

Perrcie shows Caillet his deep red bankbook.

Juliane exclaims, "You BETTER not do that here, this is NOT romantic!"

Jaysunn gasps.

Juliane gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Jaysunn stares at Juliane.

Perrcie closes the cover on his deep red bankbook.

You chuckle.

Jaysunn says, "Dun think so"

Caillet glances at Juliane.

You lean on Jaysunn, giving him a companionable grin.

Caillet softly exclaims, "I think its very romantic here!"

Caillet gives Juliane a little prod between the shoulder blades.

Juliane says, "It's a freakin sewer, Caillet. "

Jaysunn says, "She jes a voyeur"

Juliane folds her arms over her chest.

Jaysunn nods.

Perrcie tickles Caillet as they grin at each other.

You say, "the garden at Eorgina's temple is romantic..."

grinYou grin.

Caillet grins at you.

Jaysunn says, "Trust me, I kin be romantic witout any help"

Caillet softly says, "I can't say I've ever been there"

Juliane says, "Fine, then Perrcie can propose to you now. Go ahead, Perrcie. Might as well get it over with, since everyone's expecting SOME kind of proposal tonight."

You say, "it really is..." Juliane mutters sewer.

You smile at Jaysunn.

Caillet blinks.

Juliane nods to Caillet.

Jaysunn bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.

Jaysunn says, "Ye tell em love"

Perrcie falls over.

Jaysunn folds his arms over his chest.

Caillet stares at Jaysunn.

Jaysunn begins chuckling at Perrcie!

You laugh out loud!

Polarmoon stumbles out of a portal looking a little disoriented.

Polarmoon put a portal ticket in his troll king hide backpack.

Polarmoon just went south.

Jaysunn yells, "Run, might be next!"

Juliane laughs!

Perrcie put a silver-edged deep red bankbook in his climbing pack.

Perrcie stands up.

Juliane says, "Well, love, bind them both and do the ceremony"

Juliane nods.

Jaysunn rubs Perrcie.

Juliane pokes Jaysunn in the ribs.

Jaysunn says, "Okee"

Jaysunn traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...

You laugh out loud!

Jaysunn gestures at Caillet. CS: +331 - TD: +99 + CvA: +12 + d100: +46 - -5 == +295 Warding failed! Caillet suddenly stops all movement.

Jaysunn traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...

Perrcie asks, "who wants to see my house?"

Jaysunn gestures at Perrcie. CS: +331 - TD: +198 + CvA: +2 + d100: +57 - -5 == +197 Warding failed! Perrcie suddenly stops all movement.

Caillet softly says, "Wait! "

Juliane says, "There."

Juliane says, "Go ahead"

Juliane nods to Jaysunn.

Caillet softly exclaims, "You were kidding I thought!"

(Juliane stands beside Caillet and plucks a rope of moss for a bouquet.)

Jaysunn says, "By Lormintra's word, I now pronounce ye husband an' wife!"

Jaysunn exclaims, "Tis done!"

Juliane exclaims, "Oh come on, you can do better than that!"

Caillet softly says, "Uhm"

Juliane pokes Jaysunn in the ribs.

You say, "that was like a jesh wedding"

Jaysunn coughs.

Juliane says, "Say all that love, honor and cherish stuff"

Juliane nods.

Jaysunn giggles.

Caillet softly asks, "Perrcie, shouldn't you like, SAY something here?"

You grin.

You say, "hes in shock"

Jaysunn exclaims, "I was tryin ta be brief in case da bind wore off!"

Perrcie exclaims, "I can't move!"

You nod to Caillet.

Jaysunn giggles.

Juliane exclaims, "Well speak fast, love!"

Caillet softly exclaims, "Bah!"

Juliane says, "I know you have a quicksilver tongue...from experience."

Perrcie exclaims, "run!"

Juliane grins slowly.

Perrcie comes back into focus.

You applaud.

Perrcie says, "and I still can't move"

Juliane says, "Phadeous, you answer for Perrcie, and I'll answer for Caillet"

You say, "congrats guys"

Juliane says, "Love, go ahead"

Jaysunn rubs a crystal amulet.

Caillet softly exclaims, "I can't move either!"

You nod.

Juliane nods to Jaysunn.

Perrcie begins to move again.

Juliane exclaims, "Ack!"

Jaysunn says, "Now ye both know dat ye should love, honor an' cherish each other"

Jaysunn traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...

Jaysunn gestures at Perrcie. CS: +331 - TD: +198 + CvA: +2 + d100: +70 - -5 == +210 Warding failed! Perrcie suddenly stops all movement.

Juliane nods to Jaysunn.

Juliane says, "Right right....get on wit' it"

Juliane nods to Jaysunn.

Jaysunn asks, "Now do ye Perrcie?"

Juliane pokes you in the ribs.

Juliane says, "Say yep"

Juliane nods to you.

Jaysunn asks, "Now do ye Caillet?"

Juliane says, "She does"

Juliane nods.

Caillet softly exclaims, "Wait, he didn't answer!"

Jaysunn says, "I heard it"

(Phadeous mumbles a bit as you hear Perrcie say "i do!")

Juliane nods to you.

Jaysunn lets out a cheer!

You beam!

Jaysunn says, "Congrats!!! On ta da honeymoon"

Juliane says, "Clerics never lie, that really was Perrcie"

Juliane exclaims, "Say man and wife, man and wife!"

Jaysunn exclaims, "Now yer officially man an wife!"

You nod.

Juliane lets out a cheer!

You applaud.

Juliane throws her head back and howls!

Caillet softly exclaims, "Wait wait! We get a say!"

Jaysunn applauds.

Juliane exclaims, "Congrats!"

Juliane hugs Caillet.

Juliane hugs Perrcie.

Caillet begins to move again.

(Phadeous tosses some rice.)

Jaysunn looks over at Caillet and shakes his head.

Caillet flails her arms about.

Jaysunn traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...

Juliane exclaims, "Let me announce it on tha net!"

Caillet stamps her feet at Jaysunn!

Jaysunn gestures at Caillet. CS: +331 - TD: +99 + CvA: +12 + d100: +57 - -5 == +306 Warding failed! Caillet suddenly stops all movement.

Juliane rubs a crystal amulet. Juliane gets an odd look on her face.

Jaysunn traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...

Jaysunn gestures at Caillet. CS: +331 - TD: +99 + CvA: +12 + d100: +41 - -5 == +290 Warding failed! A pall of silence settles over Caillet. Your hypnotic gesture makes your mind receptive to the thoughts of others. You feel their distant, comforting presence.

Jaysunn traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...

Jaysunn gestures at Perrcie. CS: +331 - TD: +198 + CvA: +2 + d100: +57 - -5 == +197 Warding failed! A pall of silence settles over Perrcie.

Jaysunn nods.

You hear the faint thoughts of Juliane echo in your mind: "Jaysunn just married Caillet and Perrcie! Congrats to the newlyweds!" You try hard not to grin.

Juliane exclaims, "There, it's on the net for everyone to hear!"

Juliane lets out a cheer!

Perrcie begins to move again.

You nod.

Jaysunn exclaims, "Now ye git a say...if'n either o' ye object ta dis weddin speak now!"

Juliane beams happily at Perrcie!

Jaysunn giggles.

Juliane beams happily at Jaysunn!

You laugh out loud!

Juliane hugs Caillet.

Juliane hugs Perrcie.

You notice Perrcie move his lips, but hear nothing.

You shake hands with Perrcie.

Juliane exclaims, "See, he said it!"

You say, "congrats"

Jaysunn says, "Yer both witnesses dat dey nae said nuttin'"

You hug Caillet.

You sniff.

You say, "that was beautiful"

Juliane exclaims, "You got married before I did! You lucky lass!"

Jaysunn smirks.

Juliane exclaims, "It was really lovely, and I'm so happy for you both!"

Juliane beams!

Juliane leans softly against Jaysunn.

You nod to Juliane.

Jaysunn says, "Nice ta see two good friends so happy."

Jaysunn nods.

You hear the faint thoughts of Caillet echo in your mind: "Help?"

Juliane says, "Yep, Phadeous and I both witnessed it, they had no objections. Truly a great night"

You say, "good work..."

You give Jaysunn a firm handshake.

Perrcie grabs Caillet's hand.

You hear the faint thoughts of Juliane echo in your mind: "Shaddup, ya old married woman, and get ready for your honeymoon!"

Jaysunn shakes your hand.

Jaysunn laughs!

You hear the faint thoughts of Aoeki echo in your mind: "It's probably not legal."

Perrcie grabs Caillet's hand.

Perrcie just went south.

Perrcie just arrived.

Jaysunn says, "He's in a hurry fer da honeymoon"

The pall of silence leaves Perrcie.

Jaysunn snickers.

You say, "i dont think we need to help with the honeymoon."

You hear the faint thoughts of Juliane echo in your mind: "It was legal, Phadeous and I both witnessed it."

You shake your head.

Perrcie lets out a flaming volley of invective that makes your ears burn.

Jaysunn smiles at Perrcie.

Juliane says, "Stop stuttering, love"

Juliane rubs Jaysunn tenderly.

You hear the faint thoughts of Petalwing echo in your mind: "why wouldn't be legal? as long as they wanted it!"

Jaysunn says, "I jes be so overcome wit joy..."

Juliane beams happily at Jaysunn!

Juliane exclaims, "We should go rent the wedding tent for a reception!"

You nod to Juliane.

Jaysunn nods to Juliane.

You say, "or we could goto silvergate"

Juliane asks, "So, how does it feel to be an old married couple?"

Caillet begins to move again.

Juliane grins at Perrcie.

Caillet flails her arms about.

The pall of silence leaves Caillet.

Caillet tries to pull Perrcie towards her.

Perrcie says, "yikes"

Caillet softly exclaims, "Get us out of here!"

Perrcie clasps Caillet's hand tenderly.

Perrcie's group just went south.

You say, "i think thier gonna go consumate now"

You nod.

You hear the faint thoughts of Juliane echo in your mind: "Awww, so eager to be on the honeymoon! Perrcie, be gentle with her!" You hear the faint thoughts of Brigit echo in your mind: "Are they happy couple so stunned they can't share our thoughts or have they already gone on honeymoon?" You hear the faint thoughts of Juliane echo in your mind: "They were just stunned, Brigit, with joy!"

You hear your own faint thoughts echoing in your head: "thier busy right now..."

You hear the faint thoughts of Aoeki echo in your mind: "They're probably stunned and bound."

You chuckle.

You hear the faint thoughts of Petalwing echo in your mind: "as they should be!"

You say, "this has been a very momentous night"

You hear the faint thoughts of Petalwing echo in your mind: "busy i mean..."

Jaysunn nods to you.

Jaysunn giggles.

You say, "they need to get rings"

You nod.

You hear the faint thoughts of Juliane echo in your mind: "They ran away right after the ceremony, off to find the perfect cottage for a honeymoon retreat"

Jaysunn exclaims, "Aye!"

You hear the faint thoughts of Jaysunn echo in your mind: "Mebbe ta find rings..."

You focus on projecting your thoughts... Round time: 5 seconds. You hear your own faint thoughts echoing in your head: "i love small ceremonies"

Juliane nods to you.