Nonexistance does not exist anymore. . .

Well, it was a good run while it lasted, and obviously it took a turn for the worst. Due to the hideous guestbook, we got so hurt that we decided that our band wouldn't function properly anymore. Cheney has decided to join a Swedish Death Metal band, Steve-O is going the way of the G-Thug by making a rap album (he rapped for me last week), Eric disappeared, and Sam died on his way to the port-o-john. I'm left to sort out the dust and say that I'm taking my benefits elsewhere. I've decided to team up with Eggmaster and MJ to make a blues band with reggae influence and country twang. We're gonna be called Beyond Help and the website for that will be coming soon. The band took a downfall when people got the weekly vibe of bashing my girlfriend (why for, i'll never know, i'd assume that it's someone who was a former member, related to a former member, or knows a former member of the band, and obviously, i don't stoop down to the level of "asshole"), the fact that i play drums, the fact that we play music, we're not "punk" enough, we're not "cool" enough, we don't have "big hair", we don't like Anti-Flag, we don't like "people", we have "bad gas", we're a bunch of "hacks", we need to cover more "Casualties", we want to cover "AC/DC", we are "straight edge" (not Cheney, he's kinda slanty, mmmmmmmm,slantyyyy), and that we're ugly, U-G-L-Y we ain't got no alibi we ugly! *clap clap, clap* we ugly!. . . but yeah. . . I'll still leave the guestbook up for all of you to have one last whirl with. . . and more info about that band I'm starting with the MJ and the Eggmizaster, we're planning a tour with Slitheryn, and news from "T-Bone" is that they are going more "punk" and are gonna cover some Anti-Flag and they suggest we change our names to "Beyond Shit". . . just for the skinhead faction, they love us!. . . anyways. . . the band was deciding that going our separate ways is the best thing to do since we've got too much time on our hands. . . Nonexistance will always be remembered as the band that had Hertha with his AC/DC solos. . . and Eric with his raucous screaming mohawk of death. . . and of course, Matt Nallen, the ever-loving buttplug of society today, I speak of myself that way because that's all people think of me as, a controlling buttplug who whines and spends too much time with his girlfriend (which I don't understand because she loves coming to our practices nowadays). . . and to "asshole", she has her own site, you should harass her there instead of my guestbook, nobody cares about bad things said. . . buuuuuuuuuuuuuut sex. . . huh huh, i said buttsex. . . i would say that sometimes down the line, Cheney will come back to us after his stint in the band Cock Squatter Felches Napalm from Satan, and well. . . I think I've said too much. . . oh well. . . Nonexistance was cool while it lasted! Beyond Help will shit all over you muthafuckaaaazzzzzzz!!!! (I mean that in a bad way too, we're gonna suck it big)
Rest in Noise, Nonexistance
Left with no curtain call,
Matt Nallen (sucks cock)