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Hitch formed in Webster, MA in late 1996 between brothers Scott, Corie and Raendi Wagner when Corie was contacted by an organization concerned with awareness of domestic abuse. The organization was putting together a rally, hoping to book Tina Turner as a keynote speaker, and told Corie they needed a backup band so Turner could perform. Corie, a longtime drummer, threw together a project with his guitar player brothers and a bass player Raendi knew from his college in Boston. The band rehearsed covers, instrumentals, and a comprehensive Tina Turner back catalog. The event never happened, but the guys knew they had something there.

Bassist Chuck Reinhard decided he wanted to concentrate on lead vocals, so the band recruited childhood friend Doc Siddall to play bass, and Hitch was born. A scant 2 keg parties into their career, Reinhard left (or was booted, depending on who you ask) due to (at least in part,) musical differences.

Hitch honored a club date as a four-piece with Corie and Doc trading lead vocals, and started recruiting new singers, choosing a guy named "Spanky" from countless auditions in the summer of ’97. Spanky lasted about 4 weeks until he lost interest. "He just stopped showing up," said Raendi.

Hitch then recruited Phil Henderson from the Worcester karaoke scene and played clubs along the Worcester circuit until the guys learned that just because a singer can shine in a pizza place, it doesn’t necessarily translate to the rock stage.

Winter 1998 came with more auditions and the persistent Hitch found Chris "Cool Brew" Blanchard playing drums in a local classic rock cover band. Blanchard led the band through some high-profile shows at Worcester’s Palladium and the now closed Commercial Street Café among others until the performances suffered some high-profile flaws. Between regret and a new more rigorous rehearsal schedule, Blanchard left Hitch. (Again, depends on who you ask.)

Again without a frontman, Hitch decided to record their debut album. "It was about time," says Doc. "We were close to recording almost four times, and then had to regroup. We just had to do it." Much like that first club show, the new CD Hot Isotope features the vocals of Corie and Doc on original rock songs, and Raendi sharing the duties on the blooze-flavored Rock N’ Roll.

Hot Isotope is now available on Crazy Alice Records, with local and regional dates to follow, including their CD release party May 5th 2000 at Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner in Worcester.


Copyright 2000, CrazyAlice Productions.
Send correspondence to HitcH at
Thursday, October 26, 2000