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The Perfect Fan

Chapter One


"Did you girls enjoy the concert?" Brian came from behind us, coming from the dressing rooms he was the first one out.

"Of course we did it was awsome!" Sam was very shy so I guess it was my job to speak for her she just stood there and nodded.

"So are you feeling better Caitlin?" AH! He knew my name.

"Yeah I'm feeling better thanks." Nick came from behind Sam and stood next to her she didn't notice until the scent of his cologne became more notciable. He startled her because she sorta jumped.

"Sorry. Brian, me and the guys want to go for pizza so hurry up." He looked down at Sam. "Do you guys want to come?" she tried.

"Uhhh..." "Sure we'd love to." Brian smiled, so did Nick, he jumped up.

"Great let's go. I'm starved." He put his arm over Sam's shoulder and brought her out of the arena and onto the tour bus. Brian and I followed. Kevin joined us before we left the arena and we went out inot the parking lot where their tour bus was well hidden. I got on the tour bus, looking to wjere Sam had gone. It was sweet of Nick to make her feel comfortable, because the 2 of them were sitting on the couch chatting among each other like old friends needing to catch up on old times. I must have been staring for quite some time because I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned to face who it was. Kevin. I smiled.


"Are you going to stand there all day?"

"No I dont think so."

"Ok so come sit down." He pointed to a table with a booth. He sat down and I sat down across from him.

"This is all really great, thank you so much."

"Oh don't worry about, it's the least we could do for making you faint." I laughed.


"So have you been to a concert before?"

"Yes Sam and I were in New York the same time you guys were and California. But this is the first time seeing you in concert in our hometown."

"And ours. So you guys are from Florida?"

"Yes Tampa Bay."

"Oh really that's not to far from here."

"No it isn't that's why it was so great when we won."


"Yeah we won off of a radio station. That's why we were there so early and in the front."

"Oh sounds cool." AJ walked over to us him and Howie were the only 2 I hadn't met.

"Yeah AJ?"

"Sorry to interupt Kev but, you have a phone call."

"Excuse me Caitlin. I nodded as he got up from the table and walked over to another room. AJ took his place.

"You must be the lovely lady who fainted earlier this evening." He put his hand out and I shook it.

"That would be me."

"Did you enjoy the concert?"

"Yes it was amazing."

"Good." He smiled. He was very sexy in person. In our engrossed conversation I hadn't noticed that the bus had stopped. And Sam walked back on the bus, with Brian and Nick following behind with Pizza boxes. Brian grinned.

"Pizza's here!" Sam and Nick took there seat back onto the couch. They both ate quietly talking to each other not bothering with the rest of us. Howie had joined us flipping his cell phone up. We all sat around a circular table (except for Sam Nick and Kevin) I did feel however a little uncomfortable but Sam was only on the other side of the room. I talked mostly with AJ. But with Brian and Howie too. I heard Sam start to laugh and apparently her and Nick were fighting about nintentdo.

"Nick N64 is way better than Playstation." She lightly punched him in the arm.

"Your joking right?" He stared to tickle her, which is just about the worst thing he could do since she was the most tickelish person I knew.

"Ok....Fine....I Give!"

"That's better." She took a quick bite and put her plate down got up off the couch whispered something in Brian's ear and they both went inot another room. Nick looked hurt when she left and just sat there quietely watching the rest of us. Kevin came back in frm his phone call.

"Who was that?" AJ looked up from our conversation.

"Bri, who do you think it was?"

Kevin looked at the both of them. "It was Lisa she was just doing her daily check-up. Making sure I'm not falling in love with some one else. She said she should be back in 2 weeks." AJ rolled his eyes. It hurt to know that he had a girlfriend, that was enough but to know that she didn't trust him was too much!

"Is there anymore pizza left?" I put the last slice on a plate and gave it to Kevin.

"That's the last slice."

"Thanks." Than I heard Sam laugh and so did Nick because he looked at us than at the doorway back at us and jumped to his feet running towards the doorway. Everyone laughed and watched him silently. He walked up to the door way and was just about ready to scare the 2.

"Yo Bri don't think about it we saw you before." He grinned and leaned in the doorway.

"Hey Sam how come you didn't ask me to play??"

"Because you said you liked Playstatin better."

"Well maybe if I knew I was going to play with you it would have been different." I knew Sam blushed.

"Come on we'll start the game over, is that ok Brian?"

"Of course it is." And than Nick disappeared into the next room.

"So Caitlin, what are you major in?"

"Well actually Kevin I finished college."

"Oh really sorry I..."

"It's ok yeah I finished when I was 22 I went early but didn't go for the full 4 years but still successfully am proud of everything that I've accomplished."

"Oh so than what do you do for a living?" "I own an art gallery, in Tampa."

Howie cut in. "Really that's very cool." "Yeah I guess so."

Then it was AJ's turn cut in. "That's phat do you think I could stop by one day?"

"Be my guest. But Sam is still in school."

"Oh are you 2 sisters?" Howie asked taking a sip of soda. "No her parents died in a car crash, but I have legal custody over her. We were very good friends before it happened. After all the legal stuff, we are doing ok. I t was actually Sam who introduced me to you guys, or I should say your music. After her parents died she listened to you guys all the time. You made her feel better I thank you for that."

They all looked at me. "Uh...we get that a lot but I think this is the first time I'm speechless."

"Thanks Kevin." After we talked about the sad stuff we got on with different stuff. Than I heard Sam Laughing.


We all went into the next room to see what all the comotion was about. Brian and Nick were sitting on the floor with their heads shaking and Sam was dancing around.

"she beat me! No one has ever beaten me in this game not even Brian, but Sam beat me!" She smiled, then sat down next to him and gave him a hug.

"Don't worry Nick I won't tell anyone." She looked at him and grinned and so did he.


"OK." "Let's raise the stakes Sammy what do you say?"

"Sure." "If I win you give me your number."

"And if I win?"

"I give you mine."

"Hell I win either way your on!" They reset the game but I did have to cut in.

"Not so fast Sam. Does anyone have the time??"

Nick looked at his watch.

"Yeah it's only 11:55"

"Only 11:55, only 11:55? Sam you have school tomorrow and you can't miss it."

"Aw come on!"

"Sam only good little girls who go to school get to come out and play." She rolled her eyes at Nick.

"Fine than on the way home we'll play."

"You got it. Just tell me where ya live and we'll drop you off."

"Wait Nick. Caitlin left her car at the arena just drop us off there."

"You got it." He ran to the other end of the bus to the bus driver and than ran back.

"OK all set let's go!" They sat down and started playing again. "I guess I'm not playing this one."

"Aw does Brian feel left out?" he nodded his head and moped his way over to me and put his head on my shoulder and pretended to sob. I patted his back and we sat down on the couch and watched Nick and Sam play their game.The bus came to a stop just as the game ended. Sam shoot up in the air and started dancing in a circle.

"I won again uh huh oh yeah uh huh oh yeah. Face Nick you can't beat me." He grabbed her by the waist and into his lap and started tickeling her.

"C'mon guys let's go." I tried getting the two apart, that didn't seem to be happeneing.

"C'mon!!!!" they both stopped and AJ looked at me.

"That's how you gotta do it." I smiled

"Thanks." they both got up . Me and the rest of the guys filed off the bus, and said our good byes I hugged Howie first.

"IT was a pleasure meeting you Caitlin, thanks for coming."

Than Brian. "Thanks for coming nice meeting you all good things hafta come to an end."

"Yeah" I hugged him and than AJ.

"Thanks Babe I enjoyed tonight I haven't had this much fun in a long time."

Than ::sigh:: Keivn. I hugged him tightly breathed in his scent knowing that I'd never be this close to him again.

"BYe Caitlin." I got teary eyed but blinked them away. When I pulled away from Kevin, we looked at each other. AJ broke the silence.

"Should you give us your phone number or something so we can get in touch again?" Kevin was the next to speak.

"Yeah I think that would be a good idea." the other guys shrugged and I scribbled my number on a piece of paper handing it to Kevin.


"Hey don't I get a copy."

"Why AJ can't you share?" He shrugged and we waited again. This time the silence was broken by Sam she shoot out form behind the bus like a bullet with Nick not too far behind. He chased her around the parking lot for 5 minutes and than we final'y got them settled down. "Well I guess this is good-bye." Nick looked down at Sam, whose eyes were filled with tears. A tear rolled down her cheek as he gave her a small piece of paper that she tucked into her jeans pocket. "Don't be afraid to call. Believe me I'll have time to talk ok?" she nodded and he hugged her. I know that she so badly didn't want to let go but did anyways he wiped away her tear.

"Bye Nick." she whispered quietly as he walked her over to the car.

"Call me ok?" she nodded and waved to the other guys before getting into the car and slamming the door. I waved bye again

"Thanks again you guys this is a night we'll never forget." "BYE." they all said together and I got into my car and we drove home.



Chapter 2