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Church Quotes!

"I just had like 30 pounds of butt on me!"

"Leah on me! wait..."

Q: Antidisunexderedificationally, or something like that... do you have it?
A: Oh you just need something with an ash tone.

"Seated high abooove, you are the one we loooove."


"Definitely, not maybe, but definitely."

"You're a wreath... Aretha Franklin!"


"Remember the time when I really needed to talk to someone, but he blocked me and I'm afraid to call because he'll definitely hang up on me. Leave me messages cuz you know you love me!"

"Michael is asking Adam and Andy to play volleyball aka I'll be there."

"Can I help you?"
"Yes... can I have a double-"
"I wasn't talking to you."

"I haven't seen him online in awhile... wait that's because I blocked him."

"Ohh, I thought he was in a weird 'you looked sexy in that shirt' mood."

"People tell me I repeat myself a lot... People tell me I repeat myself a lot..."

"It rally is..."

"If Siobhan starts talking about her 'China' today, just don't worry..."

"Excuse me... I was just wondering...I was just wondering are you going to Excel this year?"

"No, you're not supposed to love your brother as yourself..."

"You inspire me to think of such important and deep why are airplane jet trails different sizes?"

"Seriously, how many people does it take to make muffins? You pour the ingredients into the bowl and mix it. And then you put it into the oven and wait. What are they doing this whole time?"

"Am I sexual?"

"No, MINE is jerkface, YOURS is freako."

"He has like deep thoughts and I'm like 'hahaha Backstreet Boys'."

"Chris, don't worry. You're coming to college with me. I'm going to find a miniaturizing gun and shrink you. I'll sit you on my dresser and you'll be there."

"My little monkey!"

"My buddy my buddy... my buddy and me!"

"Feel the volley ball net... it feels like peanut butter. Trust me!"

"Jesus may love you, but I think that you're an idiot."

"Sex is like doing dishes...better when done by hand"

"See how that would be helping out someone who just doesn't want to be my friend right now? I mean... I know it's the good thing to do, but sometimes people make the wrong decisions!"

"Call me an inside-out oreo all you want, but you know that you all want to be black like me."

"I'm an honorary black person."

"Ok... that's not stalking, that's loving."

"Knock, Knock"
"You're supposed to say 'Who's there?'"

"You think I'm gorgeous, You want to date me, You want to loooooove me."

"Yeah hi... it's me again."

"There's a new 'Hate Amanda' list going around... where can I sign up?"

"It looks like Ta-heakin-friti!"

"I got some major DDHF-ing going on right now!"

"Well... I have a guy."
"Yeah? Well, I can have two guys if I want."

"Alright, one more toe cracking and I'm outta here!"

"How can you tell? What do you have tastebuds in your butt?"

"Everybody does it... ya know, you, me... yeah that's everybody."

"Hey Heavyfoot"
"Sup Nodark?"

"Do you see me? No guys... Hi no guys! How are you no guys? What's up to the no guys!"

"Ya know, what's it called when it's the white stuff with the yellow in the middle?"

"What, do you only get stimulated on one half of your body?"

"I ain't even playin' wit ya boy.... Ok, i'm going to go shoot myself right now."

"I think I'll have some Reese's Penis..."

"Iced tea, yea!!! Wait I am a guy."

"Hey hey hey! Don't fight... do the sackrace!"

"Are you ready to make a lifetime commitment at a drive-thru?"

"It's gonna dye your hair legs!"

"Look! There's the car with only one ricing stripe!"

"There she is, there she's not!"

"Ok, talk to you early! Wait..."

"It's ringing, it's ringing, it's ringing! :::run run run:::"

"I don't want it to melt."
"Pie doesn't melt."

"This one's for you John! :::splash::: ring ring"

"Quotes Page!"

"Guys, be my eyes!"

"I'll just pretend I'm looking out the window. Why don't I tell the whole restaurant my undercover plan."

"Apparently we're opening up the Hate Amanda list to more than just prom dates."

"Guys suck..."
"Yeah well... what can ya do, become a lesbian?"

"I am confidence? Does that make sense?"