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North Carolina 114

Northern Terminus:  Drexel, NC
Southern Terminus:  Drexel, NC  (Via I-40)
Total Miles: 3

Bannered Routes

The main purpose of this highway is to link Interstate 40 with Drexel. What is odd about the route is the fact that it just ends in the middle of the town (just past the railroad tracks in town); but you'll never know it because the state doesn't have any begin or end sign (Yo NCDOT, Hook us up). Oh yea, if by chance you get stoped on the Railroad tracks, just look to your right (or left going southbound) and you will see a railroad overpass; that should save you some time.

Related Links

  • NC114 @
  • NC114 @ All Things NC


    Northern Terminus (04/06/01)

    US 70 Intersection (04/06/01)

    Southern Terminus (04/06/01)

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