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Elektronikus Könyvtár

Letter to Mr. Milan Panic, Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, October 13, 1992

Attached please find several copies containing the outlines of the proposed self government for Hungarians of Voivodina, which is the main objective of the DCHV based on the agreement reached in London between your representative, the member of the Federal Government of Yugoslavia, Mr. Tibor Varady, and myself in the presence of Mr Geehrt Ahrens, the President of the Commission on Minorities of the Peace Conference in London, I am asking you to make the appropriate steps for initiating a dialogue between your government and the DCHV regarding the open, and unresolved situation of our ethnic group.

I wish to call to your attention that I came to Geneva on the 17. 09. 1992 by the invitation of Mr. Ahrens in order to start a dialogue with the representative of your government, or the government of Serbia in the presence, or without the representative of the London Peace Conference. On the set date however, your accredited representatives did not show up for the meeting.

In the meantime your Government has implemented several measures that clearly indicate that it recognizes the multinational reality of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The forming of the Committee for Human Rights, and the establishing the Ministry for Minorities clearly demonstrate the above assertions. I have the highest regard for these efforts of your government, but based on the guidelines and vehicles instituted by the London Peace Accord pertaining to solution of the question of the status of the Hungarian Minorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, I can not accept the kinds of administrative solutions that have been put in place to regulate the status of Hungarians in Voivodina. I also feel that these solutions can not replace the dialogues between your representative and the DCHV, as the legitimate representative body of Hungarians in Voivodina, regardless whether or not these dialogues are to be held in the presence of the representative of the London Peace Conference, or not.

Mr.Prime Minister!

It is the view of the DCHV, and my own view, that your political activity reflects a sense of reality, and a sound assessment of the international situation. The above attributes constitute the preconditions for the lifting of the international sanctions, and they are amongst the foremost requirements for the international recognition of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

I am deeply convinced that the political orientation of your government is helping the process of normalization of the situation in the country, and at the same time it is creating the conditions for its integration into the current European and world processes.

I believe that you will appreciate the value of a civilized dialogue with the legitimate representatives of one of the ethnic groups, and the same will be of mutual interest to both parties, and in essence it will contribute to the overall esteem of your Government and to your personal leadership as well. We are waiting for your initiative. With regards, András Ágoston, President of the DCHV