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!! Mila and Adi's escapades [June Edition]

.you're welcome.

I had to copy paste them all into new pictures cuz the originals were HUGE files; like 8 pics used up 75% of the angelfire limit thing. le sigh.

here we go:

yaaay. standing around in the kitchen. lol

the gang, minus jon

jon. jon hiding.


christina; christina and you


haha. me.


lol, now we come to like 10 pics that are essentially the same

la dee dah


mirror shot


mmm... my bangs ruined it. lol.


FEUF. haha. freak out. and where did u think u were going? *mila slowly moves out of picture*

no comment.

mila kills a bug: part one

mila kills a bug: part two

mila kills a bug: the end.

mirror shot of myself

tee hee.

um. lol. adi caught in the act: spying on armando. [sexy sexy]

mila cleaning up

adi w a flower; adi being girly -> it looks like the hanger is coming out of my ear hehe. o my.



mila making her bed. YAY go mila!

you decide to dress up; WOO lookin good. haha. nice; serbian flag in the background & HP poster

flash sucks; mila; too lazy to put on a shirt

me, looking like i'm gonna fall asleep very soon; mila in her PJs

haha. mila frusterated.

I really like this pic: my shadow WOO

adi blows a bubble

haha. a boy on a bike.

mila; laughing at something or other

whose bubble is bigger? mila tries to outdo adi ... with less gum

girly pic of you; like totally.

mila, what am i? *crouch*

mila chooses not to be a rock

same pic, without el glasses

I like this pic; it's cute

oooo I love this pic; i took it in the car

Jesse Palmer Surprize::
(I sent this to rachel first, so that's why it says Rachel somewhere)

lol. and that's all.
those days were pretty awsome
good times, good times

For now, I'm off

This is Adi. Signing out.

'.' v