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Spotlight on HAL HENDRIX's nWo!!!

Some cool Facts about Hal Hendrix:

Hal often goes to these places...

The New Baddass Wrestling Alliance!!!
Geddon's Dark Environment!!!
It's a steal!!! And it's good!!!


Name: Hal Hendrix
Real Name: Hal Hendrix

Weight Classification:Heavyweight

Development Contract: Freak Glit Superstar of Wrestling!!!

Fighting Style:(maximum of 3 styles)
Power Madman Heavy (ie.Abdullah The Butcher) Suicidal

Preferred Matches:(choose from the following categories the type of match your character prefers. In each category, there are 6 types, so choose the type in the category of the match more fitting of your character)

Traditional Anywhere Match Cage Match
B)Tag Team:
Traditional Hardcore Ladder Match
C)Multiple Threat:
Hardcore Ladder match Cage Match
D)Special Gimmick:
Handicap Tournament Championship

Trademark Moves:(maximum of 5 moves)
1. Devastating Lariat(more or less a Clothesline from Hell)
2. Preparation H(running kick to groin at the turnbuckle)
3. Hal-ter Ego(face crusher from the top turnbuckle)
4. Spinebuster
5. People's Leg Drop(taunting running ground leg drop)

Finisher Moves:(maximum of 3 finishers)
1. Halien drop(Military press into Michinoku Driver)
2. Hallucination(Sambo suplex into jawbreaker)
3. Hal Gore(spear from top turnbuckle)

Spotlights:(situations your wrestler will usually be involved in, by his own account or by anyone else's actions, in the matches)

Hal Hendrix always steals something from his opponents after he's won matches. He also likes to vandalize and mock his downed opponents by painting them with spraypaint, cutting their hairs or covering them with embarrasing pieces of clothes.

Currently none.

The local police department.

Entrance:(include entrance music and anything else your wrestlers entrance will consist of)
"Jump" by Van Halen blasts on the pa and soon after Hal Hendrix comes out through with his feathered boa and his cool shades on. He walks through the fog of the entranceway and finally arrives at the ring. He climbs the apron and waits for his opponent, while glittering flashes of lights fill the whole arena...

Originally an African American, Hal Hendrix didn't enjoy much success as a pure technical wrestler in the 90's. Adviced by his agentm Hal underwent an extensive physical surgery, including facial work as well as rigorous weigh and mass training, resulting in a total change in appearance! Now, supposedly sporting a more marketeable look, Hal has won acclaim from many wrestling insiders as well as cult fame all around the world, sometimes surpassing that of Michael Jackson in several small European and Asian countries. He may be a freak, but he's a mean freak!!!

Hal Hendrix likes to show off as much as he can. He uses mostly heel tactics in most of his matches and although he is considered mediocre by some wrestling purists nobody can deny he has a sort of aura that catches your attention and doesn't let go. Who doesn't want to see a freak wrestle?
