This particular meeting place was very creepy. That couldn't be denied. It was not picked for that reason though. It was, in fact, no creepier than any other place in Gotham City. It just happened to be a bit more out of the way. That is why it was chosen. Dr. Jules Mendelson had been instructed to arrive here at exactly nine o'clock. There was no chance he wouldn't show.

It was an unseasonably warm October evening, quite pleasant actually. As good a night as any to give away your entire fortune to a master criminal.

Dr. Mendelson was pleased to hear the gate open. Though she was about 15 yards away, he could still smell her perfume. It was as intoxicating tonight as it had ever been. Dr. Jules Mendelson stood at attention ready to give over the rest of all his possessions to his therapist, Dr. Chase Meredith.

Dr. Meredith had been treating Dr. Mendelson for a little over a year. He had suffered a heart attack shortly before. Doctors said that if he didn't cut down his stress considerably, he'd have another one very soon. It was Mendelson's children that actually

contacted Dr. Meredith. The fact that their inheritance was about to dry up was partly their own doing. Ironic.

Dr. Meredith approached Mendelson. He began to babble on about her beauty and his devotion, blah blah. It was lost on Chase.
"Very good Jules, you have done well. Have all the transactions been completed as I instructed?"
"Of course Dr. Meredith."
"What have you brought me?"
"All of Estelle's Diamonds"
Chase looked in the bag. It was filled with the priceless gems.
"These are exquisite. What is the value?"
"Over six million dollars, in terms of money. They mean so much more than that though. These were my beloved wife's most cherished position. I loved her more than anything in the world, until I met you. For years after her death, these stones were my closest link to her memory. I give them up to you as a symbol of my devotion and obedience. I love only you now Dr. Meredith, no other. I am yours", Dr. Mendelson professed. He started to tear up a little as well.
"These will do fine.", Chase said politely, though obviously not affected by his heartfelt words. He was pleased to see her smile nonetheless though. Chase knew all about Estelle, and their love. It was old news now. The first few weeks of his hypnotherapy had been on the "up and up". She had to conduct a legitimate practice at first with new clients. She couldn't start playing with them until she was sure that they were going very deep. During those first weeks he went on and on about Estelle. Chase had since taken the power of that love, and redirected it into an obsession for her.

"Now, are all your travel arrangements in order?", Chase asked.
"Yes, I leave for Santo Domingo in an hour."
"No one knows of your destination, correct?"
"The attorney took care of your will?"
Jules looked down.
"What is it Jules?", Chase asked, annoyed.
"I decided to leave some for the children after all. Estelle would have wanted it that way".
Chase was fuming. They had been over this again and again. She was mostly mad at herself for not bending

his will to hers completely. This kind of work was sloppy. A slip up like this with the big prize would put a stop to the whole game.
"Estelle? The children? They are more important to you than me Jules?", she asked.
"No, of course not. It's just that I want to make sure they are taken care of. I only left them a little bit.", Jules pleaded.
That "little bit" was too much. It wasn't about the money. It was about the control. Chase had instructed that he transfer everything to her accounts. The fun and the challenge lie in making him cut out his
own children. Chase decided to rise to the challenge.
"Jules, look deep into my eyes", she said, as she had so many times before. Jules heart jumped as he did, "you will now focus your eyes, relax all of your muscles and listen only to the sound of my voice. Notice how warm and comfortable you become as you fall back into your wonderful place. Your wonderful place of pleasure and relaxation. Clear all your thoughts and fears, focusing only on the sound of my voice. My voice is all that matters. It is your world, your guide and your truth. You will obey me Jules. You will obey me.", she commanded.

"I will obey you.", Jules responded, on cue.
"Who delivered you from all stress, all anxiety and brought you to a place of complete bliss?"
"You, Dr. Meredith"
"Who kept you from finding me sooner, instead selfishly keeping you from me?"
"Did Estelle ever ignite the same sexual passion? Did you ever burn for her as you burn for me?"
"Who makes it impossible for you to worship me as you want to? Freely and publicly?"

"The children"
"That's right Jules. If it weren't for them, you could stay here in Gotham, with me. They don't deserve your charity if they can't even let you live your life like you want to, do they Jules?"
"You never want to see them again, do you Jules?"
"Who is the only person you truly love Jules?"
"You Dr. Meredith, I only love you"
"Very good Jules. Now I want you to get on that plane and never come back, do you understand?"
"Yes Dr. Meredith"
"Good, contact no one, except your attorney. Have him change the will immediately. Let him know that you've decided to retire to a secluded tropical paradise, but do not tell him where. Do you understand?"
"Yes Dr. Meredith"
"Very good Jules, you have done well. Every night when you sleep, you will go into your dream world, where we live together as lovers, goodbye Jules"

And with that Dr. Chase Meredith walked out of Jules' life. She stopped briefly with Arliss, Dr. Mendelson's driver. He had already been hypnotized, and was completely faithful to Chase. She merely instructed him to forget any of this happened, not to tell anyone, so on.

An hour later, Jules Mendelson was on route to the Dominican Republic. His life was complete. The stewardess asked if he wanted a drink, but all he wanted was a pillow to enter his dream world. It was the most wonderful retirement ever.

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