Sara had Detective David Lopez at what she had deemed a level 5 trance. To ensure she had him where she could trust he wouldn't resist, he had to get to a level ten. Sean Koepp was still only at a level seven, and he was starting to give Sara trouble, starting to resist and remember.
In fact when Sara heard someone enter the estate, she figured it was him. She put David into a deep sleep, then left the room to check things out. She just about knew it was Sean that had broken in. What she didn't know is that Sean was actually right behind her as she investigated the halls.
By the time she realized how close she was, he grabbed her from behind. From his violent clutching, Sara could tell he was angry.
"You've been in my head, haven't you bitch!", Sean shouted as Sara squirmed to break free.
"Sean, let go of me!", Sara told him. He did not.
"Not until you tell me what you've done to me!", he said, it was hard for Sara to breath.
"Sean, let go of me now, obey my will!", she said, knowing it would activate some triggers in his mind.
It worked and he let go. It was obvious as soon as he did so that he knew it wasn't his idea.

Sara was out of breath as she tried to assess the situation. Sean was obliviously having one of his resistance episodes. But how much did he know? Was he too far gone to get back now? Sara had to get to the bottom of this.
"What are you talking about, 'In your head', Sean"
""Oh c'mon Sara, you know damn well what I'm talking about, you've been hypnotizing me, brainwashing me. I think you've made me commit a crime"
"Really, this is a pretty involved delusion you've worked up Sean, where did it come from?"

"I've been having these dreams, there of you telling me things, making me do things I don't want to do, plus, the police are after me on embezzlement charges.", Sean explained.
"I see", Sara said, getting herself back together
"Have you spoken with them?", she asked.
"No, I don't even know the truth myself yet. I've been laying low the last few days trying to put the details together.", he said.
"And how far have you gotten?"
"Far enough to know that I did it."
"You've embezzled from the firm and you're blaming

me Sean?", Sara asked like it was craziness.
"Yeah, you bet", he said with an angry tone.
"This is ridiculous", she said, trying to be believable.
"I'm going to the police in the morning to turn myself in. I'm going to tell them all about you", he said.
"Ok, that sounds very foolish. You don't actually think they'll believe you though, do you?"
"It doesn't matter, the heat will be on you"
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that Sean"
"I'm afraid you can't stop me Sara", Sean rebuttled defiantly.
"Mmmm, I think I can"

"Oh really? I'd love to know how!", Sean laughed, "I'm easily twice your size. Plus, there is no way I'm letting you inside my head again you crazy shrink!"
Sara smiled at him seductively, "Seany, Seany. You are so worked up, why don't you just calm down and let us spend some time together....", she said.
"Oh no! I know your tricks, there is no way I'm falling for that one right now!"
"Are you sure Sean?", she asked getting closer to him.
"Dead positive, now get out of my way", he told her, he was prepared to move her.
"Sean, listen to my mindtalk", Sara told him, again invoking a trigger, "my touch makes you a statue", she said as her hand caressed him. Sean immediately realized that he couldn't move. He should have never come here.
"Stop it Sara! Let me go, I don't what any part of what you're into!", he told her.
"We'll see about that, but for right now Sean, I want you to feel my presence. Feel my presence and my touch arousing you Sean. Your every nerve ending is so alive, so responsive to my touch. My touch erotically stimulates you. You know what happens
when you get hard for me Sean."
"I won't get hard for you, I hate you, I can't believe I was ever attracted to you!", Sean shouted, though it was clear he was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince her.
"You'll never get hard for me Sean?", she asked as she slid her hand down to his crotch and started to rub, "I'm not so sure..."
"Oh damn, don't do this!", he said again. It was no use, he was getting hard as a rock. His penis was betraying him.
"It appears not all of you is as unfriendly as your
mouth Sean", Sara said as she felt him harden. She moved her hand to his jaw as she told him, "let this mouth be silent now"
Sean tried to speak, but couldn't.
"That's better, I like you so much more when you don't try to argue with me Sean. Now as my touch penetrates your mouth Sean, you realize you can only tell the truth. It feels so good, I know, and it's ok to just relax and let the pleasure take over... but first I want to ask you Sean, do you really find me unattractive?"
"No, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen
in my life", Sean said, betraying himself. She had taken control of his body, his cock, and his mouth, but his mind was still free. He had to find some way to fight her. She was right though, the irresistible waves of pleasure that her hypnotic power radiated was making it hard to concentrate on resisting.
"Good boy Sean. It was so natural for you to tell the truth, in fact, you couldn't lie if you wanted to. Are you turned on right now Sean?"
"Yes", turned on and angry, he thought, steaming mad in fact. It was frustrating to be so helpless.
"How would you like a good f*ck?", she asked.

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