What a welcome! Here it was, my first official day on the job, and I already have a client waiting outside my door. And what a client she was! It was official, Davis Mavoy, CHT was open for business. Grenich, CT had its first hypnotherapist, and I had my first client.
Stephanie Wheelock had heard about me before I even moved to town. One of my, let's say, "female associates", from Beverly Hills knew her from the Aspin crowd. Stephanie had been looking for a good therapist for a long time to help her with some sexual problems she had been having. Grenich was a very unique town though, and the extremely posh social scene had certain rules. One of them was that it was quite rude to go to another woman's therapist. This had turned out to be a problem for most therapists. Although Grenich was perhaps the wealthiest town in the U.S., and clients could pay quite well, having only one client was not enough to make ends meet. The women didn't care about that though, it just made finding a therapist all the more enviable to the other ladies. Anyway, that is why Stephanie Wheelock felt she needed to wait outside my door on the first morning I was open. Fine with me.
We exchanged pleasantries and introductions as I fumbled with my keys. She is not what I expected from a Grenich lady. She didn't have the arrogance, or for that matter the confidence that a woman of her status and beauty would have. In fact, she seemed quite nervous, and self concious. As we entered, she seemed truly impressed by my new office. As well she should be! I had spent a fortune on it, creating a luxorious haven my clients could feel at home in. Not wanting to waste her time, and hoping to hide the full sized erection I had, I sat down behind my desk and started asking her some questions.
"So Ms. Wheelock, how can I help you?", I asked, noticing how "proper" her posture was. Her body language was just screaming, "I'm uncomfortable and nervous!".
"Actually, it's Mrs.Wheelock.....and I guess that might be the problem, I--I can't talk about this, I am sorry to have wasted your time....", she said.
"Mrs.Wheelock, wait!", I commanded. She paused. "You came to me because you need my help. Help that I am more than happy to provide. All you need to do is relax and let me help you. Can you do that for me?", I asked. She stopped for a moment, then sat back down on the edge of the couch. Although still sitting very proper, I could see that she had relaxed a little. I figured I should waste no more time.
I didn't want to startle her, so I didn't get to close. I just stood up, pulled out my watch and went around to sit on the front of my desk. I remained about three feet away as I asked her to focus all of her attention on the watch.
"Breath in, and out, relax. Have you ever been hypnotized before Stephanie?", I asked, noticing her eyes were transfixed on the watch as I had requested.
"No...no I haven't",she said, sounding somewhat distracted.
"Relaxing, breathing in... and out. Well, I think you will find it quite pleasant to be hypnotized Stephanie. It is nice to not have to worry about anything besides relaxing...relaxing and focusing on the watch. Focusing and relaxing. It feels good. Your mind is clearing.
You are hearing only the sound of my voice, seeing only the watch.
You are getting very relaxed, starting to drift now, your eyes are getting
very heavy, Stephanie, feel them getting very heavy.....
Now, Stephanie, you are deeply hypnotized, and it feels wonderful!"
"It felt wonderful!", Stephanie boasted to her friend the next day at the spa, "I don't remember it all very clearly, but it was by far the most wonderful experience of my life!"
"Hmmm, I've heard that before Steph.", said Yasmine. They had been friends for a long time, long enough for Yasmine to remember Stephanie's little cocaine problem in the early 90's.
"Stop it, Yas, not like that. This is totally natural, besides, you know I worked very hard to get clean."
"I do, but I also know you have an addictive personality Steph, what did Ethan say about this?"
"Please! Do you really think I care what that little turd thinks?", she snapped back
"Actually, yes, I do. You have spent the last 11 years trying to fall in love with him, trying to get him to love you, tip-toeing around him to assure you wouldn't upset him", Yasmine argued.
"Those days are over Yas, I have something new to love in my life, hypnosis. It is going to open so many doors for me. I can't wait for my appointment today."
"You have another appointment today? Are you sure it the hypnosis that you are falling in love with, and not the hypnotherapist?", Yasmine warned.
Stephanie paused, acted a little bashful, then said,"Don't be silly Yas". She hoped Yasmine wouldn't press her anymore on that one.

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