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Home of all things pink and elephantine!

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9/30/02:A Haiku for your reading pleasure --

Time I have no more
With homework out the wazoo
Website? Not today.

8/3/02:Ok, so the spots are being mean! They keep resizing, depending on what computer I'm on, but I'm too lazy to fix them. Sorry!

6/20/02:Spots are cool, no? Ok, so they're not perfect yet, but they'll do. (what am I talking about? Look to your left!)

6/6/02:I'm working on stuff, hang on!

5/8/02: I haven't been doing anything on here lately, 'cause finals are bringing me down! Aaaaa! But school ends soon and I will not have anything better to do than tinker with this :) Keep coming here, though! Tell your friends! Please? And the games work great to relieve pre-test stress - I'm living proof.

2/16/02: OK, so I'm trying to make this baller karaoke jukebox for the music section, but I'm having to write the script alllll by myself (ok, with a little help from webmonkey tutorials, but still) and so it's taking forever. But hey, at least I found a use for that year of Algebra II! But I'll keep y'all posted on it's progress. Right now the lyrics work... but the musc doesn't. I figured that might be a bit of a problem.

1/26/02:Now you can see my art. Yes, there is more to life than pink elephants!

12/28/01:EVERYTHING is updated! Pretty much. Glance around and see for yourself! Things are starting to look a lot more gorgeous around here :)

12/25/01:We Wish you a Merry Christmas!

10/29/01: A game, a game, a game! Make your own HP story here!

9/11/01: God Bless America...

7/26/01: They're everywhere! Check out our new page of Pink Elephant Sightings and find elephants where you never expected them!

6/29/01: There's a new game now! Yay for that! Go visit The Great Guru for all the answers!

6/27/01: A new computer for the elephants! Yay! Since the elephants are so busy playing with the corking cd burner, they are too busy to do much to the site.

6/23/01: Now Pink Elephant has it's own webring! The Elephant Approved Webring is waiting for other webmasters/mistresses/elephants to join... because if it's Elephant Approved, you know it's quality!