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Adam made a best friend named "Bree"

Look at the closeness, you can't form friendships like this while sober

Girl drink-drunk

Not a damn clue

Adam with some semen on his lips...hey, he was offering

Amy using what her mama gave her...

...though I'm not sure whats hoped to be gained?

Brian, Matt, Scrunge and Jill posing like the rock stars they are

Dazed and drunk, amongst other things

A little more focused

Fried chicken without colluhd' greens? Whats the deal?

Can't keep the bitches off me...

...and ya can't keep me off the bitches....

Fackler posing with Brian (who's eating chilli con queso dip) with Adam (who's looking to be nearly puking)

Private Fackler in a deep convo with Chris

Family can get along thanks to the booze...

Me proper fucked

The old school group re-united. . .and it feels so good. Damn that was gay

Adam making another pass at Brian

Adam making a pass at Brian

Here's where we started on Saturday, in the Dorhety bar, thanks to Ryan for getting there at 8AM

The group on Saturday nite

Here's a shot of our table in the "talking" room of the Dorhety, we chased out a few other tables with a few shouts of "UP THE QUEEN!"

A few thugs hanging out by the bar

Trish and Sean very drunk down in the Hough basement