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Vick's Place

This site is dedicated to my family.
They have stood with me.

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This site started out to be about a disease called Hirschsprungs. The emotions and feelings of having a ill child and the death of a child. Many friends kept telling me, you should write a book. I laughed. A writer I'm not. Once Lion's and William's pages were done, I felt site was so sad. Which wasn't my intention. Telling the world about hirschsprungs shouldn't be limited to the sadness in my family. I went on and made the site to include my immediate family. Blessed to have 3 grandchildren all with hirschsprungs, all doing very well. As you read these pages, please understand, I've been to a lot of counseling. On and off anti-depressants for many years. About 3 years ago, I woke one day and decided I was not going to take them anymore. I had done this many times in the past, and failed. This time I have stayed off them for 3 years. Learning to work through my anger and pain has been harder than swallowing a pill. For me, realizing I would never find a inner peace with anti-depressants, lead me to make this peace within myself.

The next few pages start at the beginning. When this disease actually first showed up in our family. My brother, Lion, his page mostly deals with my memory of his short life. The next pages are about my son. He lived longer than my brother. There are two pages with pictures of William. First page, pictures while in the hospital. Second page he was finally home. I have included a poem at the end of those pages. Within these pages are my personal feelings. Along with the frustrations of raising a child with special needs. The why questions to God. The anger, the guilt of wondering why not that kid instead of mine. The drastic changes in your life with friends when your child dies. My real feelings when people would try so hard to say and do the right thing. I won't include a list of dumb things people say. Not meaning the people were dumb. Just I heard the same things over and over till I wanted to scream!

The site below is very simple site to understand more about Hirschsprungs Disease.There are links to other sites with more information about Hirschspurngs on this site.

After the poem are happier pages.

My three grandchildren. Ashleigh, Alexis and Kyle. They all have hirschsprungs. All living and are expected to have full lives. Ash has pic's on her page and a seperate page of current pic's. Lexie's page has a few pic's of her in and out of the hospital. Kyle's page has a few pic's of him too :)

My oldest daughter Mindy and her husband Aaron. They met on-line over 4 years ago. There is a link on their page to view their wedding pic's. LaDonna, she is the mother of the three grand babies. Last of the girls is my baby bear, Stephanie. She graduates this year "2000". She has a link to her pic pages from her page. My wonderful Mom and Dad, and brother Greg are pictured on my family pic pages. I love my family! I'm blessed with a great family. On July 23rd, a new page has been added in loving memory for Bexar.

Grapics on my site. Please do not take from my pages unless you JUST MUST... truth is... if your going to, you will one way or another... so.. keep this in mind. There is nothing on my pages you can not get from the links on the page, or on my links page. Plus the designers site has many other wonderful designs you might like. Ok.. there are some I made with PSP with PSPtubes. I personally can not draw a straight line, that's why I love PSP and tubes! The tubes I used are not my creation, they do have ownership. You will find a link on the page for set if I didn't make with tubes. I have so many tubes now, and tube addy's. The Pages I'm not sure who I got it from will be on listed on links page. Most Tube links have PSP tutorials on their sites. On Link page the ABC's of HTML. The Link page and also the page with Awards I have given to others is good place to find wonderful things. So please.. do not short yourself with just what you see here.

Glenda Thank you for this beautiful Gift in William's Memory.

For Vickie Lynn
In Memory of Little William
September 20, 2000
From The Good Witch

Heavenly Lights has honored William with a Star on their site. This site is an on-line memorial for children. Each with a Star with their name, the disease, and is a link to their page. Some of the diseases are very very rare. Learn more, visit Heavenly Lights.

This little story about Trouble Tree will put a smile on your face! I can read this short story over and over and it toubles turn into smiles..for the moment! Visit! Grab you a tree or two! They just make ya smile! The whole site is EXCELLENT!

Prayer Links, very warm caring Prayer Site. Recently my dad has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer. A very aggressive cancer. John and Marianne within 24 hours had a candle up for my dad, and prayer request on the prayer board. Wonderful site!

Who got me started on making web pages,
and now I can't stop...LOL

Trisha... what can I say. We met over 5 years ago on msn. She became a sister to me. Although we live in completely different countries, we have been through and shared as much together as if we lived across the street from each other. Took me a few years to follow in her steps of web learing. Heck when I met Trisha I didn't know how to make a folder on my desktop...LOL She's put up with me and talked me through many puter problems.

I've added a New area of Inspirational pages.

Mid "When you saying nothing at all"
Keith Whitley