it's getting close to christmas

christ! what a mess this world is in

where will it end, where will i begin

the gifts for ads are everywhere

still the west will not share the wealth

christ! what a mess this world is in

our climates changing, people die

just so we can drive smoothly by

the lights go on, hip hip hooray

goodwill to all on christmas day

christ what a mess this world is in

where will it end, where will i begin?

it will only end when i begin

it will only end when you begin


it will only end when we begin

the change, the change

......Imagine there's no countries

it isn't hard to do

nothing to kill or die for........

it's getting close to christmas

and the best give we could give

would be the committment

so that all could live

live in dignity! living indignity!

it will only end when i begin

it will only end when you begin

it will only end when we begin

the change, the change

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