Patterns of veto use in the United Nations.

The current situation at the United Nations where Britain and The United States of America have gone to war in Iraq, against the wishes of the General Assembly, and the horrible consequences being played out every day make the veto issue even more urgent. There's a lot of info on this page. Some of it is shocking.

It is very difficult to get access to collated data with regard to the use of the veto by the 5 permanent members of the Security Council.

This data is taken from William Blums' study of the American Administrations rather dodgy behaviour, "Rogue State", published in 2000. I reccomend it, it sits well with Howard Zinns "The Peoples History of The United States of America", and also works written by Noam Chomsky

What follows is a list of a selection of resolutions vetoed by the US between 1978 and 1987.

The information is sorted as follows : Date /Resolution Number/ Yes-No (voters) /Issue


Dec 15 33/75 119-2 (US, Israel) Urges the Security Council, especially its permanent members, to take all necessary measures for insuring UN decisions on the maintenance of international peace and security.

Dec. 18 33/110 110-2 (US, Israel) Living conditions of the Palestinian People.

Dec.18 Condemnation of Israeli human rights record in occupied territories.

Dec. 19 33/136 119-1 (US) Calls upon developed countries to increase quantity and quality of development assistance to underdeveloped countries.


Jan. 24 33/183M 113-3 (US, France, UK) To end all military and nuclear collaboration with apartheid South Africa.

Jan. 29 33/196 111-1 (US) Protectionism of developing countries exports.

Nov. 23 34/46 136-1 (US) Alternate approaches within the UN system for improving the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Nov. 23 33/52E 121-3 (US, Israel, Australia) Return of inhabitants expelled by Israel.

Dec. 11 34/83J 120-3 (US, UK, France) Negotiations on disarmament and cessation of nuclear arms race.

Dec.12 34/90A 111-2 (US, Israel) Demand that Israel desist from certain human rights violations.

Dec. 12 34/93D 132-3 (US, UK, France) Strengthening arms embargo against South Africa.

Dec. 12 34/93I 134-3 (US, UK, France) Assistance to the oppressed people of South Africa and their liberation movement.

Dec. 14 34/100 104-2 (US, Israel) Against support for intervention in the internal or external affairs of states.

Dec.14 34/113 120-2 (US, Israel) Request for report on the living conditions of Palestinians in occupied Arab countries.

Dec. 14 34/133 112-3 (US, Israel) Assistance to the Palestinian people.

Dec. 14 34/136 118-2 (US, Israel) Sovereignty over national resources in occupied Arab territories.

Dec. 17 34/158 121-2 (US, Israel) Prepare and carry out UN Conference on Women.

Dec. 17 34/160 122-2 (US, Israel) Include Palestinian women in agenda of UN Conference on Women.

Dec. 19 34/199 112-1 (US) Safeguarding rights of developing countries in multinational trade negotiations.


Nov. 3 35/13E 96-3 (US, Israel, Canada) Requests Israel to return displaced persons.

Dec. 5 35/57 134-1 (US) Establishment of a New International Economic Order to promote the growth of underdeveloped countries and international economic co-operation.

Dec. 5 35/75 118-2 (US, Israel) Condemns Israeli policy regarding the living conditions of Palestinian people.

Dec. 11 35/119 134-3 (US, UK, France) Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

Dec. 11 35/122C 118-2 (US, Israel) Israeli human rights practices in occupied territories (Same day, similar resolutions, 35/122E:119-2 vote, and 35/122f:117-2)

Dec. 11 35/136 132-2 (US, Israel) Endorse Program of Action for Second Half of UN Decade for Women.

Dec. 12 35/145A 111-2 (US, UK) Cessation of all nuclear test explosions.

Dec. 12 35/154 110-2 (US, Albania) Declaration of non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.

Dec. 15 35/169C 120-3 (US, Israel, Australia) Rights of Palestinians

Dec. 15 35/174 120-1 (US) Emphasising that trhe development of nations and individuals is a human right.

Dec. 16 35/206J 137-3 (US, UK, France) Assistance to oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement.


Oct. 28 36/12 145-1 (US) Anti-racism: condemns apartheid in South Africa and Namibia.

Oct. 28 36/13 124-1 (US) Condemns collaboration of certain states and transnational corporations with the South African Government.

Oct. 28 36/15 114-2 (US, Israel) Demand that Israel cease excavations in certainsites in East Jerusalem.

Nov. 9 36/18 123-1 (US) To promote co-operative movements in developing countries (agricultural, savings and credits, housing, consumer protection, social services etc.)

Nov. 9 36/19 126-1 (US) The right of every state to choose its economice and social system in accord with the will of its people, without outside interference in whatever form it takes.

Nov. 13 36/27 109-2 (US, Israel) Condemns Israel for its bombing of an Iraqi nuclear installation.

Dec. 1 36/68 133-3 (US, UK, Guatamala) Condemns activities of foreirn economic interests ib colonial territories.

Dec. 4 36/73 109-2 (US, Israel) Condemns Israeli policy regarding living conditions of the Palestinian people.

Dec. 9 36/84 118-2 (US, UK) Cessation of all test explosions of nuclear weapons.

Dec. 9 36/87B 107-2 (US, Israel) Establishment of a nuclear-weapon free zone in the Middle East.

Dec. 9 36/92J 78-3 (US, Canada, Brazil) World-wide action for collecting signatures in support of measures to prevent nuclear war, curb the arms race and promote disarmament.

Dec. 9 36/96B 109-1 (US) Urges negotiations on prohibition of chemical and biological warfare.

Dec. 9 36/98 101-2 (US, Israel) Demands Israel renounce possesion of nuclear weapons.

Dec. 10 36/120A 121-2 (US, Israel) Rights of Palestinian people.

Dec. 10 36/120B 119-3 (US, Israel, Canada) Palestinian rights.

Dec. 10 36/120E 139/2 (US, Israel) Status of Jerusalem.

Dec. 14 36/133 135-1 (US) Declares that education, work, healthcare, peoper nourishment, national development, etc., are human rights.

Dec. 16 36/146A 141-2 (US, Israel) Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.

Dec. 16 36/146B 121-3 (US, Canada. Israel) Rights of displaced Palestinians to return to their homes.

Dec. 16 36/146C 117-2 (US, Israel) Revenues derived from Palestinian refugees' peoperties.

Dec. 16 36/146G 119-2 (US, Israel) Establishment of University of Jerusalem for Palestinian refugees.

Dec. 16 36/147C 111-2 (US, Israel) Israeli violations of human rights in occupied territories.

Dec. 16 36/147F 113-2 (US, Israel) Condemns Israeli closing of Universities in occupied territories.

Dec. 16 36/149B 147-2 (US, Israel) Calls for the establishment of a new and more just world information and communications order.

Dec. 16 36/150 139-2 (US, Israel) Opposes Isreal's decision to build a canal linking the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea.

Dec. 17 36/172C 135-1 (US) Condemns agression by South Africa against Angola and other African States.

Dec. 17 36/172H 129-2 (US,UK) To organize an international conference of trade unions on sanctions against South Africa.

Dec. 17 36/172 126-2 (US, Israel) To encourage various international actions against South Africa.

Dec. 17 36/172N 139-1 (US) Support of sanctions and other measures against South Africa,

Dec. 17 36/172O 138-1 (US) Cessation of further foreign investments and loans for South Africa.

Dec. 17 36/173 115-2 (US, Israel) Permanent sovereingty over national resources in occupied Palestine and other Arab territories.

Dec. 17 36/226B 121-2 (US, Israel) Non-applicability of Isreali law over Golan Heights.

Dec. 18 36/234B 127-1 (US) UN accounting changes for 1980-81

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1982 - only US solitary vetos selected -

Oct.28 37/7 111-1 (US) World Charter for the protection of the ecology.

Nov. 15 37/11 136-1 (US) Setting up a UN conference on succession of ststes in respect to property, archives and debts.

Dec. 3 37/47 124-1 (US) Appeal for universal ratification of the convention on the suppression and punishment of apartheid.

Dec. 9 37/69E 141-1 (US) Promoting international mobilization against apartheid.

Dec. 9 37/69g 138-1 (US) Drafting of international convention against apartheid in sports.

Dec. 9 37/69H 134-1 (US) Cessation of further foreign investments and loans for South Africa.

Dec. 9 37/73 111-1 (US) Need for a comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty.

Dec. 9 37/78A 114-1 (US) Request to US and USSR to transmit a status report on their nuclear arms negotiations (USSR abstained)

Dec. 9 37/83 138-1 (US) Prevention of arms race in outer space.

Dec. 10 37/94B 131-1 (US) Support of UNESCO's efforts to promote a new wolrd information and communication order.

Dec. 13 37/98A 95-1 (US) Necessity of a convention on the prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons.

Dec. 16 37/103A 113-1 (US) Development of the principles and norms of international law relating to the new economic order

Dec. 17 37/131 129-1 (US) Measures concerning the UN joint Staff Pension Board, including prevention of exclusion of certain UN employees.

Dec. 17 37/137 146-1 (US) Protection against products harmful to health and environment.

Dec. 18 37/199 131-1 (US) Declares that education, work, health care, proper nourishment, national development etc., are human rights.

Dec. 20 37/204 141-1 (US) Motion for a review of the implementation of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States.

Dec. 21 37/237/XI 132-1 (US) Adequacy of the conference facilities of the Economic Commission for Africa at Addis Ababa.

Dec. 21 37/251 146-1 (US) Development of the energy resources of developing countries.

Dec. 21 37/252 124-1 (US) Retsructuring international economic relations toward establishing a new international economic order.


Nov. 22 38/19 110-1 (US) International Convention on the Supression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid.

Nov. 22 38/25 131-1 (US) The right of every state to choose its economic and social system in accord with the will of its people, without outside interference in whatever form it takes.

Dec.5 38/39E 149-1 (US) Disseminating material and organizing conferences in the campaign against apartheid.

Dec. 5 38/39I 140-1 (US) Urges the Security Council to conside r sanctions against South Africa as a protest gainst apartheid.

Dec. 5 38/39K 145-1 (US) Authorises the International Convention against Apartheid in Sports to continue its consultations.

Dec. 15 38/70 147-1 (US) Outer space should be used for peaceful purposes, prevention of an arms race in outer space.

Dec. 16 38/124 132-1 (US) Declares that education, work, health care, proper nourishment, national development etc., are human rights.

Dec. 19 38/128 110-1 (US) Development of the principles and norms of international law relating to the new economic order

Dec. 19 38/150 137-1 (US) Transport and communications decade in Africa.

Dec. 20 38/182 116-1 (US) Prohibition of the development and maufacture of new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction.

Dec. 20 38/183M 133-1 (US) Requests nuclear-arms states to submit to General Assembly annual reports on measures taken for prevention of nuclear war and reversing the arms race.

Dec. 20 38/187A 98-1 (US) Urges intensification of negotiations to achieve an accord on a prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons.

Dec. 20 38/188G 113-1 (US) Requests a study on the naval arms race.

Dec. 20 38/188H 132-1 (US) Idependent Commision on Disramament and Security Issues. Dec. 20 38/202 126-1 (US) Strengthening the capacity of the UN to respond to natural and other disasters.

1984 (selected resolutions)

Nov. 8 39/9 132-2 (US, Israel) Cooperation between the UN and the League of Arab States.

Nov. 16 39/14 106-2 (US, Israel) Condemns Israeli attack against Iraqi nuclear installation.

Nov. 23 39/21 145-1 (US) Report of the Committee on the Elimination or Racial Discrimination.

Dec. 5 39/41I 119-2 (US, UK) Reaffirming the right of St. Helena to independence.

Dec. 5 39/42 121-2 (US,UK) Condemns support of South Africa in its Namibian and other policies.

Dec. 11 39/49A 127-3 (US, Israel, Canada) Rights of the Palestinian People.

Dec. 11 39/49D 121-3 (US, Israel, Canada) Convening a Middle East Peace Conference.

Dec. 12 39/62 125-1 (US) Prohibition of the development and maufacture of new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction.

Dec. 12 39/65B 84-1 (US) Prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons.

Dec. 13 39/72G 146-2 (US, UK) International action to eliminate apartheid.

Dec. 13 39/73 138-2 (US, Turkey) Law of the Sea.

Dec. 14 39/95A 120-2 (US, Israel) Israeli human rights violations in occupied territories.

Dec. 14 39/95H 143-2 (US, Israel) Condemns assination attempts against Palestinian mayors and calls for apprehension and prosecution of the perpetrators.

Dec. 17 39/147 94-2 (US, Israel) Condemns Israels refusal to place its nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards.

Dec. 17 39/148N 123-1 (US) Nuclear-test ban, cessation of nuclear arms race, nuclear disarmament.

Dec. 17 39/151F 141-1 (US) Request to continue UN study on military research and development.

Dec. 17 39/161B 143-1 (US) Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

Dec. 18 39/224 146-2 (US, Israel) Economic and social assistance for the Palestinian people.

Dec. 18 39/232 118-2 (US, Israel) Support of the UN Industrial Development Organisation.

Dec. 18 39/233 120-1 (US) Industrial Development Decade for Africa

Dec. 18 39/243 123-2 (US, Israel) Staff and administrative questions regarding the Economic Co0mmission for Western Asia.


Dec. 13 40/114 134-1 (US) Indivisibility and interdependence of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights.

Dec. 13 40/124 130-1 (US) Alternative approaches within the UN system for improving enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Dec. 13 40/148 121-1 (US, Israel) Measures to be taken against Nazi, Facist and neo-Fasist activities.

Dec. 17 40/445 133-1 (US) International cooperation in the interrelated areas of money, finance, debt, resource flow, trade and development.


Oct. 27 41/11 124-1 (US) Zone of peace and co-operation in the South Atlantic.

Dec. 3 41/69A 148-1 (US) New world iunformation order, led by UNESCO, to eliminate imbalances in the information and communications fields.

Dec. 4 41/90 126-1 (US) Review of the Implementation of the Declaration of the Strengthening of International Security.

Dec. 4 41/91 117-1 (US) Need for result-orientated political dialogue to improve the international situation.

Dec. 4 41/92 102-2 (US, France) Establishment of a comprehensive system of international peace and security.

Dec. 4 41/128 146-1 (US) Declaration on the right to development.

Dec. 4 41/151 148-1 (US) Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights of migrant workers.

Dec. 4 41/450 146-1 (US) Protection against products harmful to health and the environment.

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Oct. 15 42/5 152-2 (US, Israel) Cooperation between the UN and The league of Arab States.

Nov. 12 42/18 94-2 (US, Israel) Need for compliance in the International Court of Justice concerning military and paramilitary activities in Nicaragua.

Dec. 2 42/69J 145-2 (US, Israel) Calls upon Israel to abandon plans to remove and resettle Plaestinian refugees of the West Bank away from their homes and property.

Dec. 7 42/101 150-0-1 (US sole abstainee) Call for a "convention on the rights of the child".

Dec. 7 42/159 153-2 (US, Israel) Measures to prevent International Terrorism, to study the underlying poitical and economic causes of terrorism, to convene a conference to define terrorism and to differentiate it from the struggle of people for national liberation.

Dec. 8 42/162B 140-1 (US) Financing the training of journalists and strengthening communication services in the underdeveloped world.

Dec. 11 42/176 84-2 (US, Israel) Ending the trade embargo against Nicaragua.

Dec. 11 42/198 154-1 (US) Furthering international co-operation regarding the external debt problems.

Dec. 11 42/441 131-1 (US) Preparation of summary records for a UN conference on Trade and Development.

1992 59-2 (US, Israel) UN GA votes on the neccessity of ending US embargo against Cuba

1993 88-4 (US, Israel, Albania, Paraguay) UN GA votes on the neccessity of ending US embargo against Cuba

1994 101-2 (US, Israel) UN GA votes on the neccessity of ending US embargo against Cuba

1995 117-3 (US, Israel, Uzbekistan) UN GA votes on the neccessity of ending US embargo against Cuba

1996 138-3 (US, Israel, Uzbekistan)* UN GA votes on the neccessity of ending US embargo against Cuba

1997 143-3 (US, Israel, Uzbekistan) UN GA votes on the neccessity of ending US embargo against Cuba

1998 157-2 (US, Israel) UN GA votes on the neccessity of ending US embargo against Cuba

1999 155-2 (US, Israel) UN GA votes on the neccessity of ending US embargo against Cuba

* first time all EU countries voted yes to this resolution!

Food is not a Human Right………

In 1996, at a United Nations-sponsored World Food Summit, the US took issue with an affirmation by the summit of the "right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food". The United States insisted that it does not recognise a "right to food". Washington instead championed free trade as the key to ending the poverty at the root of hunger, and expressed fears that the recognition of a "right to food" could lead to lawsuits from poor nations seeking aid and special trade provisions.


Likewise in 2001 at the UN Conference on Racism, The US, UK and others delcined the opportunity to acknowledge the past crimes of slavery, and to apologise to the desendants of enslaved peoples for those crimes, on the basis that it would lead to lawsuits from those seeking reparation.

Veto holders commitment to UN in 1983.

The American Deputy UN Ambassador told other UN members that if they wanted to move UN headquarters out of the United States of America, the Reagan administration would do nothing to stop them. Said Charles Lichenstein: "We will put no impediments in your way. The US members of the UN mission will be down at the docks waving you farewell as you sail into the sunset."

In the same year the US invaded Grenada, and was almost universally condemned in Latin America, where the only support for the US invasion came from the military dictatorships of Chile, Guatamala and Urugauy. The United Nations General Assembly voted its disapproval overwhelmingly. To this President Reagan responded: "One hundred nations in the UN have not agreed with us on just about everything that's come before them where we're involved, and it didn't upset my breakfast at all." That's the arrogance and power of the VETO………………and its danger.

These are of course just a selection of the votes, and they show the underlying pattern of the use of the veto, irrespective of whom it has been used by, and thus the damaging effect of the veto is obvious in that resistance to positive empowered change is that much easier to maintain. If it can be changed, it is up to you.

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