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"Oh my god this school is whacked! I can't believe this !@#$ up place." Do you find yourself saying this everyday? Well then you if you don't then you're probably blind or deaf or just emotionless. There are problems everywhere and me, Iori would tell you, in this nice little list. The list would get bigger as I find more complaints so come back often. Send your own complaints by emailing me at feed back section. It is on this page.

The guards at Cavallaro are the worst I ever seen in my whole life!

    My Complaints about the Security Guards
  1. They trade pokemon cards
  2. They get scared off by STUDENTS
  3. They mad old and you never see them do anything
  4. Teachers are doing their job!
  5. The only thing they protect are their lunches.
  6. They just sit around there pretending to work when the principle walks by!

That stuff gets stuffed in my mouth everyday! If you look closely you'll see how i get my list.

    My Complaints on the Cafeteria!
  1. Is the burger even using real beef? It doesn't even look like beef, my guess is that it is horse.
  2. The chicken reminds of pigeons because they are so damn small!
  3. What is that black crap on the corn? Cockroaches?
  4. Why exactly do they put milk in buckets? Reusal?
  5. They friggin sell overdated products to students!
  6. Why exactly do people want to go outside to the messed up play yard anyway?
  7. The basketball hoops don't even got hoops!

Not much to say about the gym that isn't on the list...

    My Complaints about the Gym.
  1. Not Enought Privacy! You go in the gym and you got to strip but naked in front of other people just to wear a so called uniform. I say regular school clothes are fine.
  2. Why isn't the floor waxed? I got like 5 bruises this week!
  3. Why are the 80% of the lockers broken?
  4. Wow you drop like 10 points on you report card just for not wearing sneakers? I know people that can't afford sneakers!

You think going to the doctor is scary? Well going to Cavallaro's school nurse is even worst.

    My Complaints about the horrifying School Nurse
  1. She doesn't have one bandade to cover your wounds.
  2. She'll rub alcohol on you eye if you say your eye hurts.
  3. her office is overrunned by these little kids.
  4. The other peoplet that is waiting in line to see her will probably not look sick at all while you wait to see her.
  5. Here's one of here quotes "Awww it doesn't look that bad" said right after someone I know got bashed on the head by a basketball and suffer from broken glasses that broke on his face.
  6. Why don't we see a liscense in her room that states that she is trained.
  7. I went to the nurse one time because I had a migrane headache. She took my temperature and said I had a fever. Then she made me rub my head for ten minutes and ask me if I felt better. I said no. She then made me lay my head down on a desk for fifteen minutes. After she just sent me to class, she did not send me home even thou gh I was in pain big time. Wha kind of medical methods are these? Also, if you were her and said I had a fever, wouldn't you send me home? - Sent From XJay11x

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