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"Only those with a truly open mind and open heart are welcome here...Keep a rainbow in your soul ^_^"
So you wanna see my page, ne? Well, I'm flattered...
BUT!!! You must be warned about some things...
This site is CHOCK FULL of Yaoi, scantily clad-ness, crossdressing, and more strangeness than you can shake an uncooked hotdog at. There are suggestive images/themes sprinkled in abundance throughout my realm, but the lemonade is pretty mild here...and yes I DO believe in Gaterron (Gateau x Marron)!!! And if you don't well...::shrugs:: flee before me now!
Very well, mortals, all I can say is proceed only if you can accept gay-ism, some fleshy-ness, guys wearing corsets and fishnets, and all that yum...
Flowers are welcome/appreciated/shamelessly begged for, and those who flame me, calling me a gay freak and what not shall recieve a very long and nasty rant by me ::everyone runs::. E-box impudence will be laughed at on Sunday mornings after the comics in the paper have been read and flames will be used to warm up leftover rice...::swoons:: yum...I love rice...So if you read this warning and decide to go in anyway and don't like what you see, don't come crying to me for a basin to whoops your cookies in and no I will not clean the barf off your keyboard for you (graphic much???). Are we glycerine-clear? all means, partake of the insanity, sit back, relax, enjoy the scenery, smack a few Bat Pixies, and have fun.
And remember...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED...::insert sound clip of a James Bond tune::
So now, dear wenches, I ask thee to put thine self into the shoes of Neo as I ask you the ultimate question...::puts on a trenchcoat along with some oddly reflective shades and holds out her hands::
.:ENTER:. or .:FLEE:.