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~ JAH LIVES ~And GOD spake all these words, saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me... Ex 20:1-3

FOR TOO LONG THEY BEEN TEACHING THE WAYS OF PAGAN RITUALS. Trying to say its the way of Christians but RASTA put a fire pon dat. If you do your research you'll find Ethiopia have the literature to our history. Thats why Rome and England invade our lands but...JAH fire confuse all their plans § ~ Morgan Heritage ~ §


For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city, and from the things, which are written in this book. Rev.22:18 & 19. KJV

Say i and i shall never stop
burning this fyah
till the walls of babylon
come tumblin' down......~sizzla~

Ok now here's some food for thought...

have you ever asked the question... "where did "religion" come from? Check out this "time line"...

i and i have reasoned and researched and this is just a condensed version but it still serves the same purpose... "TRUTH".
The CANCER babylon has created :- ( now must live with it :- )

1st... we have the Bible days {the beginning}. If you weren't a follower of "JAH" the MOST HIGH, then you were pagans.

2nd... now we'll jump to the crucifixion, during which you have Rome, {who was in control at that time... and still are} they put "Christians" to death.. oh yeah, did you know that the word christian was derrogatory back then? It would be like saying the "N" word today... "not a good thing"!!!

3rd... Now 300 years later you have Constantine {ruler of this time}... remember him? He's the guy that looked up into the sky and saw a cross and heard the words telling him to conquer with this symbol. Now at this time they were still killing "christians", but Constantine now says stop killing christians. Ok they stop killing christians. Now they become christians themselves. But how do we keep the peace with the masses of the people, {pagans}? they say hey we'll incorporate thier {which used to be ours} pagan festivals into something we'll call christian holydays.{more about those later}. And whoever doesn't believe our religion is the true religion we'll call them heretics {witches} and have them put to death in the name of God. {what was that name again?}.

4th... Now we have the time of the inqusitions. The dark ages... remember the renaissance? They're reliving the days of the inquisitions... that's sick if you ask i and i... i bet if they knew what they were really celebrating they might not like it, but then never know!!
In this time you have people breaking away from what they now call; the "mother church". They went thier own way. And they each took a little bit and left a little bit of the Roman Catholic faith {which at the time they still called christian}...

So there you have it... this was a very condensed version of what happened, all you have to do is have a little common sense to be able to reason on this wicked thing. There is much blood on the word religion. Remember the words of the christ... from the blood of Able to the blood of Zachariah, this generation will be held accountable... well i and i have no desire to share in all this bloodshed. Do you?????

Now lets reason on this man called "Constantine"
i and i reason{with thier HIStory books and thier documentaries} that he was the Roman Emperor some 300 yrs after the "crucifiction". One day while out killing "christians", he looked up into the sky and said he saw the symbol of a cross and a voice that told him "with this symbol and my name, go forth and conquer". And this he and his minions did do...{in those days they called it the "Crusades"~ now they call it the "renaissance".} Ironic isn't it... No matter what you call it, it means the same thing. It was still the Inquisitions... and you know something else? They tortured and murdered many of Gods people. Do you actually think that the Most High would approve of anything that comes out of something like that? Once again, taking something wicked and saying it was good. And by all reasonings... they can not take all that bloodshed and make it a good thing. Bottom line...what do you think the Most High thinks of that? And if you truly love JAH, you'll know that no matter what people think... the only thing that matters is what JAH says. Always remember... "JAH WILL" BE DONE... [no matter what them say... no matter what them do.] And thats just one of many evils they have accomplished.

Has anyone ever wondered about the "origin of Christmas"? Well here's a few interesting things i & i found out while searching for the truth... This ought to prove interesting...

ok... lets go back to the beginning after the flood... Remember Noah? His three children: Ham, Shem and Japeth? how 'bout Hams son Cush? Now heres the million dollar question... Remember Nimrod{the mighty hunter before the LORD}...Gen:10:9? Now we all know that Nimrod built the "tower of babel", right?{actually thats all the bible says of Nimrod} but lets use thier own history against them. Secular history tells us that Nimrod married a woman named "Semeramis"{also known as the "queen of heaven"}~[Some even say she was his own mother]~...history also tells us that they were very powerful people politically and religiously. The people followed them closely and "faithfully". Secular history goes on to say that Semaramis got pregnant by an adulterous affair. Desperate to keep her position as queen ~ some say she had Nimrod killed - no one really knows exactly how he died, but Semaramis covered it up by saying:
1}~ Nimrods death was voluntary and self-sacrificial for the benefit of the world.
2}~ He would rise mystically.
3}~ She was a virgin.
4}~ Nimrod visited her in a beam of light made her pregnant and that the baby was the reincarnated Nimrod.
5}~ Nimrods resurrection as her son was the fulfillment of "ancient prophecies".(the coming of the "Messiah.)

Of course the people fell for it... hook, line and sinker. Even "Tammuz", never knowing the truth... was worshipped as a god and never even knew the difference. Semeramis proclaimed that Tammuz(the reincarnated Nimrod) was the son of the "sun-god"{aka:Baal/Satan} and was worshipped as such... in turn she was worshipped as a goddess.

Now what you have is the birth of the "mystery religion of babylon"; pagan worship of the "mother & child".

>>> There are 3 key figures in EVERY idolatrous system...Nimrod, Semaramis and Tammuz...{no matter what you call them ~ its all the same}~(the names have been changed to protect the guilty...)
a}~ a famous and sinful king is either cut-off or dies.
b}~ an immoral queen encourages false worship, bears a child and is elevated to the status of a god.
c}~ a child worshipped as a god, but serving as husband, lover or son of the mother.

So now you see, the concept of mother and child worship is pagan and has been around since after the flood. (remember...everything was destroyed in the flood)

Now what you all have been waiting on...
"The origin of christmas".
Actually you have lots of different "religions" [putting in thier 2-cents worth]...
What the deal with the xmas tree and gifts is: that after Nimrod is killed Semeramis began to teach that her son Nimrod had been reincarnated in the form of a full grown evergreen tree, which [supposedly] sprang up from a dead tree stump. On each anniversary of Nimrods birthday(Dec.25th)~{coincidence huh? yeah right},... Semaramis would visit this evergreen tree & claim that Nimrod would leave gifts for her there. So now you know...Christmas isn't "for the kids" its for Nimrod, Semeramis and Tammuz...{aka:Satan, with 3 names}


These pages are i and i's reasonings of the ~MOST HIGH GOD, JAH RASTAFARI Haile Selassie I~. The TRUTH that they had the audacity to STEAL from i and i. It is i and i's is i and i's livity...please come back and reason.
"JAH BLESSINGS" to all who come here to reason

These pages are incomplete... but JAH guide i in writing these words...

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