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Which hamster species should I get?

See the polls at tusmc_hamsters:

Hamsters all appear the same to most people but many a time, a popular question is - which type is better? Personally, I don't think any particular type is "better" as a pet than the rest because we all look for different things in a pet. This is one reason why we first must look at the characterestics of each type and then decide.

 Let's have a brief comparison:

 Species Syrian Winter White Campbell Roborovski
 Size  15-18cm ~10cm 7-10cm 6-8cm
 Temperment Friendly, slow Friendly, Slow Active, may be nippy Very active, fast
Suitable for about everyone, especially children  About everyone Teenage and above Teenage and above
Great to handle  handle watch watch


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Social No, one to a cage Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes

Also, check out this comparison chart from

Read what others' favorite species is and other general comments

Click on the picture of the hamster below to go to the antics section of each type.

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Read what others' favorite species is and other general comments

See the polls at tusmc_hamsters:

Which is your favourite species of hamster?
Which color of hamster do you like the most?

Syrians/ Campbells/ Winter Whites/ Roborovskis / Email me
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