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Here are the High and Mighty Holy Commandments of Fanfic/Fanart Submission. Defy them, and be cast down, puny mortal! AHAHAHAHAHA--! *gets hit with a brick and is knocked out cold* X_x

To submit a fanfic:

1) First off, only well-written fics will be accepted. That means all the spelling and grammar must be correct. Use spellcheck, or have someone proofread it for you. Then you can be like me-- my writig and speling is allways perfikt, rite?

2) Due to technical constraints, I usually can't open file attachments. So if you want to send a fic, just type it in the e-mail itself, so I can cut and copy and paste it on my page.

3) I'd really appreciate it if you could html it yourself, so I don't have to guess where paragraphs end or where italics should go. This is more of a suggestion than a rule, but it would really help me out a lot.

4) Remember to tell me what name (or pseudonym) you'd like for me to use when giving credit, and also let me know if you want your e-mail address posted. If you have your own homepage, tell me that, too, so I can post a link if you'd like.

To submit fanart:

1) Due to those darned wacky technological constraints again, I can only acquire pictures by transloading, so if you have a scanned picture, it'll have to be uploaded somewhere. Give me the URL and I can then "steal" it, and put it on my page. Sorry if this is inconvenient, but it's the best I can do at this time.

2) See rule #4 above about name and e-mail address.

To submit to ME:

1) Put on a pair of handcuffs.

2) Kneel.

3) Hey, wait a second! Why am I writing this?! *huge sweatdrop* Oops. Uh, nevermind, you didn't see that, I never said a thing... *slinks off into the shadows*

Anyway, those are the rules. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me. Thanks a whole gosh-darned bunch, folks! ^_^