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Oh, you just GOTTA love the pictures. Take a look around, and feel free to steal anything you want, unless otherwise noted. I handpicked these images myself for your viewing pleasure, so enjoy! Oh, but beware of my sick sense of humor. ^_^


School Days... *poke poke* "Pssst! Heero! What's the answer to number two?"
What the...? Hey, did anybody hear a falling cow?
Say Cheese! Everybody look at the camera! No, AT the camera...
Clue? I accuse Wufei in the parlor with the knife.
The Old West Shoot low, Sheriff, I could use that shirt...
Pajama Party! Little do they suspect Relena's plans for an underwear raid later that night...
Rock On! *squeals* OOH! Sign my shirt! Sign my poster! I have ALL your CDs...! DUO! CAN I HAVE YOUR BABY?!!
Gundam Wing: The Swimsuit Edition Uh, right. Just what it says. You go, girls.


Oh, no! See what happens when you snuggle too hard, Heero?!
WHAT? "The drinks were drugged? Oh, shit!"
Jeans by Calvin Klein.
Optical illusion? "I'm not short! I'm just standing really far away!"
Wedding Bells? "What? This isn't the set of 'Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire'?"


Kawaii! "C'mon, I'm adorable and you know it."
Layin' the smack down? "You want mayo on your knuckle sandwich, pal?!"
Big Boy Duo is... Paul Bunyan!
Vogue! "Whaddaya mean, quit posing? Who, me?"
Scary... Duo attempts to perfect his "Heero Yuy Glare o' Death".


Smoooooth... Yeah, he makes that uniform look gooood...
It's Not Funny. "Look at me, I'm a SAD clown."
Pocket Pool? Trowa, what are you doing...?
Interrogation. "I swear, officer, I didn't know she was a hooker!"
Highschool Memories... The outfit Trowa chose for his high school graduation photos left some people wondering...


Boy Band? "I could've been a Backstreet Boy..."
Ethnic? "I am TOO Arabian! No, really! I AM!"
NOOO!!! No more "Mary Had a Little Lamb"!
Hurry! "Must... get to dinnertable... before sisters..."


Aww... He looks so shy and sensitive, don't he? ^_^
Confidence. Don't you wish you could look this cool all the time?
Stylin' Where do you shop, Wu?
Little Dragon got himself one o' them fancy-schmancy crotch rockets.
Sit still, now! "You want to draw my picture? I should be out serving JUSTICE!"
TAKE IT OFF! *waves a $10* C'mon, baby, let's see it ALL! Yeah!!!


*GASP!* "Wake up, Heero, we're stuck in a blanket fic together!"
Eat lead, biatch! No, Relena! Violence isn't the answer!
Fairies? Okay, who thought up this pic, and what were they smoking?
It's there! See? *points* Yaoi, right there! Can't you see it?! *twitches*
Iron Chef! Cooking competition was never cuter...
Eww... "Heero, I hope you kept the receipt for that shirt..."
Wha...? Relena, the Candyland Reject.
Not now, Duo! "Duo, first we save the world, THEN we have wild monkey sex, got it?"
Eat, eat! *fake Italian accent* You boys a' so skeeny! How you ever gonna get a lover? Eat s'more!