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Remembering Our Sons & Daughters



We Remember Them


The We Remember Them Wall was created to provide a place for anyone in the world to place

the name of a deceased loved one so that their names will not be forgotten.

It's intended to fill a need that is not being met elsewhere on the Internet.


The We Remember Them Wall is an outreach project of the Grieving Parents group.
It officially opened for names to be placed on it on January 30, 2001.


To submit a name, click the button below.
All information is required; if it is not included, the name will not be processed.

A valid email address must be included. You will receive a confirmation

after the name has been placed on the wall.



Click the button to submit a name.


Our Other Memorial Walls & Special Sites


    Suicide Memorial Wall           Grieving Parents     

 In Memory Discussion Board             Murder Victims Memorial Wall




To submit a name, send the following information in

(Note: If information is incomplete, the name will not be put up.)

* Items will show up on the wall.

1. Last name of person*

2. First name and middle name of person. *

   3. His/Her birth date *

4 His/Her death date *

5. His/Her State of residence at death (Or country, if out of the US) *

6. A Cause of death - Pick one: Natural causes, Accident, Other (Section)

6. B. Specific cause of death: ______________*

7. Symbol to include (Optional: 2 Maximum) List ...*

8 Your e-mail address. (It must be valid.)

9. Your name and your connection to the person





Click to Submit