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Lois' Retrievers

goldens are GReat

These pages are maintained with love by Lois DiMarzio

picture of dogs

Pictured above are three of the wonderful dogs with whom I have had the pleasure of
sharing my life. Oakie, the older golden sitting up, was adopted at the age of 11. He
was the most wonderful dog I have owned in my whole life. Laura is the golden
retriever pup we raised for the Seeing Eye. Newman is the labrador retriever laying
next to her. We had raised him for the Seeing Eye also but he had severe allergies
so he was released from the program and we adopted him.
To learn more about the Seeing Eye or adopting a golden retriever from a rescue group please click on the link.

get information about rescuing a golden
get information on raising Seeing Eye puppies
learn about obedience
how to feel like Queen for a Day
get more info on the fun of being owned by a golden
