Simon Potter's
Complete Furcadian Guide

Furcadia 101


Use your mouse to move, or the arrow keys. The arrow keys may be faster and better in some situations. Simply point the arrow in the direction you want to move and left-click the mouse.

There are some quick moves you can make thusly:

Control-S to go to the Vinca
Control-A to go to Allegria Island
Control-U to go to the start of most maps

Sitting, Lying Down

When you move to a seat or pillow, you will automatically sit down. However, you may sit or lie most anywhere using this:

Control-L - lie down. Using it again causes your furre to sit down


INSERT KEY - Turn counter-clockwise
DELETE KEY - Turn clockwise


To type a "smiley" use Shift -

To emote, type a colon or a semi-colon followed by your action.

: sips his tea

would appear as "Simon Potter sips his tea."

To whisper to somone type a forward slash and their name followed by the message.

/Simon How are you?

If someone has two names, such as Simon Potter, you use a shift \ instead of a space.

/Simon|Potter How are you?


To read somone's description, click on them.

You can also type Look furre name

Look Simon

Or shorten the command to the letter L

L Simon

Additional Help

Control-Z will bring up a brief Help Screen

Type help <question> and a Beekin will answer you.