No Trust

No trust anywhere,

just lies and betrayal.

Trust only your brain.

The brain lets you trust a f***ing asshole.

Then you question,

can you even trust yourself?

So you pile it all up in the only thing

pumping your blood giving you life.

But it's been broken and let down

so many times,

in so many ways,

that you don't know how to cope.

No trust.

Don't rely on the human flesh,

anything with a mouth or dick.

Keep it in,

to yourself,

run from the bitches who try to find out.

If you give in you're screwed.

So much stress on yourself,

the heart gradually slows down.

The skin turns a yellowish pale,

all circulation and blood flow is lost,

as the heart dies of lonliness.

You die taking all you're feelings, secrets, and anger,

knowing you couldn't trust them with anyone else

except your corpse 6 feet under the dirt.

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