Featured Artist Submissions: Migz@13Sradio.com
Promoters | Advertisers: Migz@13SRadio.com
Got something we should know about? Got a gig coming up you want us to advertise? Got news?
Contact your DJ's!:
Mike Compton: Compton@13SRadio.Com
Holds a degree in Radio Broadcasting and kills it on the production and announcing end. Get at him if there is something you want read by his smooth-sexy vocal chords, whether it be a promo for your band or commercial voice-over work. All around talent and good dude.
J.Migz: Migz@13SRadio.Com
Owner of the site, finishing his degree in Radio Broadcasting. Works during fall and winter sports seasons as a Game Day Engineer, Producer and Color Commentary for the Minnesota Sports Broadcast Network covering high school and college sports around the Twin Cities Metro Area.
General nonsense-creator and lover of all forms of music.
I sincerely want to thank every listener who tunes in, and every artist who submits your music. We'll do our best to promote your songs and your social media websites to help spread the good musical word.
We're all here for the same reason.....We love good music!
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