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Mission Trip

Were off to chicago!!

This is Nikki and a guy that was from another youth group that was helping us at VBS!!

This is Sarah and a man that was at one of the soup kitchen we helped at. He was sooooo funny!!

More pics from a soup kitchen

Nikki and one of the guys helping us at VBS!!!

More guys that were helping us man Nikki get's all the guys!! lol

waiting for kids to come to VBS!!!

This is our youth minister he is showing us how to dance. LOL

this is how he likes to cool down!!

This is Sarah Todd's wife

Here we are waiting for a subway in Chicago those are lots of fun!!!

At the end of the week we got to go see a cubs game yee haw!!!

There were several rude awakenings when people were sleeping and thrown from there seats to the floor when the bus stopped.