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The Hearth


New Page!! Woohoo! (And, Angela, I finally updated the poll, aren't you proud? Take the poll!! Take the poll!!) This new page is a place to leave little messages on a tagboard. I got the idea for the thing from NayNay. If you've never been here before or you return on a regular basis (don't understand why) sign the thing. If you own a mountain or couldn't afford the dirt that clogs your pores, sign it! If you eat a lot of food or are anorexic, leave a message! But get some help as well if you are anorexic. Please
I've added a ton of new things to the Yup page. I took a bunch of identity quizzes and such. Who knows, maybe they'll help you to figure me out. Good luck with that. I also took this: I scored a 86% on the "How big of a theater geek are you?" Quizie! What about you?

Aside from that, explore the site if you haven't already. Sign the guestbook, please!! Take the poll! E-mail me! Let me know that you're alive and kicking somehow, phone call, smoke signals, anything.


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Ann feelsThe current mood of at

Please feel free to look around and stay as long as you like.

The Rest

Some links
The Library
A bit about me
Other, uh, Stuff
NEW: Forum
