Chapter 19

It was late in the night, but Marie couldn’t sleep. After everything that had happened, she couldn’t relax enough to actually fall asleep. So instead she contented herself with watching Logan who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. After everything he had been through, Marie could understand his exhaustion and need to sleep. The fact that they were in a mansion populated by mutants hadn’t thrown him off in the least. Of course, he’d had time to get used to them.

As soon as Marie had seen the porno rejects hovering over them after Logan had killed Creed she’d screamed and clutched tightly at Logan. He’d tried to calm her down, but she’d insisted on staying close to him. Her mind had still be in turmoil after having absorbed both Mystique and Erik in such a short time and all that she’d wanted was Logan.

Marie had been so determined to stay close to Logan that she hadn’t even let him have a shower by himself. As soon as Logan had headed towards the bathroom that was attached to their room, Marie had followed him. They had undressed each other in silence, their fingers and lips sliding gently over exposed flesh. They had both been overcome with the urge to touch each other and assure themselves that they were both really all right.

It had shocked Marie when Logan suddenly dropped to his knees. At first, Marie had thought that something was wrong and had begun to panic. She was rather surprised when he simply began rubbing the side of his face against her stomach. He placed several open mouthed kisses on her stomach then looked up at her with a huge grin on his face.

“There’s a baby growing inside you. Our baby,” Logan told her once again nuzzling her stomach.

Tears in her eyes, Marie had wrapped her arms around his shoulders, crouching over top of him. She had simply held Logan until he had pulled back, once again staring up at her face. Reaching up, Logan had cupped her face in his hands, pulling her down for a kiss. He had slowly sat down, pulling Marie down on top of him so that she was straddling his waist. Trailing a hand down his chest, Marie had grabbed hold of Logan’s erection. He had moaned into her mouth, arching into her hand.

“God, I love you,” Logan gasped, reaching up to cup her breasts.

Very soon, Logan’s hands made their way to the small of her back, offering her something to lean against as he slowed lowered her upper body so that he could attack her nipples with his wonderful mouth. He had wrapped his lips around the hard nubs, drawing them into his mouth and suckling on them in turn.

Unable to stand it any longer, Marie raised herself up on her knees and positioned her now soaked opening over Logan’s shaft. Both of them cried out as Logan sank into her, filling up every inch of her. It wasn’t until that moment that Marie realized just how scared she had been that she would never get to hold Logan again.

Marie didn’t remember which of them had stared moving first, all that she could remember were the sensations that Logan created within her. His hands roaming over her upper body only upped the sensations that she was feeling. There was little of that shower that Marie could remember, but the look in Logan’s eyes as he stared at her while his lower body pumped in and out of her velvety channel at a rapid pace.

Logan’s normally hazel eyes had been nearly black, filled with more passion than Marie thought possible. He had stared right at her, his eyes never once flickering from her face. Along with the passion there had been another emotion floating around in the dark depths. Marie couldn’t find any words to describe it except that it had made her heart swell with emotions.

Marie had gone spiraling over the edge a few minutes later, Logan following only seconds later. They had remained locked in each other’s arms long after their climax, the water pounding against them.

“Never gonna let you out of my sight again,” Marie remembered Logan mumbling into her throat, his arms wrapped protectively around her waist as though he was scared that something would come and take her away from him at any moment.

At some point they had made it back to their bed where Logan had made love to her at a much slower pace. Their bodies had glided along the silky sheets as they moved, their bodies following a rhythm that only they knew. Marie could see the exhaustion written so clearly on Logan’s face as he hovered above her and had simply held him when it was over, allowing his body to relax. It hadn’t taken long for Logan to fall asleep after that, nestled between her legs, his head resting on her stomach. Logan had looked so beautiful like that and Marie couldn’t help from running her fingers through his hair.

Three hours later, Marie was still doing just that. There was a ghost of a smile playing on Logan’s face as Marie trailed her fingers lightly across his cheek.

“You should be getting some rest,” Logan mumbled suddenly, startling Marie who had thought he was asleep.

“The same could be said fer ya, sugah. Ya’ve been through hell t’day,” Marie reminded him, her fingers moving to massage the back of his neck.

Logan slowly crawled up her body so that his head was resting next to hers on the pillow. He settled himself comfortably in her arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead before shutting his eyes again. “I’m all right, Marie. It takes a lot to get me down. ‘Sides, saving you was worth it. I never want anything to happen to you.”

“An’ Ah don’t want anythin’ happenin’ t’ ya,” Marie murmured, snuggling her head under his chin.

“Nothing is gonna happen to me, darlin’. I can get better from just about anything,” Logan mumbled into her hair. “You’re the one I’m worried about. Especially now. I don’t want anything to happen to you or the baby. You’re too important.”

Marie pressed a kiss to Logan’s throat. “Yer pretty damn important too, sugah. After all, yer the reason that Ah’m not dead right now. An’ there’s no way Ah’m letting ya die now. Not when yer gonna be a daddy in about nine months. So no dyin’. Ah’m not gonna allow it.”

“Well it’s not like I have plans to go out and get myself killed,” Logan told her, laughter evident in his voice. “I have full intentions of being around when this kid is born.”

“Glad t’ hear it, sugah. Now go back t’ sleep,” Marie whispered, snuggling deeper into Logan’s arms.

This time, Marie drifted off to sleep as well. It was hard not to when she was wrapped up in Logan’s arms. Besides that, she had been up for nearly a day and was running almost completely on fumes. She knew that she needed just as much sleep as Logan did after the events of the past twenty-four hours, but Marie couldn’t help but want to stay awake and watch Logan as he slept. Her body had other ideas, though, and she fell asleep wrapped in Logan’s arms, completely relaxed.

Feeling as though she had only just closed her eyes, Marie was thinking some very uncharitably thoughts about the person knocking on the door of their room. As she forced her eyes open, Marie was thinking death threats of whoever was on the other side of the door.

“Marie, are ya all right?”

Rolling her eyes, Marie let out a loud moan. “Kurt, go ‘way! Ah’m tryin’ t’ sleep!” Marie called, throwing an arm over her eyes.

While Marie was thrilled beyond belief that her brother was all right, that didn’t mean she wanted him interrupting her nice peaceful sleep. Marie had been having a wonderful dream that involved her and Logan and a whole lot of chocolate syrup. That immediately put Kurt on Marie’s “To Die” list. Still, he was her brother which meant she wasn’t allowed to kill him.

“Well you’ve been sleeping for nearly an entire day. I’m your big brother, I’m allowed to get worried,” Kurt said through the door.

“”Ya might as well get in here since Ah doubt yer goin’ away any time soon,” Marie called after checking to be sure that both she and Logan were sufficiently covered.

After the ever distinctive pfft! Kurt was standing at the foot of her bed. His reaction was more than worth it. Kurt immediately screamed and zapped himself out of the room. It was then that Marie realized Logan wasn’t quite as covered as she had originally thought, giving Kurt a clear view of Logan’s... assets.

Kurt’s scream woke Logan up who sat up immediately, claws unsheathed. He rolled from the bed with a growl, crouching on the plush carpet. His nostrils flared as he searched out any possible intruders.

“Stay there, Marie,” Logan snarled, rising slowly to his feet. He stalked towards the door, one hand held in front of him and the other held back, ready to strike if need be.

“Logan, calm down, sugah,” Marie said, jumping out of the bed and wrapping the comforter around her body. “It was just Kurt. There’s no need t’ get all worked up. Just calm down an’ put those claws away.”

All that Logan did was growl and continue his advance on the door.

“Logan, will you please--”

Marie was cut off when she placed an hand on Logan’s shoulder. He whirled around, striking out on instinct. Eyes wide, Marie stared in shock at the three metal claws sticking out of her stomach. Logan’s eyes widened as well, the anguish visible on his features.

“Oh God!” Logan screamed, instantly retracting his claws. He caught Marie in his arms, carefully lowering her onto the ground. “Help me! Please! Somebody help!”

It was hard for Marie to focus after that. She was feeling suddenly exhausted and could barely keep her eyes open. Marie could vaguely feel Logan’s hand on her stomach, trying to stop the blood that was flowing out of her.

“Please don’t die on me, Marie. Please don’t die,” Logan sobbed, his lips brushing against her forehead. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t know that it was you.”

Marie wanted to tell Logan that she didn’t blame him. She knew that he hadn’t meant to hurt her. Logan would never do something like that. But she couldn’t. It was all that she could do to stay awake. There was a darkness clawing at her brain that Marie was trying vainly to ignore.

“Marie, please don’t leave me....”

In the end, the darkness won out.