Chapter 12

Marie was safety. No matter what the situation, Marie being there meant that they were safe. At least for a few minutes. Logan had come to realize how fleeting a thing safety was so he made sure to relish it whenever he could.

Even now, suspended in midair, Logan took comfort from the fact that Marie was with him.

“Marie....” Logan moaned, squeezing his eyes shut as her fingers trailed down his torso.

Marie was silent, but her fingers continued with their movements. There were moments when she pressed down harder than he would have expected, but Logan paid it no mind. The simple fact that Marie was there and touching him gave him the ease that he craved.

A part of Logan’s brain realized that he should have known something was wrong when the roaming fingers began pulling down his sweat pants.

At the time, though, he didn’t care. He had Marie and that was enough for Logan. Content for a moment, and free of fear, Logan allowed Marie’s hands to give him the comfort that he so desperately sought. Her name continuously spilled from his lips as her gentle fingers pleasured his body. Logan felt bad that he was the only one of them gaining release, but, at the moment, there was nothing Logan could do. Every inch of his body that contained metal was held immobile by Magneto.

Wanting to see Marie’s face, Logan opened his eyes. His head hung back facing the wall rather than the direction of Marie’s petite frame. He strained his eyes as much as possible, but Logan couldn’t get even the slightest glimpse of Marie. The part of his mind that was still coherent pleaded for Marie to step in his line of sight so that he could see her. His pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears making Logan wonder whether he was actually voicing his mind’s entreaty.

“Please.... Marie. See.... Please see....”

Still, Logan couldn’t see Marie. He was beginning to get worried by that fact. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t get Marie to reveal herself. That alone took away from some of Logan’s pleasure. He could no longer focus solely on her hand. Instead, he found himself longing to see her face instead.

Unsure of what was going on, Logan attempted to regain full control of his senses. He had let his control slip since Marie had originally been taken away from him, not having any need of them in his solitude.

Logan was quickly altering his decision, allowing his heightened senses to reassert themselves. He wanted to sniff out Marie’s scent to find out exactly where she was in relation to him. That way, even if he couldn’t see her, he could still sense her. It wouldn’t be the best solution, but at least it would be a solution.

Then suddenly Logan could smell her and he wished instantly that he couldn’t.

It wasn’t his Marie that was touching him.

It was Creed.

“NOOO!!” Logan roared, fighting against the oppressive hold that kept him immobile.

Creed laughed viciously and squeezed him harder. “What’s the matter, little runt? Upset that I’m not your whore?”

“Get your fuckin’ hands off me!” Logan growled, his erection wilting instantly.

“Poor little Wolverine,” Creed taunted, patting him on the hip before striding into Logan’s line of sight. “Bet you’re really starting to hate that little slut for getting you mixed up in all this. You’d be free and clear if it wasn’t for her. Fighting your way through the country. But you’re not. You’re stuck here where I can fuck with you however and whenever I want.”

Logan squeezed his eyes shut once again, willing himself back to his fantasy where it was Marie who had been touching him. In his vulnerable condition he couldn’t defend himself. All that he could do was either allow Creed’s words to either effect him or to completely disregard them.

Logan chose to disregard them.

His lack of response pissed off Creed. The message came across loud and clear when Creed slashed through Logan’s abdomen with his claws. Unable to retaliate, Logan could only grit his teeth and remain silent. He refused to give Creed the pleasure of hearing him scream. It was the only thing he could do to fight back. It was the only thing he could do in defiance.

“I want to her you scream, runt,” Creed hissed, delivering a solid blow to Logan’s kidneys.

Still, Logan remained silent despite his body’s wish to scream.

“Come on, runt. Scream for me.”

Logan only grunted as Creed lashed out again, barely able to bite back his pained scream.

“Then I guess I’ll just go make your girl scream,” Creed hissed, glaring down at Logan.

Logan did scream then. He screamed loud and long, his mind aware of only one thing. That Marie was in danger and he could do nothing to protect her. Logan refused to allow that to happen. He couldn’t let Marie get hurt. So he stretched and struggled, trying as hard as he could to get free. All that he accomplished was straining muscles and wearing himself out.

“Leave her alone, you fuckin’ monster!” Logan shouted, knowing full well that there was no way Creed could hear him if he wasn’t in the room. “Touch her and I swear I’ll kill you! Creed! Get back here! Fight me!”

Despite how much time he spent screaming and raging, Logan couldn’t force his frozen limbs to move. Creed didn’t come back either. Logan was left alone in that room, hanging in midair and completely defenseless. The worst part of it, though, was that he was away from Marie. He didn’t know where she was or if she was even all right. All that he knew was that she had been there with him one instant and gone the next. Logan wasn’t even entirely sure how it had happened. He vaguely recalled a fuzzy blue guy, but Logan didn’t entirely trust his perception at that moment. It could have easily been a trick that his mind was pulling on him.

In the midst of these thoughts, Logan found himself sailing through the air. He landed on the ground painfully and slightly disoriented. It didn’t help matters much when he heard a strange noise that he couldn’t quite pinpoint.


The next sound that he heard, however, made everything all right.


While Logan was struggling to roll over onto his side, he felt Marie wrap her arms around his shoulders and help him sit up. He relaxed willingly into her embrace, his head falling on her shoulder.

“All right, Kurt, let’s go,” Marie ordered, wrapping one arm around his waist in order to pull his body closer to hers. She snaked her other hand through his hair, holding his head against her shoulder.

With another pfft! Logan’s vision was drowned out by an intense white light. Before his eyes could even get used to it, Logan found himself in a complete new setting. One that was out of doors and away from that wretched place. Glancing up, Logan saw nothing but clear sky.

Logan turned to Marie to ask her what was going on only to have his vision fade in another intense flash.

This repeated several times until Logan was seeing little black spots every time he opened his eyes. Even with the spots, he could see Marie’s face clearly when he looked up at her. He focused on her face in order to avoid thinking about what was going on.

Until it stopped.

“Y’ all right, sugah?” Marie demanded, staring intently at his face.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Logan nodded his head. “Fine. Confused as hell about what’s goin’ on, though. How’d we get outta there?”

“That would be my doing,” the blue, fuzzy one said. “I do not believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Kurt. I’m Marie’s brother.”

With Marie’s help, Logan was able to sit up under his own power. Reaching over, he held a hand out to the other man. “It’s nice to meet you, Kurt. Thank you for looking out for Marie when I couldn’t.”

“I’d do anything to keep her safe,” the blue man said.

Logan glanced over his shoulder at Marie, a wide grin on his face. “I know the feeling.”

Still very sore from Creed’s brutal appearance, Logan leaned back into Marie’s arms, his eyes falling shut. His smile grew even more when he felt Marie’s lips brush against his forehead.

“Rest now, sugah. Ya’ve had a real rough couple o’ days. Kurt an’ Ah’ll take care o’ everythin’. Ya just sit tight an’ rest while we build a fire.”

Logan tried to protest, but it was obvious from his sluggish reactions that his body still hadn’t healed from everything that had happened to him. Still grumbling and protesting, Logan allowed Marie to lower him onto the ground. Now that his frantic desire to protect Marie from Creed had faded, Logan was suddenly exhausted. By the time he was lying on the ground, his eyes were shut and he was almost asleep. The last thing he was fully aware of was Marie draping something warm over his chest. It must have been a coat or something that she had been wearing because it was warm and smelt like her.

Logan must have fallen asleep, because the next thing he was aware of was Marie lying pressed against his side. There was a fire warming his other side, creating a blanket of warmth. He was so relaxed that he didn’t even open his eyes. All that Logan did was turn towards Marie and press a kiss to her cheek before drifting back off to sleep.