Chapter 3

As soon as she heard the door beginning to open, Marie rolled over so that she was straddling Logan’s waist. She grabbed hold of his hands, pinning them above his head. At the very last moment, Marie remembered her appearance and morphed back into Mystique. She completed the transformation just as the door opened all the way.

The good news was that it wasn’t Erik who entered.

The bad news was that it was Creed. Someone who Marie was quite sure could smell the difference between her and Mystique. However, Marie wasn’t about to let him know that she was aware of that.

“I told Erik that I wanted no interruptions! Or are you too stupid to understand that?” Marie growled, shifting her position over top of Logan.

As he stepped further into the room, Creed sniffed at the air. “You’re not the Blue Bitch. You don’t smell like her. You smell like the runt.”

Marie rolled her eyes and rose onto her knees so that Logan’s limp shaft slipped from her opening. “Do you think it could have anything to do with the fact that we just had sex?” She turned her gaze down to Logan, trying to express with her eyes how sorry she was for what she had to do. “All that it took was a quick flash of brown eyes and he was mine. Isn’t that so, Wolverine?”

Logan turned his head to the side, not saying anything.

“Oh don’t be such a spoil sport. You know you enjoyed it,” Marie taunted, grinding her lower body against Logan’s. “You were thrusting up against me the entire time like the slut you are.”

That got a whimper out of Logan, the sound of which broke Marie’s heart. Marie hated that she was doing this to Logan, but knew that there was no other choice. Not if she wanted Creed to believe her.

“I think that you’re the slut,” Creed mumbled under her breath.

Marie surged to her feet and stalked towards the giant mutant. “I wouldn’t insult me if I were you. It could be very hazardous to your health. Now get the fuck out of here so I can continue what I was doing. I don’t want an audience.”

Creed sniffed loudly, his dark eyes locking on Marie’s face. “You’re not the Blue Bitch. The Blue Bitch wouldn’t let the runt mark her.”

Marie placed her hands on her hips, glaring up at him. “Now what are you rambling about? Let him mark me? I fucked him. Simple as that.”

Creed began stalking towards her and Marie couldn’t help but step back. Bravado or no, Marie wasn’t stupid. She knew that Creed could cause some serious damage if she let him. She stood there, squeezing her eyes shut as he began sniffing at her, his face only inches from her skin. Marie wanted to whimper or make some other kind of frightened noise, but kept it inside, not wanting to alert Creed to any problems. She had to keep up her front as Mystique.

“You didn’t fuck,” Creed announced when he pulled back. “You wanted to do that.”

“Do you think you could be any more dense, you Neanderthal? Of course I wanted to do that. What woman wouldn’t want to fuck him? He is all man. Unlike you,” Marie sneered. “You’re nothing but a big ball of gross smelling fur. You make me sick.”

Before Marie could react, she found herself pressed against the wall, Creed ground his lower body tight against hers.

“Let me go, you bastard!” Marie shouted, struggling to free herself from his iron strong grasp.

“You fucked the runt so why not me?” Creed demanded.

Marie punched futilely against his chest and shoulders. “Because I don’t want to! Now let me go! Hey! You fucker, get your hand away from there!”

Suddenly, Creed was pulled away from her and she collapsed in a heap on the ground. Marie watched in shock as Logan slammed Creed into the floor, punching his claws into the larger man’s chest. Creed seemed unfazed by that, throwing Logan off him rather easily.

“Logan!” Marie shouted as she watched his body crash painfully into the wall.

“I knew it!” Creed roared. “You’re not the Blue Bitch!”

“Marie, get outta here,” Logan ordered as he staggered to his feet.

Shaking her head, Marie watched on in horror as Creed advanced on Logan once again. “No! Ah’m stayin’ right here!” Her cover blown, Marie slipped easily into her accent once again. “Ah’m not gonna leave ya, Logan!”

“So the cunt has loyalties. That’s a first for you, runt,” Creed taunted. “I always thought you were in the fuck ‘em and leave ‘em business.”

“Not this time, bub. I learned better,” Logan informed Creed.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds before Creed launched himself at Logan again. Better prepared this time, Logan remained on his feet a few seconds longer before Creed tackled him to the ground. Marie couldn’t contain a whimper as she watched Creed’s lethal claws tear into Logan’s skin.

Hearing Logan cry out in pain, Marie reacted instantly.

Half crawling, half running, Marie staggered across the room to where Creed had Logan pinned to the ground and was violently cutting into him with his claws. Not hesitating for a moment, Marie placed her hand son either side of Creed’s face and released the switch that Mystique’s powers had shown her.

Almost at once, Marie could feel Creed’s powers seeping into her. It was a lot like when she had absorbed Logan’s powers. The healing and the strength was the same. The difference was the memories. The personality that she absorbed into her head.

Marie continued to hold on until Creed passed out. She didn’t kill him. Mainly because she didn’t know what would happen if she killed him. If she had known for sure what would happen if she killed Creed, she would have done it in an instant.

Once she was sure that he wasn’t going to wake up for a while, Marie rolled Creed’s limp body off Logan. A quick glance assured her that Logan was still alive and breathing. That established, Marie reached over and began to tug Creed’s long trench coat from his body. She would need something to cover Logan with when they left the building because she was pretty sure that Logan wouldn’t be too fond of the idea of him running around naked. Marie had left all her clothes at the car, but Mystique’s natural appearance kept her sufficiently covered.

By the time Marie managed to get Creed’s coat off him, Logan was beginning to push himself into a seated position. Flipping that same switch back off, Marie slipped her arms around Logan’s shoulders and helped him up.

“Come on, sugah. We’ll get ya inta this coat then we’ll get outta here,” Marie murmured, freeing one arm in order to grab onto the coat.

“You shoulda run,” Logan told her, lifting his head so that Marie caught a glimpse of his eyes which were almost completely hidden by his hooded eyelids.

Marie rolled her eyes. “Not gonna happen, sugah. Now start cooperatin’ an’ help me get this jacket on ya.”

It was a bit of a struggle as Logan fought to get his limbs to obey the commands his mind was sending them. The blood loss was messing with his head. Marie could tell that and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

“That’s it, Logan. Just stick yer other arm in here an’ we can go. There we go,” Marie said softly as she guided Logan’s fumbling arm into the proper sleeve. Wrapping the jacket tighter around his body and tying the sash at his waist, Marie checked on final time to make sure that Logan was sufficiently covered before helping him to his feet.

By this time Logan’s body was almost completely healed. He was still a little weak and had to lean on Marie a bit. The jacket hid most of the blood, making things infinitely easier for Marie. The mere sight of Logan’s blood made her sick to her stomach and Marie didn’t need that if she was going to get them out of Erik’s compound.

“You shouldn’t have come here,” Logan told her as Marie led him out of the room. “It’s too dangerous.”

“Yer gonna hafta do better than that after everythin’ that’s happened this week,” Marie told him. “Now shut up an’ follow me.”

Marie knew how much Logan hated following orders, but she wasn’t going to give him much of a choice. Despite all of his abilities in fighting, Marie was the one with the advantage in this situation. After all, Marie was the one that Erik thought was his associate.

“Keep yer head bowed, sugah. Gotta make it look like yer nice an’ submissive,” Marie said softly, glancing at Logan out of the corner of her eye.

“I don’t like this, Marie,” Logan grumbled, but he lowered his head nonetheless.

Marie didn’t waver in her determination one bit. “Doesn’t matter. Ah’m the one in charge right now, so ya gotta do what Ah say. Understood?”

“Ah, Mystique, I see you have the Wolverine properly subdued,” Erik said as he rounded the corner Marie and Logan were approaching.

With a sudden smirk on her face, Marie reached up and ran her fingers through Logan’s hair. “The Wolverine is like all other men. One quick fuck and he’ll do anything you want. Isn’t that right, Wolverine.”

Marie could feel the anguish radiating off of Logan but was helpless to do anything.

“Would you mind telling me why Wolverine is wearing Sabertooth’s coat?” Erik asked, catching both Marie and Logan off guard.