Chapter 2

The instant that he set eyes on her, Logan felt his entire body stiffen. He knew that his senses were playing tricks on him. The blue woman smelled like his Marie, but she sure as hell didn’t look like her. Whimpering slightly, Logan crouched as far into the corner as he could. Logan began to tremble as she half ran, half walked towards him.

“Thank Gawd! Ah thought ya were dead!” the blue woman cried using Marie’s voice. She knelt down in front of him, reaching a hand out towards his face. When he flinched away from her touch, it looked as though he had punched her in the stomach. “Logan? Sugah, what’s wrong?”

“You’re not Marie,” Logan mumbled, shrinking back even further.

“Oh Gawd. No. It is me, sugah. It’s me,” the woman murmured, tears shining in her glowing yellow eyes.

As Logan watched, the woman who claimed to be his Marie changed. The blue left her skin and the shape of her body shifted back to the one that he knew and loved. A sob escaped his throat and he reached for her. He had unthinkingly reached for her, uncaring of the fact she was only covered in a bra and panties.

To his complete surprise, he could touch her skin.

“Marie...?” Logan mumbled, staring at her in shock. He kept his hand on her arm, his eyes darting from where he was touching her, to her face and back again.

Grinning, Marie reached a hand up to cup his cheek. “Ah know, sugah. Ah can touch ya now. Really touch ya.”

Logan said nothing. All that he did was reach out and pull her into his arms. A moan escaped his lips as he felt Marie’s arms wrap around him. He pressed his face against her throat, inhaling a scent that was purely Marie. A scent that had become ingrained in his very being over the past few days.

“I was trying to get back to you. Trying so hard,” Logan mumbled against her skin. “I couldn’t do it, though. Wanted you so badly, but I couldn’t get to you no matter how much I tried.”

Marie only held him tighter, pressing kisses to the top of his head. “Ah’m here now, sugah. Ah’m here now an’ Ah’m not goin’ anywhere without ya.”

Logan shook his head furiously. “No. You should go. You shouldn’t be involved in this. You could get hurt and I don’t want that. You shouldn’t be involved in this.”

“Involved in what?” Marie questioned, pulling back far enough so that she could see his face.

Logan squeezed his eyes shut as his meeting with Magneto flashed through his mind. His vulnerability and inability to move. Further still was the pain that had come following his refusal of Magneto’s offer. Pain that he knew would increase if he refused Magneto’s offer again.

“Magneto wants me to join him,” Logan told her, shifting into a cross-legged position and pulling Marie onto his lap. “He wants me to fight on the same side as that bastard Creed. If Creed is involved, it can’t be good.”

“If ya tell him no again, he’s going t’ kill ya,” Marie told him, trembling slightly as she spoke. “He’s gonna give ya t’ Sabertooth t’ kill. Is Sabertooth worse than Creed?”

Logan buried his face in Marie’s flowing hair. “Sabertooth is Creed. Just like I’m Wolverine and you’re the Rogue.”

“Ya mean that Creed....”

“Creed was in that place,” Logan confirmed. “He was there a few years before us. Creed escaped and then they found out about me when they were tracking him down. We got in a bar fight, someone knifed me. I healed up from it right away and they took notice of it. The bastards made sure to point that out to me almost right away.”

Logan could smell Marie’s tears and hugged her tighter, pressing a kiss to the back of her head. Slowly at first, Marie eased out of Logan’s arms only to turn around and straddle his waist. Her arms went around his neck, holding her body flush against his. She placed several kisses on the side of his jaw before making her way to his lips. Logan relished her touch, his body reacting to hers almost instantly.

“Magneto sent me in here t’ entice ya t’ joining his side,” Marie told Logan, her lips brushing against his as she spoke. “He says Ah can’t use any method Ah want short o’ killin’ ya.”

“Marie....” Logan moaned, his body arching against hers.

“Please, Logan. Let me do this. Let me do this while Ah can still touch ya,” Marie pleaded, raking her fingers through his hair and grinding her lower body against his. “There’s no tellin’ what’ll happen next an’ Ah wanna have the memory o’ ya bein’ inside me. Ah wanna have that one good memory t’ hold onta in case somethin’ goes wrong.”

Logan’s protests were cut off for good when Marie’s right hand snaked down his chest. Her hand moved slowly, circling his nipples before making her way to his belly button and the coarse hairs beyond. Logan moaned when her fingers wrapped around his stiffening penis. This time when Logan moaned her name, it wasn’t a protest, it was a plea.

“It’s all right, sugah, Ah’ve got ya now,” Marie murmured, pressing a kiss against his throat.

The scent of Marie’s arousal hit him then, an intoxicating scent that he couldn’t help but respond to. Her small fingers wrapped around him tighter, causing Logan to arch into her touch. Logan’s fingers found their way instinctively to the juncture between her thighs. Allowing just the tip of one claw to poke out from her knuckles, Logan cut away the bottom of her panties, leaving her naked to his touch. Before returning his attention there, however, he used the same claw to slice through the thing material of her bra, giving Logan his first look at her breasts.

“You’re so beautiful,” Logan murmured, tracing the underside of one breast with the tip of a finger.

Marie bit her bottom lip and leaned into Logan’s touch. Logan used her distraction to lower her onto her back. Marie arched under him at the touch of the cold metal against her back.

“Logan, please....” Marie moaned, clutching at his shoulders.

A wide grin on his face, Logan leaned down and captured her lips with his. Even if he could do nothing but kiss Marie for the rest of his life, Logan would die a happy man. Still, he was going to use this situation to his advantage. He wanted to make love to Marie once without any barriers separating them.

Moaning into the kiss, Marie reached down and placed a hand on his hip, attempting to guide him to the place she was aching for him. Logan was almost dizzy from the smell of Marie’s arousal which was filling the room. It was all that he could do to keep himself from thrusting in her to the hilt. Logan didn’t want to do that.

However, Marie wasn’t giving him much of a choice.

Her hand which had previously been resting on his hip was now reaching for his throbbing erection. As her fingers brushed his shaft, Logan couldn’t contain the moan that formed in the back of his throat. His hips arched unconsciously towards her touch, allowing her to fully wrap her fingers around his erection. She began to stroke him, pulling an even deeper moan from somewhere in Logan’s chest.

“Please....” Marie sobbed, her body arching under his. This time it wasn’t because of the cold floor.

Unable to restrain himself any longer, Logan allowed Marie to guide him to her soaked entrance. He pushed in slowly, not wanting to hurt Marie in any way. Marie would have none of that, though. As soon as the head was in, Marie wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled the rest of his shaft in so that he was buried in her completely.

Marie was so tight that it was all that Logan could do to keep his eyes open. It felt wonderful to be sheathed in Marie so completely. Something inside of Logan that he hadn’t even been aware of being broken was suddenly whole. He felt complete.

His eyes trained on Marie’s face, Logan began to thrust in and out of her. Marie’s face was screwed up in pleasure, her eyes nothing more than tiny slits of dark chocolate brown.

“Look at me, Marie,” Logan gasped out, bringing his hands forward to run through her hair. “I need to see your eyes.”

Ever so slowly, Marie opened her eyes. She kept them trained on Logan’s face, a ghost of a smile appearing on her lips. Lifting her head up off the ground, Marie sought out Logan’s lips with her own.

“Ah love ya, Logan,” Marie murmured against his mouth. “No one else.”

What little control Logan had been exhibiting before was shattered completely by Marie’s whispered words. He began thrusting into her more powerfully, grinding his pelvis against her clit with every stroke.

Soon Marie’s moans were filling his ears, causing Logan to cry out as well. He moaned her name, lowering his head to the curve of her neck. Slowly, he began to kiss a path from her neck, along her collarbone until he reached her right breast. Logan pressed several open mouthed kisses on her breast until he found her nipple. He laved the tight nubbin with his tongue, drawing it into his mouth.

“Logan....” Marie moaned, her inner muscles already beginning to clench around him. “Ah Gawd! Logan, please! Logan!”

“That’s it, Marie. Just let go, baby,” Logan called, raising his head to press a kiss to the corner of her mouth.

Logan pressed his mouth over hers to silence the scream that erupted to her throat when she came. The feel of Marie’s inner muscles clamping around his shaft sent Logan crashing over the edge as well. He felt like he was breaking apart into a million different pieces and wasn’t sure if he’d be able to put himself back together again. He moaned into Marie’s mouth, collapsing on top of her as his arms gave out beneath him.

“Ah’m gonna carry this with me ferever,” Marie whispered against his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his neck, sighing loudly.

The sound of the door opening brought an end to that tranquil moment.