Company on the Outside

In "Outsider" Marie left New York with Logan. Now their story continues as they reach the snowy North.
Rated NC-17

It’s everythin’ that Ah imagined it would be. It’s just like all the pictures that Ah had decoratin’ mah room. ‘Course, no matter how far Ah turned down the thermostat, Ah could never make it as cold as Alaska really is. It’s a good cold, though. ‘Specially when Ah’ve got Logan t’ wrap his arms ‘round me an’ keep me warm.

“Ah’m so grateful that Ah have Logan with me. Not just ‘cause it means Ah don’t hafta hitchhike, but fer the company. Logan’s prob’bly the one person on the face o’ the planet who’s not scared o’ me or mah mutation. He’s actually been encouragin’ me t’ take mah gloves off more. Scared the shit outta me the first time Ah did it. It was only just me an’ him, but Ah damn near had a panic attack. Memories o’ what happened the last time Ah was ‘round Logan without gloves was still real fresh in mah mind an’ there was no way Ah was gonna risk it happenin’ again.

“Listen to me, Marie. Nothing bad is gonna happen,” Logan insisted, placin’ his hands on mah shoulders t’ get me t’ stop pacin’. “I trust you and I know that you won’t do anything to hurt me.”

“Ah might not mean t’, though. It could just be an accident, but Ah could still hurt ya,” Ah insisted, cryin’ by this point.

Logan pulled me against him then, wrappin’ his arms ‘round me. “You don’t have to be scared of nothin’, Marie. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. Accident or no.”

An’ he was right. There were no accidents. Ah didn’t’ almost suck the life outta him an’ Logan didn’t stab me through the chest. Even when we were sleepin’ in the same bed at motels we didn’t have any accidents.

The fact that Logan didn’t have any more nightmares made it better. Accordin’ t’ Logan, he think that Jeanie had somethin’ t’ do with it. He doesn’t normally have many nightmares an’ that night Jeanie had been pokin’ ‘round in his head. Accordin’ t’ Logan, he thinks Jeanie popped somethin’ loose in his head. Gave him access t’ things he can’t remember. Only problem is that he didn’t get t’ chose what he remembered. Instead o’ gettin’ somethin’ ‘bout the life he couldn’t remember, he ended up havin’ a nightmare ‘bout how he got his metal skeleton.

Without Jeanie there t’ fuck with his head, Logan was able t’ sleep the whole night through without wakin’ up from a Gawd awful nightmare.

An’ Ah’m pretty proud t’ say that Ah’ve got Logan t’ smile a few times. Not an’ easy task considerin’ how little Logan smiles. Ah’m surprised the muscles he needs t’ smile still work. Ah plan on makin’ him smile more often. Logan looks real gorgeous when he smiles. His whole face lights up an’ he looks real carefree. A feelin’ Ah don’t think he gets very often. So Ah’ve made it mah job t’ make Logan smile more.

Which Ah’m currently doin’ by dancin’ ‘round in the snow like Ah don’t have a care in the world. In case yer wonderin’, at this moment Ah don’t have a care in the world. Not when Ah’ve got Logan t’ keep me safe. It’s hard t’ be scared when ya’ve got a livin’ breathin’ fightin’ machine t’ protect ya.

“You’re gonna get cold, darlin’,” Logan called from his place next t’ the bike.

Have Ah mentioned that he’s been callin’ me “darlin’” lately? ‘Cause he has an’ Ah love it. Sure beats bein’ called kid. ‘Cause the last thin’ Ah want Logan t’ think Ah am is a kid. Ah’m far from it. Ah think that Logan’s noticed it too what with the low cut shirts Ah tended t’ wear. Just ‘bout all the clothes Ah have are from when Ah left home almost a year ago. That means there are clothes Ah wore ‘fore mah mutation took effect. Ah didn’t want t’ waste money on clothes so Ah just adapted the ones Ah had t’ cover as much skin as possible. An’ on the days Ah wanna torture Logan, Ah simply wear one o’ the low cut ones without anythin’ under it. That gets his attention right away every time.

“Ah love the cold!” Ah shout at Logan, takin’ a handful o’ snow an’ throwin’ it in the air.

“Yeah, well you’re not the one with metal running through your bones,” Logan informed me rather gruffly.

“Aww, is the poor baby gettin’ the sniffles?” Ah teased him, poutin’ a bit.

Next thin’ Ah knew, Ah was bein’ chased through the snowy wilderness by a growlin’ wild man. Had anyone seen us, they woulda thought Ah was completely insane the way Ah was laughin’. It was just too damn funny. Every time Ah glanced over mah shoulder at him, Logan would growl an’ speed up a bit. ‘Course the only reason he hadn’t caught me was the fact that Ah was real small an’ could dart ‘round an’ through obstacles better than he could. If it wasn’t fer the forest he woulda caught me right away.

Obstacles or no, it wasn’t long ‘fore Logan caught up t’ me. His arms wrapped ‘round mah waist then we fell inta a deep snow drift. ‘Fore Ah was completely aware o’ what was goin’ on, Logan had flipped me onta mah back an’ was layin’ sprawled out ‘tween mah legs.

This was an interestin’ turn o’ events.

“Mah butt’s gettin’ cold,” Ah mumbled, reachin’ up t’ brush some snow off Logan’s hair.

Logan grinned down at me, shiftin’ ‘round t’ get more comfortable. “You shoulda though of that before you started making fun of me.”

“Well that was ‘fore Ah knew ya weren’t above squishin’ me in the snow,” Ah whined, shovin’ at his shoulders. “Now let me up ‘fore Ah start losin’ some very valuable parts.”

“Hate to break it to you, darlin’, but I’m the only one in danger of losin’ any valuable parts,” Logan informed me with a smirk.

Ah had no arguments t’ that seein’ as how said valuable parts were pressed right up against me. It wasn’t till he mentioned them that Ah noticed just how close Logan was pressed against me. Stupid man just had t’ open his mouth.


Doesn’t he realize just how much he’s teasin’ me with somethin’ Ah can never have? Ah’m the untouchable girl which means no fuckin’ the sexy Wolverine. Honestly! How can the fates be so cruel? If they were plannin’ on stickin’ me with a man who can best be described as sex on legs why did they give me such lethal skin? Was Ah really that awful in a past life? Did Ah kill someone real important ‘fore he got t’ do the important thin’ he was gonna be famous fer? It’s just not fair!

Oh mah Gawd!

This isn’t fair! Sweet bleedin’ Christ! This isn’t fair! Logan’s rubbin’ up against me like we’re havin’ sex. An’ not the brutal fuckin’ Ah have his memories o’. This is real soft. Real gentle. He’s pressin’ himself against me real tenderly an’ there’s this beautiful expression on his face.

“You’re so beautiful,” Logan murmurs, lightly cuppin’ mah cheek in his large hand. His thumb was delicately runnin’ along mah cheekbone.

An’ suddenly Ah wasn’t feelin’ the cold anymore.

“Yer teasin’ me,” Ah said softly, slippin’ one hand inta his hair an’ runnin’ the other up an’ down his chest. “It’s not nice t’ tease a girl who’s not allowed t’ touch anyone.”

Logan grinned down at me, pressin’ a kiss against the side o’ mah face where mah hair covered mah skin. “Well I could show some ways around your skin if you want,” he whispered into mah hair.

At that point Ah couldn’t help but lift mah legs up an’ wrap them ‘round Logan’s waist. Logan seemed t’ be enjoyin’ it ‘cause he began nuzzlin’ the side o’ mah neck through the scarf Ah wore. Ah’d almost forgotten ‘bout the fact we were lyin’ in snow till we shifted positions a bit an’ some snow slid up the back o’ mah jacket an’ found some bare skin. Ah let out a squeak an’ somehow managed t’ roll both Logan an’ mahself over so that Ah was now the one on top.

From mah new position on top o’ him, Ah got a clear view o’ Logan’s face. His eyes were the first thing that drew mah attention. They were real dark an’ held an intensity that Ah hadn’t seen before. It wasn’t lust, though. It was much deeper than that. It was devotion. It was love. It was somethin’ Ah’d never seen before. At least not directed at me. An’ after what had happened with David back home, Ah didn’t think Ah’d ever have someone look at me like that. But Logan was an’ it felt amazin’.

“Now ya know what it’s like t’ have yer ass in the cold,” Ah informed Logan, crouchin’ over so that mah face was inches from his.

“How about we go back to the motel?” Logan suggested, combin’ mah hair away from mah face so that he could get a better look at me.

Ah pretended t’ pause an’ consider it fer a few moments. It takes only a few seconds fer the panic t’ seep onta Logan’s features. As though there’s any way Ah could say no t’ him! Ah’ve been dreamin’ ‘bout Logan since the day he picked me up off the side o’ the road. Sure, that was only a week an’ a half ago, but it’s been a week an’ a half o’ very memorable dreams.

“Ah think that’s a good idea,” Ah finally murmured, grinnin’ down at him.

Logan let out a huge sigh o’ relief an’ pulled me down against him. We stayed like that fer a few minutes, holdin’ each other in the snow bank. We were both well aware o’ the cold, but neither o’ us were payin’ any attention t’ it then. We didn’t feel it. At least Ah didn’t. All that Ah could see or feel was Logan an’ the way he was holdin’ me, runnin’ his fingers up an’ down mah back between mah sweater an’ mah jacket.

Eventually, we got up an’ slowly made our way back t’ Scooter’s bike. Logan kept his arm ‘round mah waist as we trudged through the snow, his free hand grippin’ one o’ mine. Fer the first time in eight months, Ah felt like Ah belonged. Like Ah finally had company on the outside o’ society. An’ Logan was the best company fer that. Logan was on the outside like Ah was.

Lookin’ at him, Logan looked completely normal if a little rough ‘round the edges. It wasn’t till ya got t’ know him that ya realized just how much o’ an outsider Logan really was. Logan didn’t have a past an’ his search t’ find what had been lost from him had led only t’ heartache. Were it not fer the people who felt the need t’ enhance him, Ah don’t have a single doubt that Logan woulda gone on t’ live a completely normal life. As awful as it is t’ say, Ah’m kinda glad that Logan went through what he did. If he hadn’t, we woulda never met. Ah wouldn’t have Logan in mah life an’ Ah’d be all alone. Ah hate bein’ alone an’ Logan is the best company a girl could ask fer.

As we mounted the bike again, Ah pressed mahself as close t’ Logan as possible. Ah wrapped mah arms ‘round his waist an’ nuzzled mah face against the back o’ his jacket between his shoulder blades. Once he was sure that Ah was settled, Logan gunned the bike t’ life an’ took off towards the highway.

Before mah mutation took effect, Ah was a sweet little girl who’d never do anythin’ that wasn’t expected o’ a good Southern girl. Now Ah have a horny teenage boy in mah head as well as Logan. It tends t’ corrupt a girl. Not that Ah’m complainin’. Ah’m prob’bly the most well versed virgin on the face o’ the planet. Unlike most other virgins, Ah won’t be fumblin’ ‘round when the time finally comes.

Puttin’ this new knowledge t’ work, Ah began t’ run mah fingers up an’ down Logan’s stomach. He tensed almost instantly an’ had almost started t’ relax when mah hand dipped down t’ his waist.

“If you wanna survive this ride, Marie, you might wanna stop what you’re doing right now,” Logan growled, tensin’ further.

“Yer no fun,” Ah grumbled with a roll o’ mah eyes. Ah was half tempted t’ keep teasin’ him, but Ah was eager t’ get back t’ the motel where Ah could get warm with Logan. Somethin’ Ah wouldn’t be able t’ do if Ah made him crash the bike.

Logan relaxed once again when Ah slid mah hands back up t’ his stomach. Gettin’ mahself comfortable once again, Ah shut mah eyes an’ let the wind whip through mah hair. At one point Ah think Ah almost fell asleep. Ah was just so completely relaxed, a feelin’ Ah was still gettin’ used t’. The past week an’ a half were the first chance Ah’d gotten in almost a year t’ relax.

“We’re here, Marie,” Logan said softly after stoppin’ the bike fer a final time.

Not wantin’ t’ move, Ah simply moaned an’ shook mah head, snuggln’ closer t’ him.

“Come on, it’s cold out here,” Logan said, slidin’ off the bike an’ pullin’ me up in his arms.

Logan flung me over his shoulders an’ headed back t’ our room despite mah kickin’ an’ screamin’. He was laughin’ all the while an’ shocked the hell outta me when he slapped mah ass. That got me t’ shut up right away. It wasn’t that Logan had hit me hard. Far from it. It was more o’ a pat than anythin’ else, but the fact that Logan had done it shocked me inta silence.

“Ah can not believe that ya just did that,” Ah hiss as Logan stops t’ open the door t’ our room.

“Well if you’d gotten off the bike on your own I wouldn’t have been forced to do that,” Logan informed me, the grin more than distinguishable in his voice.

“Ya just like touchin’ mah ass,” Ah muttered, crossin’ mah arms under mah chin an’ restin’ them against his back.

“The problem?”

Now that he mentions it, there really isn’t a problem with Logan wantin’ t’ touch mah ass.

We enter the room an’ Ah’m hit by a sudden welcome blast o’ warm air. Every bone in mah body relaxed when Ah felt the warm air seep inta mah bones. Logan set me down an’ Ah grinned up at him ‘fore rushin’ over t’ the heater an’ standin’ right in front o’ it. Logan rolled his eyes an’ followed after me, droppin’ his jacket on the back o’ a chair as he went.

“Getting a little cold, were you?” Logan asked, comin’ up t’ wrap his arms ‘round me.

Ah snuggled back against Logan’s chest, mah eyes slidin’ shut. “Just a little. But Ah’m startin’ t’ warm up real quick.”

Logan squeezed me tightly then, pressin’ a kiss t’ mah shoulder. “I haven’t completely figured out how I’m supposed to act right now. I’m kinda at a lost,” Logan admitted, soundin’ kinda hesitant ‘bout tellin’ me so.

“Whadaya mean?” Ah asked in little more than a whisper. Ah knew that Logan had slept with someone before. Ah had some very interestin’ visuals o’ it as well. So it couldn’t be that. No one ever said Logan wasn’t a confusin’ man.

“Well, all I’ve ever done before is no name fucking. I don’t want this to be like that,” Logan said softly, his hand movin’ up an’ down mah stomach in a mimic o’ what Ah’d done t’ him on the bike.

“Well since Ah’m even less experienced than ya, Ah think we should just go with what feels right,” Ah whispered, still tryin’ to comprehend what was gonna happen.

Pullin’ away from Logan, Ah strode slowly towards the bathroom, makin’ a quick stop along the way t’ pick up mah bag. Ah had some ideas on how t’ pull this off, but Ah wanted t’ get ready without Logan starin’ at me. No matter how many men Ah have livin’ in mah head, it doesn’t change the fact that Ah’ve never had anyone see me naked.

Once in the bathroom, Ah stared at mahself in the mirror for several minutes ‘fore Ah slowly began t’ remove mah clothes. Ah removed layer after layer till each an’ every inch o’ lethal skin was made visible. Goin’ inta mah bag, Ah pulled out a pair o’ flesh coloured tights. Ah put those on along with a pair o’ black silk opera gloves an’ a see through, gauzy green long sleeve shirt. Ah also grabbed a sheer scarf an’ wrapped it ‘round mah neck. Ah needed some way t’ kiss Logan, didn’t Ah?

Never in a million years would Ah have thought that Ah’d be wearin’ so much clothes when Ah had sex fer the first time. Still, Ah was quite proud o’ mahself. This way Ah would be able t’ see an’ touch all o’ Logan an’ he could see, if not touch, all o’ me.

Soon as Ah was able t’ breath evenly, Ah turned t’ the door an’ opened it t’ the main room o’ our motel room. Logan was sittin’ on the bed in nothin’ but a pair o’ jeans. If Ah didn’t know that Logan had a thing against wearin’ underwear, Ah woulda thought him a little over dressed considerin’ what Ah had on. But those jeans were literally the only thing between me an’ a naked Logan.

“Wow,” Logan whispered, slowly risin’ t’ his feet an’ steppin’ towards me.

Had it been anyone but Logan starin’ at me with that possessive look in his eyes, Ah might o’ been a little nervous. Ah wasn’t, though. This felt more right t’ me than anythin’ else had in a very long time.

“Ya know,” Ah murmured as Logan reached out t’ run his fingers through mah hair, “Ah don’t think it’s very fair that Ah’m all exposed but ya still get t’ hide behind yer jeans.” For emphasis, Ah ran mah index finger along the strainin’ bulge at the front o’ his jeans. “Ah’m thinkin’ that Ah should remove ya o’ that problem. Whadaya think?”

“I’m thinking that’s a good plan,” Logan hissed, archin’ inta mah touch. At that moment, the pleasure Ah saw on Logan’s face was like nothin’ Ah’d ever seen before.

Not entirely sure what t’ do, but havin’ a good idea, Ah undid the button an’ slowly eased the zipper down over his strainin’ erection. Ah carefully dipped mah hand inside in order t’ pull it out. Despite havin’ two men occupyin’ mah head, Ah’m still enough o’ a virgin t’ be shocked outta mah mind when Ah first saw Logan revealed t’ mah gaze.

“Wow,” Ah muttered as Ah lowered Logan’s jeans down far enough for gravity t’ take effect an’ pull them down the rest o’ the way.

At that time Ah decided that it was time fer the more experienced Logan t’ take control. After carefully steppin’ outta his jeans, Logan wrapped his arms ‘round mah waist an’ pulled me inta his arms. As Logan deftly pulled the scarf across mah mouth, Ah wrapped mah arms ‘round his neck, pullin’ mahself still closer.

“You’re so beautiful,” Logan whispered, his lips brushing against mine through the sheer scarf. “More beautiful and more real than anyone I’ve ever met or seen in the fifteen years that I can remember.”

Logan’s words struck a cord deep inside o’ me. Ah grinned against his lips, but didn’t have time fer more than that ‘fore Logan’s tongue slipped out t’ brush against mah lips. From that moment on, Ah was pretty much runnin’ on sensations.

It felt like each an’ every nerve in mah body was on fire as Logan slowly kissed his way from mah lips down mah an’ endin’ at about mah breasts ‘round the same time Ah ended up lyin’ on the bed. Ah’m not exactly sure when we made our way back t’ the bed, only that Ah ended up lyin’ on it with Logan restin’ ‘tween mah legs. Ah arched mah body sharply as he latched his lips ‘round a nipple, the feelin’ surgin’ t’ every fibre o’ mah body.

“Logan... please....” Ah moaned, not exactly sure what Ah was askin’ him fer.

Logan’s hands started trailin’ down mah body, slidin’ ever closer t’ mah soakin’ core. Even with the crotch o’ the tights protectin’ Logan from mah skin, as soon as his fingers touched me there, Ah felt more alive than Ah ever had in mah entire life. An’ the fact that it was Logan touchin’ me there made it even more intense.

“Oh Gawd!” Ah cried out, shoutin’ t’ a god that Ah hadn’t believed in since Ah learned o’ mah mutation.

Somehow, Ah managed t’ regather mah wits enough t’ realize that Logan was smilin’ when he pressed a kiss against mah navel.

“An’ just where d’ ya think yer goin’?” Ah demanded as Logan continued his journey southwards. Ah slipped mah fingers inta his hair, pullin’ his head up so that Ah could see his face. “Ah wasn’t entirely done kissin’ ya when ya distracted me.”

Logan was grinnin’ from ear t’ ear. Somethin’ Ah’d never seen him do before. “Can’t very well disappoint the lady, now can I?”

Ah shook mah head, keepin’ mah hands on Logan’s cheeks as he slowly inched his way back up mah body. He pulled the scarf up with him, once again coverin’ mah face so that he could kiss me. Ah grinned up at Logan through the transparent barrier just ‘fore his lips came crashin’ down on mine. His lips felt wonderful on mine, as did his cock which was nestled right ‘tween mah legs. Ah kissed his lips, his cheeks, the tip o’ his nose, his chin. Every inch o’ Logan’s face was visited by mah lips.

Wantin’ t’ pay Logan back fer the havoc he wreaked on mah lower body, Ah slipped mah hand down his chest an’ wrapped mah fingers ‘round the base o’ his erection. Soon as mah fingers brushed against his penis, Logan arched his hips inta mah grip.

“Marie!” Logan gasped, pressin’ his forehead against mah shoulder.

Ah kissed the top o’ his head as Ah continued strokin’ him lightly. The fingers o’ mah other hand were dancin’ lightly over his hip, very close to where mah own drawn up leg was restin’.

When Logan lifted his head, the look on his face was breathtakin’. “Please, Marie, I need to... I need to be inside you,” Logan moaned, his dark eyes trained on mine.

Ah nodded mah head, bringin’ both mah hands back up t’ rest on either side o’ his neck. “Ah want that too, Logan.”

Logan lightly cupped mah cheek fer a moment, smilin’ real tender, ‘fore he reached over t’ the small nightstand fer his wallet. While Ah continued t’ run mah hands up an’ down his chest, Logan busied himself with fishin’ a condom outta his wallet. Once he had it in his hand, Logan tore the foil wrapper away with his teeth. He started reachin’ down t’ put it on himself, but Ah beat him t’ it. Ah took the condom from him an’ eased it over the head o’ his cock an’ slowly unwrapped it on him. Logan was moanin’ the whole time, his eyes trained on mine the entire time, lightly tracin’ an uncovered portion o’ mah cheek with the flat o’ a nail.

“I love you, Marie. You know that, right?” Logan whispered, his eyes lookin’ directly inta mine as he spoke.

There were tears in mah eyes as Ah nodded mah head. “Ah know, Logan. An’ Ah love ya too. In case ya were wonderin’.”

“It’s good to know,” Logan murmured, releasin’ one inch o’ a claw so that he could cut a small hole in the crotch o’ mah tights.

After Logan had made the cut, Ah grabbed hold o’ his hand an’ pulled it up t’ mah face. “Let the claw out all the way, Logan,” Ah told him, givin’ him a reassurin’ smile when he hesitated. “Trust me, Logan. Ah won’t let anythin’ happen t’ ya.”

Knowin’ just how much Logan hated the claws that had been force upon him by the government doctors, Ah was determined t’ prove t’ Logan that they didn’t matter t’ me. That Ah loved the claws just as much as Ah loved him. They were a part o’ him an’ that was all that mattered t’ me.

Carefully cuppin’ Logan’s hand in both o’ mine, Ah brought it up t’ mah face. Ah pressed it against mah cheek fer a moment ‘fore brushin’ mah lips against the surprisingly warm metal. Ah felt Logan’s entire body tremble at the touch, his eyes full o’ complete awe as he stared down at me.

“Ah love each an’ every part o’ ya, Logan,” Ah told him, longin’ t’ press a kiss t’ the inside o’ his palm, but knowin’ that Ah couldn’t. “Every part.”

Logan kissed me once again, hard, then slowly began t’ ease himself inside o’ me. It was a tiny bit painful at first, the stretchin’, but Ah got used t’ it real soon, archin’ mah hips t’ pull more o’ Logan inside me. He seemed a bit apprehensive at first, but continued on when Ah nodded mah head an’ wrapped mah legs ‘round his waist.

With one final thrust, Logan was all the way inside me, our lower bodies pressed so intimately together.

Logan remained completely still fer a moment, unsure o’ what t’ do. He waited until Ah was ready, noddin’ mah head an’ pressin’ a kiss against the bottom o’ his chin. Movin’ very slowly at first, Logan eased his hips back, pullin’ out almost completely ‘fore pushin’ forward again. He began a slow, easy rhythm that Ah was able t’ match.

While we moved, Logan an’ Ah kept our eyes on each other, neither one o’ us breakin’ the intense gaze.

What happened after that Ah’m not entirely sure. All Ah was aware o’ was the wonderful friction Logan created within me an’ the coil that Ah could feel growin’ tighter an’ tighter within the pit o’ mah stomach. Everythin’ ‘round me seemed more alive. The tension just kept gettin’ more an more intense until everythin’ snapped.

Ah’m not entirely sure, but Ah think Ah screamed Logan’s name at that point. One thin’ Ah knew fer certain was that Ah’d never experienced anythin’ like that ‘fore. Words couldn’t even begin t’ describe how Ah was feelin’. An’ the look in Logan’s eyes made that feelin’ even more intense an’ real. His eyes were glazed over a bit an’ his face seemed t’ be glowin’ from the fine sheen o’ sweat that covered his skin.

Ah wish Ah had a camera or somethin’ t’ capture that look, that exquisite expression on his face.

Logan was still inside o’ me when he lowered his head down onta mah chest. He just kinda curled up there, his breath warm an’ pantin’ against mah breasts. Wantin’ him as close as possible, Ah wrapped mah arms ‘round his shoulders. One hand was runnin’ up an’ down his back while Ah buried the other one in his damp hair.

That was, by far, the most amazin’ moment o’ mah life an’ Ah was so glad that it was Logan Ah got t’ share it with. Ah couldn’t imagine anyone else bein’ there with me then.

“I love you, Marie,” Logan murmured sleepily.

No one at all.

The End
