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The Tribe



(noun) the general name for an activity of any sort that required any mixture of daring, cunning and innovation.

Degrees of mission:

‘Not much of a mission’ – not much of a mission.

‘Mission’ – just your average mission….not particularily challenging.

‘Sweet mission’ – A better than average mission, usually involving the possibility of danger or embarrasment to the missionee.

‘Hell mission’ – The best kind of mission. Words cannot descrbie the euphoria one recieves from completing a task of such magnitude and (quite often) stupidity.

(verb) the actual process of carrying out this activity.

Coasters –

(noun) The Tribes most feared enemys. This word is used to refer to the infamous inhabitants of New Zealands West Coast, reknowned for their shady character, terrible weather and the illegal activities they conduct with local livestock. Needless to say, all those referred to by the tribe as ‘Coasters’ don’t necessarily come from the West Coast, but nonetheless are observed as having a simliar temperament. Avoid at all costs.

Classic –

(adject.) A term used to describe an event that was/is extremely memorable; usually due to its immensely humourous nature. Can also be used to describe a person, usually associated with said event, or with memorable/humourous characteristics.


Gay –

(adject.) A dangerous addition to the terminology, but it had to be in there. In Nelson, the word ‘gay’ has lost both its orginal meaning (happy) and its more recent secondary meaning (homosexual). The common Nelsonian now uses ‘gay’ to replace a number of negatvie words such as ‘crap’, ‘stupid’, ‘ridiculous’, ‘annoying’, ‘frustrating’, other such words to those effects.

Ta he he –

A form of laughter commonly used by the tribe in times of great amusement or boredom. Its origins shall remain undisclosed due to the risk of offence to certain native parties.

Spading –

(verb) 1. The process of digging with a spade

2. The process of hitting on members of the opposite sex in an obvious, amusing and often innovative way.

The Tribe has a long history of spading, and dealing with spaders.Spaders and spading, of the second variety, are often the butt of Tribe jokes…and there are plenty of those.

Spader –

(noun) One who engages in (or attempts to) the act of spading, of the second variety. The King of all Spaders currently resides in Christchurch, New Zealand, where he attends Canterbury University. His name shall remain undisclosed for political reasons.

Kai –

(noun) Coined from the local Moari word for ‘food’, this is used to mean very much the same thing, but is most often used in refernce to KFC, or chicken of any kind for that matter.

Legend –

(adject.) A term used to describe and event or person, usually meaning ‘awesome’, ‘wicked’ or ‘trucklods of fun’.

(noun) Someone with whom you would assocaite the above terms.

Coke –

(noun) A wonderful beverage containg caffiene and other nourishing substances. The staple diet of the Tribe, this ‘black gold’ is highly prized, but can also be used as a basic form of weaponary, or a device for recreation…eg a football, or a hackey sac.

Seagulls –

(noun) The unseen menace of Tahuna beach, Nelson. The Tribe came into many conflicts with these winged terrors, often having to fight for their lives with nothing but coke bottles full of sand and small bits of driftwood for defense.

A Goose –

(noun) A small winged animal.

Mullet –

(noun) A terrible mental condition, disguised as a haircut, that afflicts many people around the world. Usually a source of amusmement for the Tribe, the Mullet is nevertheless a dangerous thing when placed in the wrong hands. The International Society for the Prevention of Mullets (ISPM) has been petitioning for laws pertaining to the restriction of mullets for at least 20 years now – suggestions such as an age restriction for mullets (no child under 13 is permitted to wear one) and codes of conduct for Mullet wearers are all part of ISPM’s campaign to end this terrible scourge now and forever. For more info on Mullets, go to