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"I had been struck, the moment I saw her again, with her resemblance
to the princess,and could not doubt her the daughter of whom Adam had
told me; but in Lona the dazzling beauty of Lilith was softened by childlikeness,
and deepened by the sense of motherhood."

e l y s i u m | t h e m ys te ry | h e r b i v o r e | wo rl d | o ph e l ia | g u e s t b o o k | l i n k s |

llona's song


"you suddently find before you the city of moriana, its alabaster gates transparent in the sunlight, its coral columns supporting pediments encrusted with serpentine, its villas all of glass like aquariums where the shadows of dancing girls with silvery scales swim beneath the medusa-shaped chandeliers. You have only to walk a semi-circle and you will come into view of Moriana's hidden face, an expanse of rusting sheet metal, sackcloths, planks bristling with spikes, pipes black with soot, piles of tins, behind walls with fading signs, frames of staved-in straw chairs, ropes good only for hanging oneself from a rotten beam."