Honor's Camp is a special camp within the camp. While it is a great chance to see your camp friends for another year, Honor's camp is a special training opportunity for young adults. The purpose of Honor's Camp is to offer a special program of activity, study and fun for 40 responsible young ladies & gentleman who have completed the 9th grade (entering 10th grade in the fall.) Honor's campers work on leadership, mission projects, peer ministy training and many other skills to help them "to equip & train teens to be leaders as they minister to and care for their peers in the name of Jesus". Honor's camp runs side by side with regular camp & shares some activities, but mostly runs on it's own schedule. Prospective Honor's campers must fill out the application in the camp registration booklet and send it to the camp dean. Honors Camp Early Bird discounted registration for Camp Minneboji (grade 9) is $445 & regular registration will be $495. Early Bird registration runs up to April 1st, standard registration is from April 1st to May 1st. Pre-registration is $150. Honor’s Camp is limited to 40 participants. The Honor's Camp is made available especially to young people who have attended camp before but is not restricted to them. Due to available housing, our Honor's Camp is limited to 40 young people. Honor's Camp is for responsible young Christian campers who desire an enjoyable week of study, fun, new experiences & a time of wonderful Christian fellowship with each other. They are expected to be good examples to the rest of the camp. Honor's Camp provides a bit more free time, some later hours, and includes the following... an outing to Arnold's Park, Miniature golf & Go-Cart Racing, pizza, a service project at the camp (you may need some "work cloths" for it.) and always - GREAT friends. For the extra events, we suggest that you bring about $30 to $40 for spending money. For more information on Honors' Camp, contact the camp manager or camp dean.