Minneboji Lutheran Camp is for students, primarily from Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregations in South Dakota and southwestern Minnesota, who have completed grades 4 through 9. Registration information, medical information forms and camp booklets are available to download here on this website (go to our REGISTRATION PAGE by clicking HERE) or contact either the camp manager or the camp dean (Pastor Lehr). New registration booklets will go out to congregations around mid-March. For contact information for the Camp Manager & Camp Dean, click HERE to go to our contact information page. Camp Minneboji is located at Camp Okoboji Lutheran Camp on beautiful Lake Okoboji Iowa (for more information on Camp Okoboji CLICK HERE.). Every camper registration form MUST be signed by your Pastor, Vicar or DCE. You may request one cabin mate. Include that name on your registration blank. No more than 4 campers from one town will be assigned to the same cabin. Camp this year is June 18 through June 24, 2023. The camp will fill fast - REGISTER EARLY! The camp cost is for 7 days and is as follows…
Registration fees received by before April 1st are $415; registrations received between April 1st and May 1st is $465.
Final registration cut-off date is May 1, 2023 Pre-Registration fee is $150. (As always, we recommend that church groups put together fundraisers to help pay for camp registration.) This fee includes room & board, operation expenses, crafts, sports, and the outing to Arnold's Park. We have some bus options available, please see the registration form for details. For information on Honor's Camp fees, look on the Honor's camp page of the site. Camp registration begins at the camp grounds at 3:00pm on Sunday, June 18th and closes at 5:00pm. All price information currently listed is for 2023 camp year and is subject to change before 2024.
Minneboji Camp week begins with on-site registration (as discussed above) on Sunday, June 18 and ends at 10:00am on Saturday, June 24. Camp fees include the privilege to enjoy and participate in the camp program for the week, room & board for the week, the use of the camp and sports equipment, and insurance for costs of injuries not covered by your family policy. Camp fees do NOT include the cost of canteen services, postage, souvenirs, etc. We suggest that $15 to $20 is sufficient spending money for treats. If planning to purchase film, t-shirts, etc., additional money would be needed. We operate a banking system for all campers. All cash is deposited at the "bank". No cash is to be kept by campers or in the cabins. The canteen has soda pop, candy, film, souvenirs & t-shirts, stamps, toiletries...almost anything you want to get during designated store hours. No cash is accepted at the canteen after registration day until closing Saturday morning. All unused money from the camper's account is refunded to you on Saturday. T-shirts can be purchased at the time of registration or at the conclusion of camp.
Every effort is made at camp week to give your child a wonderful camp experience. Physically we try to do everything possible to take care of your youngster. Every cabin has counselors who are in charge of the cabin and sleep in the cabin with the children at night and is with them during most of the activities during the day. We do all that we can to take care of that bit of homesickness that many youngsters experience. You can rest assured that your child will be taken care of in our Christian camp. With Christian influence and under God's eternal protection, our Minneboji camp week is a wonderful and spiritual experience for your young girl or boy. We ask that parents are aware that camp is not a "confinement" center. Though we will do all in our power to provide for the personal needs of your boy or girl, we depend upon a spirit of cooperation on the part of all our participants. It follows that if the camp personnel cannot and do not assume liability in violation of camp rules.
Although there is access to phones on the camp grounds, we PROHIBIT any use of the telephone by campers. Please do not give your child cell phones, phone cards or ask for them to call you at any time during the week. We also ask that you parents not call your children except in the case of an emergency. We encourage the use of REGULAR MAIL rather than phone use. Please make your children aware of this fact. You may also send your camper EMAILs during the week at x@yahoo.com. Parents wanting to visit camp later in the week should first check with the camp dean or manager.
Children should not attend camp if they have contracted or been exposed to an infectious disease. The camp nurse will handle the distribution of medications as needed. If you must take special medication, please furnish the camp staff with the medication you are taking and the exact daily requirements. A refrigeration unit is available for storing any medications that so require. If there is any damage done by a camper to any part of the camp property, he/she will be billed for it and this must be paid before the camper will be allowed to leave the camp grounds to return home.
Camp Minneboji has consecrated Christian counselors interested in Christian ministry and Christ-centered relationships with boys & girls, who devote their time and talents for the camp week. Pastors & other professional church workers from Minnesota & South Dakota lead the camp activities as members of the camp staff. The staff and counselors recieve no pay. However, their room and board is paid for them out of the total operational expenses. If you are interested in becoming a camp counselor then CLICK HERE for more information. Lifeguards are in charge of all swim areas and are provided by the Camp Okoboji staff.
Note to drivers = The Saturday schedule concludes after the 9:30am closing devotions. Drivers are asked to pick up their riders before 10:00am on Saturday morning. Please be prompt! Also, remind your children to take all their belongings with them when they depart camp.