Camp Okoboji’s Current COVID Adjustments For Minneboji

NOTE: This information is current as of 2021 camp year. We assume it will be updated with new information for 2022. Currently no new information is available thanks. 03-18-22

Parents of campers, many precautions will be taken to create a safe camp experience & those precautions will hopefully reduce risk of Covid exposure, however there is no guarantee that Covid exposure will not happen. If you have a great fear of Covid spreading to your child(ren), then please do not send them.

Participant Pre-Arrival Health Monitoring |
Participants should monitor their health for persistent symptoms of COVID-19 for seven days prior to their arrival at Camp Okoboji. COVID-19 symptoms include fever, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, persistent cough, new loss of smell or taste, sore throat, congestion, or running nose. Participants that develop persistent COVID-19 symptoms must remain home. It is recommended that participants self-isolate as much as possible for seven days prior to their arrival to Camp Okoboji to minimize potential viral exposure and spread.

Health Screenings Upon Arrival |
Participants will receive a brief health screening upon their arrival. Expect the following to be included in a health screening
Have you tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 10 days? (Provide documentation)
To your knowledge, have you had close contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 10 days?
Have you had any COVID-19 symptoms now or within the last 10 days?
A contactless temperature check

Improved Hygiene Orientation For Staff, Volunteers, Campers, & Families |
Consistent signage for hygiene will be posted encouraging healthy hygiene practices (i.e. regular hand-washing, hand sanitizing, covering your cough) along with more accessibility to hand sanitizer in every building. The American Camp Association provides excellent recommendations for us to equip parents and participants to practice healthy habits prior to and after their experience at Camp Okoboji. View these excellent practices in this document: A Healthy Camp Begins And Ends At Home.

Facial Coverings |
All indicators point to facial coverings as one of several best non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are asking all Minneboji campers to bring along at least 7-10 face masks as there may be instances when they may need to wear one. Every effort will be made to minimize the times that it is necessary for masks to be worn.

Enhanced Cleaning Procedures |
To enhance the integrity of our facility cleanliness, we have updated our cleaning procedures. All facilities used between groups will be disinfected and sanitized utilizing EPA approved cleaning products that kill SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Facilities and bathrooms will be cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized regularly.

Outdoor Activities |
The beauty of summer camp is that it is beautiful in the summertime. So as much as possible, our activities will be outdoors.

Prepared For Response |
The Camp Okoboji staff & our Camp Staff will be prepared to respond to the presence of COVID-19. Minneboji, as always, will have our Nursing staff available at all times during the camp week. To view Camp Okoboki’s Communicable Disease Plan, Click Here.

Camp Okoboji Staff |
Camp Okoboji Staff are regularly washing and sanitizing their hands. We encourage our guests to do so as well.
During this time, Camp Okoboji is limiting the number of individuals in the Camp Office. Only two people are permitted in the Camp Office at one time.
Camp Okoboji Staff will be wearing facial coverings when indoors with guests or within 6 feet proximity of guests.

Dining Hall Procedures |
When feasible, program participants will eat outdoors.
When not feasible (i.e. inclement weather), program participants will eat indoors. Tables and chairs will be spaced out.
Dining Hall tables, chairs, and high-touch surfaces will be disinfected and sanitized after each meal.
Masks & gloves will be distributed during the serving process for camper use.
Further adjustments to dining hall procedures will be communicated to participants along with consistent signage.

Further Potential Adjustments To Programs |
We believe the measures we have in place will reduce viral exposure and spread among our program participants. However, we recognize the novelty of the coronavirus and the uncertainties that may still surface within the coming months. If the need arises, we are prepared to adjust our programs further. This page will be updated as needed as changes become known.


What if my child (camper) or member in my family tests positive for COVID-19 prior to their arrival to Camp Okoboji- Minneboji?
Participants are NOT to come to Camp Okoboji-Minneboji if they are sick, show any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, persistent cough, new loss of smell or taste, sore throat, congestion, or running nose), have flu-like symptoms, are aware that they’ve been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days, are in isolation because of COVID-19, or are involved in contact tracing of COVID-19. In essence, if you are sick and are likely to spread sickness, stay home.

What will happen with my deposit and any payments I've made if I need to cancel because of COVID-19 related illness or exposure?
We will ensure the safeguard of your deposits made. You may request and receive a refund of your deposit and payments made



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