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Allen's Baby Diary

Wednesday, September 1, 2004 @ 12:58am

Updating once a month isn't bad. Allen's got so much going on that I think I'll just list the items in order like I did on Nathan's diary page:

August 15, 2004
Grabbed for the toys on his bouncy seat with his hands for the first time

August 17, 2004
He found is toes with his hands for the first time. They are now a favorite plaything

August 19, 2004
Allen's first concert - Chris Isaak (who else *sigh*)

August 21, 2004
He laughed for the first time as I was bouncing him up and down on my knee and singing that lame Taco Bell song, "I'm just a guy, just a man, just a dude and I'm hungrrrrry…And I'm moving real fast 'cuz I'm going first class for steak at Taco Belllll!" At least someone thought it was funny!

August 24, 2004
Allen started scooting backward while laying on his tummy on the living room floor

Bryan's been letting Allen taste different flavors when we eat. I'm not sure how I feel about it but Allen sure watches all of us when we sit down for a meal. He's going to grow up faster than Nathan. Waaaaa!!! We're definitely going to have to have a third child…..

Thursday, August 4, 2004 @ 9:41pm

Wow, the kids just grow up so fast. Allen is already 3 months and 3 days old. I can't believe it. He is so cool and still such a good sleeper. We're so lucky to have our boys.

Today Allen rolled over from his tummy to his back. I can't believe he's already doing that. Nathan was 4 days short of 4 months when he did that for the first time. The first time he did it I thought it was just a fluke so I rolled him back onto his tummy and sure enough he rolled right on over to his back. Actually it's more like he rolls over onto his side and then kind of tosses this leg to the side to get onto his back. It's not a smooth roll yet but he definitely goes from his tummy to his back. Wow!

He does a lot of other fun stuff too. He's cooing and babbling up a storm and loves it when we imitate his sounds. He's also learning to use his hands to reach and grab things. His favorite thing to grab is my hair, ouch! Nathan was never a hair grabber but Allen is.

I'm seriously wondering if Allen is teething because he's always got those hands in his mouth. If you put a knuckle up to his mouth he'll start gnawing on it. And he's also drooling quite a bit. Nathan didn't get any teeth until he was almost 11 months old. In fact, Nate learned to walk before he had a single tooth! Of course he ended up getting four teeth in about six weeks, yikes!

Well, that's about it for updates on Allen. I'm sure I'll have more stuff soon!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 @ 7:15pm

Well, there're lots of firsts to report with Allen. I'll start from oldest to newest. He's been giving great big happy smiles since he was three weeks old. Now if you stand in front of him and say "Smile!" you'll get a great big one. He's holding his head up so strong already. Nathan was like that too. He loves to look around at everything. He's figured out how to put his hands in his mouth so that's a favorite pastime. Those hands are almost always in his mouth. If he has just a t-shirt on he grabs the shirt with both hands and jams it in his mouth. I've been putting him in onsies that snap between the legs to minimize the amount of cloth the kid puts in his mouth.

Allen's also had his first airplane ride. We went to San Diego so Bryan could attend the annual American Society of Enology and Viticulture's convention. We stayed with Bryan's parents so Allen got to meet his Aunt Lisa, Uncle Jim, and Great Nana for the very first time. He had lots of smiles to go around.

This week Allen has his first head cold. I didn't know that a baby so small could make so many boogers. Nathan thinks it's hilarious when Allen sneezes and those nasty greenies come running out of his nose. We've all got the same cold and it stinks.

The kids look so different but when Allen is asleep or nursing the resemblance comes rushing out to me. As he gets older he starts to look more like I remember Nathan looking as a baby. Allen's eyes are still gray. I think he will end up with brown eyes, maybe more like mine than Bryan's. He's still got lots of blond hair. What a cutie! I just took a whole bunch of new pictures of the kids so I'm eagerly awaiting my email from Snapfish! saying they are posted on the web.

Saturday, June 26, 2004 @ 1:41am

Wow! I can't believe that exactly eight weeks ago we were just now being admitted to the hospital and I was in labor with Allen. I can't believe all that has happened in the last eight weeks. To think that I was only about four and a half hours away from giving birth to Allen. Wow!

He's grown so much in those eight weeks. I have no idea how long he is now but he's a little chubber and weighs in around 15 pounds or so. Yikes! Nathan was only about 12 pounds at this age so there's a huge difference. They are such different babies - very opposite. Nathan never slept and Allen sleeps wonderfully. Nathan was always a little guy and Allen, so far, has always been a big guy. Nathan hardly had any hair and Allen has a whole bunch. Nathan's hair was dark and Allen's hair is fair. Nathan's eyes started out grey and turned brown fairly quickly. Allen's eyes started out blue and are grey right now.

They also have similarities. I think they have the same nose. Their necks were both always very strong. And the smiles ROCK!!!